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malvern man

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    Ex rally driver, got 'dragged' along to a mid 2006 season meeting by 121 VIC, hooked ever since.

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  1. MONDAY ODSAL 'UPDATE' With an emotional week upcoming and the Birmingham Inquest starting tomorrow, a few notes in terms of updates as this week is certainly going to be time consumed elsewhere. With the infrastructure of the track [ shale ] now completed on Friday 26th February, the track team have a little window of time whilst we let the track settle,rest and dry and harden before, in around 10 days time, we start adding more material, currently under procurement such as a red limestone / mix and then 'top dressing' so we can start preparing it as a 'race track' and in the next 10 days that work will commence and be ongoing right up until the day we open and is well in hand. Equipment has / and is being delivered to Odsal and we are currently looking around for a new tractor and telescopic handler for use at Odsal. The next big workload phase starts next Monday 8th March and we have agreed a reasonable price with Norfolk's Karl Gilbert who submitted a competitive quotation for a turnkey solution for Shot blasting and painting all the steel work in the stadium, a substantive job that will take Karl's workforce a good seven days - and another we are delighted to 'keep within the sport' - This will also include painting the fence inside and out! This is where we have passionately been driving Odsal in going the extra mile, and this is where your kind support in donations has been a huge boost, enabling us to do much more and is helping in part to fund 'additional' work, and as we continue, there is a lot more we wish to achieve and, if you can assist with a small donation, it of course all helps. We had originally planned to undertake a lot of this 'reboot' work with many of you who had volunteered time and resource however as the weeks tick on and lockdown, we have as yet no visibility as to when we can allow our 'volunteer' army on site to lend a hand so we have bitten the bullet so as not to slow progress down, by engaging companies so we can make progress and to a timetable, it comes at additional cost, however, for us, we are moving the job along! We have agreed as part of the refurbishment, the installation of brand new emergency gates along Rooley Avenue - there are six of them - and they are BIG [ but very old and rusty] and campaigned for replacement and between ourselves, Bulls and RFL have agreed a three way split in the cost and delighted that Helliwells have quoted and been given this job to fabricate, paint and fir, scheduled by the end of March. Commencing 15th March, thanks to the generous support of Paul Goodison Landscapes, the huge task of reshaping and tidying up the overgrown landscaping is due to start, a big job and around 10 days for the team. Therefore within 28 days, visually you start to be able to see our dream and passion develop before your very eyes and the first stage of Making Odsal great - it's happening! The RFL & Bulls too are fully engaged in planning their return and what is required. Our weekly progress meetings continue with quotations now in hand for a complete refurbishment of the floodlighting, considerable works in the South Stand underway, refurbishments of the Pavillion and Touch down Bars and toilet refurbishments along with a myriad of other essential jobs and, despite a delay in the opening dates our ambition remains to complete all major works by the end of the month so, moving into April with your generosity to fund and support and hopefully an easing of restrictions, our volunteer army can come on site to lot's of additional 'nice to' extra jobs big and small to improve the stadium even further - Power washing areas external walls, inside areas - all to show our pride. Again, our ongoing support is welcome. Fly signs will shortly be revealing the artwork and banners produced for those who have already supported our efforts with Trackside banner sponsorship - and we still have availability, drop is a line. Hopefully by the end of the month we hope to be in a position to announce a date for a controlled 'Open Day' where we can invite people to look at the South Stand and it's facilities and appreciate the value of the VIP 140 Patrons Club. In summary, plenty happening! The 'New' Bulls and ourselves are passionate about Odsal and it's future. So that's the next few weeks! Now, on to fixtures and our opening plans: Since the Government announcement last Monday, we spent last week digesting the statement and as advised Startrax will open our 2021 campaign on Saturday 22nd May at Odsal with, we can now confirm, Stan Woods Celebration 21 - so we start on a 'high' with a tremendous opening event that means so much to so many. We are hoping under guidance from the government, that we may be permitted a larger capacity than it likely would have had if staged late April, but the crowd will still be 'limited' so you are advised to get tickets asap. TICKETS PRE PURCHASED for April 24th are valid for the restaging date, you need do no more, they are automatically transferred Several days later, on Holiday Monday May 31st we plan to stage the much awaited 'opening' event for BriSCA F1 Stock Cars as originally planned for April 3rd. This event was already SOLD OUT based on estimated maximum capacity as of January - We are optimistic that the limit will be raised slightly and we will communicate later this month what that may be and IF/when we can make more tickets available, these will go on sale Monday 5th April. Again, TICKETS PRE PURCHASED for April 3rd remain valid for the restaging date, you need do no more, they are automatically transferred - sponsorship kindly agreed also transfers to this event The last of the three openers planned will be SATURDAY JUNE 12th and will be for SUPER LEAGUE TEAMS for National Micro Bangers [ rules ] and 12 teams of 6 are planned - There will be support formulae. BriSCA and the ORCi will be meeting over the next 10 days to review and ratify fixtures in light of current circumstances and later in the month we hope to be able as do others, our full fixture plans for both Sheffield and Odsal. Looking ahead, another emotional evening beckons at Odsal. Following the untimely passing in recent weeks of popular former racer Mick Hodgson, we have been contacted by Jonathan on behalf of the family who would like to have a special 'memorial' meeting at Odsal to remember Mick and we feel honored that the family would like it at Odsal. After several discussions, we have agreed a date for the event and below are the families ideas which we will work with. The family will deal with ALL bookings direct and Phil Morris will be our point person in terms of dialogue over rules / format etc We have agreed a date for this for your diary, SATURDAY 25th September and further details will be advised ongoing as to how this develops. In discussion it does seem there is a lot of interest in this! MAYHEM FOR MAD MICK 73 TSB Mad Mick Hodgson Memorial Sponsored by CTH fabrication Supporting NHS and Diabetes Unlimited bangers and National Ministox. NHS discount for NHS staff in crowd Fund raising for NHS / Diabetes Charities Unlimited banger meeting, strictly no MPV previas etc. No head - ons on the straights. Awards for Rarest car £100 and trophy Best wreck £100 and trophy Entertainer of the day £100 and trophy Best presented car £100 and trophy Driver of the day... (not a winner) £100 and trophy
  2. Click for full size.
  3. This one? Click for full size
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  6. Click for full size.
  7. The new 2010 jcstoxpics calendar is now available on ebay. Relisted on the link below, still 8 available. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT Cheers, Chris.
  8. The new 2010 jcstoxpics calendar is now available on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT
  9. We have various F1 Stock Car mouse mats and table coasters for sale on ebay, please see the links below. Please see 'view sellers other items' for all the ones we have on there. We can make mouse mats, coasters, key rings etc from any photo on our website. Mouse Mats, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=012 Coasters, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=012
  10. Here are photos of the 91, 434 and 21 cards.
  11. Here are photos of the 212 and 507 cards.
  12. My wife has hand made these 4 layer decoupage F1 Stock Car greetings cards. As well as the ones on ebay she has just finished two more, 212 Danny Wainman and 507 Neil Smith. At the moment they are all one offs as they take her around an hour and a half each to make. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRISCA-SET-OF-3-HAND...id=p3286.c0.m14
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