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Dave Wayne

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  • Location
    Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts
  • Interests
    F1,F2,Saloons,Bangers,Mansfield Town FC
  • Association with F1
    1st meeting 1969 aged 2 wks - ex F2 306

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  1. I was going to say "just the lower graders" but yes you would still be right. 😂
  2. Not that I would try and influence the vote, but wouldn't it be great to see some of the 'long termers' who would have raced at Odsal before having the chance to compete in this race, such as 34, 88, 277, 424 ?
  3. There are 138 bangers booked in for the World Series event on 22nd May, but as far as I am aware there hasn't been a booking list issued yet for the 29th.
  4. Marion was part of the furniture at Trackstar for many years and latterly with the SSCA. Most drivers had run-ins with her at times, but she was also a very fair and friendly person who would look out for the drivers as if they were her own kids. Even though it is now 20 years since I last raced, she still always had time for a chat and a bit of banter. A very sad loss, and my thoughts are with her family, but particularly with John.
  5. Is there really any need for this post ? A fantastic book has been written about our sport detailing events that happened 40-50+ years ago. Many of those mentioned are no longer with us, memories have faded, and stories have been embellished over time. The effort and research that has gone into this publication should be applauded, not nitpicked for minor details. If you have an issue with the book then contact the author in private rather than pulling him apart on an internet forum. For the record, I am half way through the book, and am absolutely loving it, despite the few minor errors. If I wanted to be pedantic I could point out that I have found 3 that you haven't even mentioned, which just goes to prove that nobody is perfect. So once again, thanks Neil for a great book that has filled in the back stories behind many of my childhood memories and given me great entertainment. 👍
  6. I may be wrong, but wasn't Stanton Works once touted as a possible replacement site for Long Eaton ?
  7. Don't know if it's just me, but the plate looks like it is 'overlapped', which is fine for the F1s, F2s, Minis, etc. that run anti-clockwise, but will it not leave 'steps' in the plate that clockwise formulas such as Saloons and Bangers will snag on ?
  8. There were grandstands on both straights in the tarmac days, and the start/finish line was on the opposite side, but when the stadium re-opened in 1985 after the shale was put down both stands had been demolished and a new one built on the side that then became the home straight.
  9. Simple answer to that Andy is that the government should rack up whatever debts are necessary to protect lives. Businesses and the economy can be rebuilt, but people can't be brought back to life. If tax rates have to go up in the future then so be it as it is a price worth paying if it reduces the number of fatalities from Covid.
  10. 180 was never a full time driver. Courtney was having occasional outings in a borrowed car thanks to some friendly sponsors. I would imagine that having had 5 years of the family concentrating on her racing during her ministox career she is now sitting back while her brother gets the same family support.
  11. Promoter seeks car to borrow for weekend. Must have large bumpers. 😂
  12. No pit access for fans last week so I doubt there will be today.
  13. I went to Buxton yesterday for F2s and V8s. All I received when I paid was my paypal receipt so I was a bit concerned as I expected something from the actual promotion. I made sure I had it available on my phone, but when I arrived they didn't even ask to see it, just asked my name and marked it off on a list they had printed off. I would advise having the receipt available though, either electronically or printed, as they may be a bit more rigorous with the checking at a higher profile meeting.
  14. In case you hadn't noticed, the new government regulations are that hospitality (such as bars) has to be seated with table service only. Therefore the 'council persons' as you call them have no option but to insist that the bars at Kings Lynn cannot be used.
  15. Just for reference, the Buxton website is quoting the following prices : Admission Prices Adults - £20 OAPs - £16 Children 9 to 15yrs - £8 KIDS UP TO AGE 8 FREE Trackside Parking £8
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