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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 6 yf 207 and 501 in t1 fence All ok Race order 45 152 21 259 212 2 53 463 422 169 215 134 207 nor
  2. Lap 3 yf 76 in t2 fence and 280 on t1 race line All ok Race order 45 306 207 152 215 21 2 515 259 212 169 502 53 293 463 422 501 134 104 nor
  3. Heat 1 on track 32 134 280 415 208 45 76 104 207 215 293 306 502 514 152 169 422 463 2 259 53 21 16 212 515 501+ Heat 2 cancelled So its 2\3rds or 2 heats + cons
  4. 501 George Elwell is doing his 5 laps
  5. Meeting number 25 Sunny with welcome breeze In the pits Whites 32 44 120 134 208 280 307 308 415 501 Yellows 45 76 91 104 105 175 207 215 244 276 293 306 313 326 451 502 514 Blue 34 152 169 231 249 335 338 422 463 Reds 2 4 21 53 94 220 259 445 Superstars 16 55 212 217 318 515
  6. Great performance by Jordon Thank you for the results Nic
  7. Grand National result 175 94 4 318 217 152 169 53 45 515 DNF 449 422 212 198 53 237 191 8th for 53 may or may not be wrong! That's all folks!
  8. Grand National on track 175 198 499 237 45 191 169 152 422 94 53 4 515 217 318 212
  9. Owlerton Stadiums 200th F1 meeting final result 55 4 2 318 212 217 169 152 134 NOF
  10. 55 Craig Finnikin wins the final 2nd 4 3rd 2
  11. 1 lap to go yf 337 and 444 in t1 fence All ok Race order 152 249 4 55 318 2 212 169 217 134 NOR
  12. Lap 2 yf Wheel on race line Race order 175 337 444 249 191 152 237 422 158 338 259 4 335 94 217 55 318 212 2 134 nOR
  13. Sorry 313 did not win Final on track 24 134 175 237 249 326 337 444 152 169 191 335 338 422 2 4 53 94 259 55 212 217 318 515 DNS 91 231
  14. Consolation result First ten to the final 175 217 335 237 91 134 212 169 152 231 499 DNF 198 238 207 415 45 308 313
  15. Lap 6 yf 308 in t3 fence All ok Race order 175 207 335 152 217 212 313 91 169 134 231 499 NOR
  16. Lap 5 yf 134 and 415 in t1 fence All ok Race order 308 175 237 499 335 152 217 45 212 313 91 169 231 134 NOR
  17. Consolation on track 134 308 415 91 175 198 207 231 237 238 313 499 45 152 169 335 212 217 DNS 108
  18. Heat 2 result 249 259 2 318 338 53 422 444 212 237 DNF 217 134 313 308 45 169 231 108
  19. Heat 2 on track 108 134 308 91 231 237 249 313 444 45 169 338 422 2 53 259 212 217 318
  20. Heat 1 result 4 24 55 337 94 191 515 326 238 499 NOF
  21. 4 Dan Johnson wins heat 1 with last bender on 24!
  22. Lap 7 yf 207 198 152 in back straight fence All ok Race order 24 175 238 515 55 337 4 191 94 326 499 NOR
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