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Everything posted by John_S

  1. This is one of my fabourite meetings of the season and shaping up to be better than ever. The V8s booking list has some interesting entries too. Anyone got info about who is using who's cars? Looks like there might be some straight swaps there.
  2. £20 for an adult is good value but charging full whack for a teenager is going to put off a lot of people. When I go racing I take my son who is 14. We always buy food at the stadium so they're getting more money through that. Paying full price for him makes it too expensive and we'll end up going to less meetings or picking the ones where they have a more reasonable approach to kids pricing. It's not the way to encourage more families through the turnstiles.
  3. It was open last Saturday, I think they finished the work early. It will say on the matrix signs if it is closed today.
  4. Brilliant, thanks for all the results this weekend
  5. Sorry to hear you're selling up. Hope this helps
  6. Thanks for the results Nic, brilliant service for those of us unable to get to so many meetings
  7. I'm selling the above book by Paul Huggett - its a Haynes manual sized book which is great snapshot of racing in 1980. Load of black and white pics of the then top drivers in various disciplines of UK oval racing and the history of the sport to that point. It's on Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121647337555?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
  8. Thinking of bringing my 11 year old son along to see this, would he get a chance to have a go? We don't have any cars or kit (other than a few dozen Scalextric cars).
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