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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. Red flag for 195 who rolls over adjacent to the starter. All ok.
  2. YF on lap 2 for 242 stranded on the exit of turn 4
  3. Heat 3 grid: 'C' 132 263 'B' 195 532 415 392 235 501 'A' 73 25 175 242 8 Star 555 2 191 259 166 Superstar 55 16 515 84
  4. Heat Two Happenings: 23 leads away. 515 hits 55 wide into turn 3 on lap 1. 502 and 484 follow suit the next time around. 73 is coming through rapidly from the back. 172 now leads. 259 is the next to have a pop at 55 into turn 3. At halfway 515 is closing on the lead duo. 191 gives 8 a whack into turn 3 at 4 to go. 73 takes the lead at 2 to go. 55 pushes 242 and 175 wide in turn 3. 242 then does the same to 175 at 1 to go. 172 tries to take the lead back from 73 entering the final turn as they come to the flag but ends up losing a couple of spots.
  5. Heat 2 result: 73 515 84 172 25 16 191 166 2 8 - 55 555 DNF: 23, 484, 259
  6. Heat 2 grid: 'C' 23 'B' 502 484 172 'A' 73 25 175 242 8 Star 555 2 191 259 166 Superstar 55 16 515 84 568 starting from the back
  7. Pit News: 235 - Porta power on the front right corner. 166 has arrived. 48 - Loading up. Diff blew after 4 laps in practice. An extra car has arrived - 55 Craig Finnikin.
  8. Heat One Happenings: 132 leads away. 392 and 235 engage in battle behind, with 484 giving chase. 532 puts 235 hard into the turn 3 fence. 195 spins in avoidance. Caution to remove the two cars. 501 takes the lead on the restart. 392 and 132 have a side to side banging match down the back straight. 501 takes the win by half a straight.
  9. Heat 1 result: 392 172 132 484 532 415 502 23 568 DNF: 263 195 235 Amended result. 501 disqualified after failing post-race checks. Thanks to 0S0 for the update 👍
  10. YF for the stranded 235 and 195 cars in turns 3 & 4 just before halfway
  11. W & Y Heat 1 grid: 'C' 23 132 263 'B' 235 195 502 532 484 415 172 392 501 568 from the back of the grid
  12. In the pits we have: 2 Paul Harrison 8 Catherine Harris 16 Mat Newson 23 Alistair Plant 25 Bradley Harrison 48 Shaun Webster 73 Chris Cowley 84 Tom Harris 132 James Hall-Morton x166 Bobby Griffin 172 Micky Randell 175 Karl Hawkins 191 Joshua Smith 195 Dean Whitwell x226 Darren Lindsay 235 Mick Haworth 242 Joe Nickolls 259 Paul Hines 263 Chris Worrall 392 Lewis Evans 415 Russell Cooper 484 Craig Utley 501 George Elwell 502 Ricky Wilson 515 Frankie Wainman 532 Daz Kitson 555 Frankie WainmanJrJr 568 Nick Schofield x Not arrived as yet
  13. Welcome to a breezy Buxton folks. Just myself today. Here's hoping for a decent signal. 12:30 start. 2/3 format Heat 1 - Race 2 Heat 2 - Race 6 Heat 3 - Race 9 Final - Race 13 GN - Race 16 Junior Stoxkarts, Stoxkarts and National Ministox share the bill today. First job is to get the waterproofs on 😀 Back in a bit with who's in the pits 👍
  14. GN Notes: 163 leads away. 268 pulls off before the race start. 55 spins out in turn 2 in the early going. 216 lets 346 and 335 have it into turn 3. 127 joins in the fun next time around. 163 is left facing the wrong way on the exit of turn 4. The cars pass both sides at full racing speed. Caution to move Mark to safety. 120 heads the restart. 235, 463 and 138 all come to grief in turn 4 towards race end. 5 to go sees 212 gaining on 120. Soon after Danny is through and away to the win with another forceful drive. He was certainly not taking any prisoners today. That's it folks. I'll be back from Buxton 👍
  15. Pit News: 84 - Porta power on the front axle. Brake pipe change. 525 - R/h half shaft sheared at the diff end. 216 - Working on the front right corner. 268 - Porta power on the front axle. 515 - Rear left hub assy removed. Adaptor piece inserted in the axle. Ratchet chain and porta power brought into play to try and bring the axle end back into line.
  16. Final Focus: 548 leads away. Dan spins out in turn 4 before he crosses the line. 335 and 25 lock together in turn 4 on lap 1. 502 loses traction on the exit of turn 2 and ends up on the infield. 216 goes around in turn 4. 463 and 364 lock together and ram the fence in turn 4. Caution for a stranded 268 in turn 1. 163 heads the restart. All the reds charge down the back straight in a blur of colour, and clash of steel. The end result is a big pile up for those in front. 127, 548, 525 and 338 are all caught up in the mayhem. The 548 car finishes on its side. 163 heads this second restart. 84 pulls off before the green flag waves. 16 up to 3rd at this stage of the race. 212 is ruthless with the front end making hard contact with anyone in his way, including 515. 5 and 55 dice through turn 1 with Charlie slicing up the inside. 259 sends 21 into a spin in turn 4. Caution for a broadside 2 and 289 on the homestraight. 16 heads this 3rd restart. 515 has a wayward moment exiting turn 4 which lets 212 through. Next time around Frankie locks together with 216 and both ram the fence on the turn 4 exit. The 515 car is left hanging off the fence. Caution flag. 16 heads the 4th restart. Next to do a combined charge on the fence are 93 and 120 in turn 3. 55 suffers a flat left rear when in 2nd place. 501 pulls off with the prop-shaft pulled out of the diff. Mat takes the win.
  17. Pit News: 326 - Diff strip-down in op. 11 - Ratchet chaining the right rear bumper corner prior to welding. 163 - Porta power on the front axle again. 20 - Gearbox out.
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