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Everything posted by nic

  1. Thanks for the thanks For those that want to know I couldn't email or surf yesyerday! C Grade White 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 392 Chad Evans 440 Craig Aston B Grade - Yellow 41 Robert Broome 73 Rob Cowley 91 Tony Smith 221 Shaun Blakemore 224 Mark Gray 231 Daniel van Spijker 249 Jonathon Gibson 287 Sean Willis 306 Ian Noden 325 Richard Davies 327 Anthony Davis 421 Jack Aldridge 460 Chris Cooke 446 Joe Booth 512 Michael Steward A Grade - Blue 11 Neil Scriven 37 Chris Cowley 45 Nigel Harrhy 48 Shaun Webster 166 Bobby Griffin 174 Paul Poulter 183 Steve Whittle 191 Joshua Smith 220 William Hunter 300 Paul Carter 321 Ed Neachell 335 Mark Woodhull 372 Colin Goodswen 388 Paul Ford 462 Scott Davids Star Grade Red 4 Daniel Johnson 12 Michael Scriven 21 Mark Gilbank 53 John Lund 150 Mick Sworder 172 Michael Randell 217 Lee Fairhurst 259 Paul Hines 464 Luke Davidson Superstar Grade Red + Flashing lights 2 Paul Harrison 16 Matt Newson 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr V8 1(131) 6 26 40 64 117 139 149 157 17 205 211 222 227 245 251 266 281 298 309 328 333 355 373 376 409 414 478 498 510 517 525 532 575 Minis 1 2 8 10 21 60 69 112 124 128 147 152 154 180 202 246 251 262 269 285 287 291 299 313 320 326 361 434 613 798
  2. Grand National result 150 94 212 337 231 152 216 217 238 91 191 NOF DNF 444 45 515 198 445 424 That's all folks
  3. Lap 3 yf 444 in t2 fence and t2 fence post out of hole All ok Slight delay Race order 424 337 91 152 150 217 198 212 216 94 191 231 238 515 45 445
  4. Grand National on track 445 lap handicap 216 424 91 198 337 422 444 45 152 191 94 150 217 212 515 231
  5. Final result 445 150 212 94 191 152 217 337 515 215 444 238 DNF 422 424 91 225 318 216 220 45 198
  6. 445 Nigel Green wins the final 2nd 150 3rd 212 Nigels first F1 final win!
  7. Lap 13 ish yf Fence post on t3 come out of hole Race order 445 169 444 198 45 231 150 212 94 215 217 152 191 515 337 444 134 NOR I think 198 444 231 150 are a lap down
  8. final on track 134 216 424 91 198 225 238 276 337 422 444 45 152 169 191 215 220 445 94 150 217 212 318 515 231 DNS 313 326 16
  9. Heat 3 result 318 198 337 515 94 217 152 220 191 91 326 424 DNF 215 444 445
  10. Heat 3 on track 424 91 198 225 326 337 424 444 45 152 191 220 445 94 217 318 515 DNS 16 313
  11. Heat 2 result 445 318 422 217 515 150 231 313 238 191 169 16 Matt Newson has loaded up due to terminal engine failure\damage
  12. Lap 2 yf 276 on t3 race line All ok Race order 424 422 326 238 313 134 445 318 515 150 217 191 231 212 216 220 215 169
  13. Heat 2 on track 424 216 134 422 326 238 276 313 220 445 191 169 215 150 217 515 318 212 231+
  14. Heat 1 result 212 16 94 216 152 215 169 91 225 231 238 150 DNF 337 198 276 45
  15. Heat 1 on track 134 216 276 238 444 337 91 198 225 45 169 152 215 94 150 16 212 231+
  16. 2/3rds format and in the pits today Whites 134 John Brown 216 Jack France 424 Michael Heywood Yellows 91 Tony Smith 198 Nigel Whalley 225 Mark Clayton 231 Daniel van Spijker 238 Richard Bryan 276 Mark Poole 313 Karl Roberts 326 Mark Sargent 337 Dave Willis 422 Ben Riley 444 Paul-Jay Lemons Blues 45 Nigel Harrhy 152 Neil Scothern 169 Billy Johnson 191 Joshua Smith 215 Geoff Nickolls 220 William Hunter 445 Nigel Green Reds 94 John Dowson 150 Mick Sworder 217 Lee Fairhurst Superstars 16 Matt Newson 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 515 Frankie Wainman National minis 1 2 8 10 53 58 69 99 101 154 158 180 198 202 211 242 246 251 291 326 361 434 598 613 798 F2 13 19 26 49 139 158 177 178 184 204 219 225 226 298 364 377 381 388 417 448 524 533 548 578 589 606 647 714 724 728 735 768 788 834 887 905 925 926 942 977 987 995
  17. Gn result 21 212 150 16 191 220 306 338 515 175 169 45 Grade awards 16 21 335 306 451 That's all folks
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