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Roy B

Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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Everything posted by Roy B

  1. Many thanks to Nigel Anderson for the following update concerning last night's Final result: After 4 hours of messaging/emailing both 157 and 515 have been removed from the result. It now reads 1(84), 212, 8, 217, 501, 16, 20, 2, 259, 242, 73, 166
  2. An update on the Final result. 157 failed the post race weigh in. 515 also under investigation for weight. No confirmed amended result at this time. That's it folks. I'll be back from Skegness 👍
  3. GN RESULT: 157 - 8 - 212 - 501 - 16 - 2 - 20 - 217 - 25 - 463 - 287 - 1 DNF: 499 - 73 - 381 - 178
  4. GN NOTES: 559 leads away. 499 and 73 lock together on the home straight and career onto the centre. 8 and 515 are on a charge. 501 does a slide job on 505 into turn 1 who then whacks the fence. 8 now leads with Tom playing wingman against the 157 torpedo. Notwithstanding this Adam makes his move to take the top spot from Catherine at 3 to go and sets sail for the win.
  5. GN GRID: LAP HANDICAP - 1 W - 559 - 505 - 530 Y - 499 - 287 - 178 - 157 B - 25 - 73 - 242 - 8 - 381 R - 48 - 501 SHOOTERS 2 463 217 515 16 212 20
  6. There is a possible change to the Final result. Still in discussion but it does not involve 1st place.
  7. Pit News: The following have loaded up - 484 - 172 - 327 - 226. In addition 259 has loaded up with brake problems, and 166 with an oil leak.
  8. FINAL RESULT: 1 - 515 - 157 - 212 - 8 - 217 - 501 - 16 - 20 - 2 - 259 - 242 DNF: 172 - 499 - 530 - 484 - 505 - 25 - 48 - 339
  9. Final Focus: 559 leads away. 501 passes all the blue grade in one move. An early caution for a stranded 339 on the back straight. Restart order is 226 - 287 - 559 157 is soon through to lead. 8 and 515 are putting in a strong performance. Catherine keeps with Frankie after he passes her. At halfway 1 hits 157 wide into turn 1 and takes the top spot. Adam has no chance to retaliate this time as Tom is carrying phenomenal speed down the straights. 226 and 530 come to a stop on the outside of turn 3. 1 lap to go sees 515 pass 157 with a push into turn 1. Adam launches a pile-driver of a hit in return entering turn 3 but to no avail. A win for the World Champ.
  10. FINAL GRID: W - 499 - 559 - 226 - 530 - 505 Y - 339 - 484 - 287 - 178 - 172 - 157 B - 381 - 8 - 25 - 73 - 242 R - 48 - 501 SHOOTERS 166 259 2 463 1 217 515 16 20 212
  11. Pit News: 368 - Loading up. 515 - Diff rebuild in op. 166 - Losing oil from around the gearbox.
  12. Paul Harrison joined the grid for Heat 3 but pulled off before the green flag as the officials would not allow him to start as it was not his allocated race. He missed his original race after running out of time sorting his brakes
  13. HEAT THREE RESULT: 1 - 157 - 73 - 48 - 8 - 212 - 16 - 25 - 259 - 178 - 463 - 242 DNF: 172 - 287
  14. Heat Three Happenings: 226 leads away. 559 takes over the lead within a lap. 166 and 157 are firing em'in. 1 is coming through the field once again. 166 rides over the bonnet of 226 in turn 3. At halfway it's 157 - 73 - 1 5 to go 1 passes 73 with a tap into turn 1. At 1 to go 157 loses the top spot to 1 into turn 1. Adam puts a monster hit in on the World Champ into turn 3 as they come to the flag but Tom rides it out to take the win.
  15. Heat 3 brought forward. HEAT 3 GRID C - 226 - 530 - 559 B - 287 - 484 - 178 - 172 - 157 A - 368 - 242 - 73 - 8 R - 48 SHOOTERS 166 259 463 1 515 16 212
  16. Pit News: 515 - Diff strip down in op. Crown wheel and pinion u/s.
  17. Race order changed. F1 Final now before F2 Final.
  18. HEAT TWO RESULT: 157 - 8 - 381 - 217 - 212 - 501 - 242 - 20 - 339 - 178 - 505 - 287 DNF: 226 - 327 - 515
  19. Heat Two Happenings: 505 leads away. 166 is slow to get away. 157 gives 530 a whack into turn 3. 381 is involved in a battle with 157 into turn 3. The pair swap places numerous times over the next few laps. 501 fires 287 into the turn 1 fence. 381 now leads. 157 takes the top spot from 381 with a big hit into turn 3. At halfway it's 157 - 381 - 8. These 3 are clear of the rest. The lead duo's battle allows 8 to move in and take 2nd from 381. 515 retires. 157 fires 8 into turn 3 on the last lap to snatch 2nd spot. This turns into the race win after 381 is docked two places for a jump start.
  20. HEAT 2 GRID W - 505 - 530 Y - 499 - 287 - 484 - 327 - 178 - 339 - 157 A - 25 - 242 - 381 - 8 R - 501 SHOOTERS 166 463 217 515 20 212 Pit gate closed with 2 in pit lane.
  21. It's big coat time. Temp's dropped to 13C with a very damp mist hanging overhead. A marked contrast to last weekend folks.
  22. Pit News: 327 - Timing up the engine. 368 - Rad cap came off after hitting the fence. The team are partially stripping the engine after it lost water and overheated.
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