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Mark B

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  • Interests
    Martial arts, Shaolin Temple, Stockcar design and Engineering, PSPA / CBD Organisation / Marie Curie
  • Association with F1

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  1. Cracking interview, many thanks
  2. saw on Insta that 84 got 2nd..
  3. Very much appreciated, have fun with the new aditions to the family.
  4. Dunc, good luck with contacting Skegness stadium. 5 emails and 1 letter plus many phone calls to a number that doesnt seem to work .. Does anyone have any contact details for Skegness that actually get answered ?
  5. Yes top work as always and much appreciated
  6. brilliant track that usually brings top notch racing. However the facilities are absolutely awful and I would state the toilets are a health hazard - real shame to be honest
  7. I couldn't find them eiher Ozzy, however a google came up with a website called cafe press with some pretty naff looking articles covering lots of drivers - not sure if they are licenced or not
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