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Everything posted by nic

  1. In the pits X cars denotes not arrived at the time I paddled in the pits-lol FORMULA ONE Whites 24 Mark Adkins 32 Chris Farnell 134 John Brown 386 Joe Thompson 424 Michael Heywood 444 Paul-Jay Lemons Yellows 76 Aaron Cozens 91 Tony Smith 166 Bobby Griffin 207 Ben Hurdman 216 Jack France 237 Ollie Ives 238 Richard Bryan 249 Jonathon Gibson 276 Mark Poole 313 Karl Roberts 337 Dave Willis 372 Colin Goodswen 467 Tim Farrell in the 306 car 499 David Allen Blues 11 Neil Scriven 12 Michael Scriven 34 Mal Brown 37 Chris Cowley 169 Billy Johnson 231 Daniel van Spijker 338 Chris Brocksopp 388 Paul Ford in 422 car 463 James Morris Reds 2 Paul Harrison 22 Will Yarrow 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard 53 John Lund 94 John Dowson 150 Mick Sworder 191 Joshua Smith 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines 445 Nigel Green 464 Luke Davidson Superstars 16 Matt Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman I will update as the mtg progresses
  2. Yf lap 10ish 318 on t1 race line Spun himself out hitting 212 All ok Race order 388 12 321 518 150 515 300 217 421 55 16 4 464 422 220 445 NOR
  3. Yf lap 10ish 318 on t1 race line Spun himself out hitting 212 All ok Race order 388 12 321 518 150 515 300 55 16 4 464 422 220 445 NOR
  4. Yf lap 1 172 and 512 in t4 fence. 512 is half on the fence! All ok Race order 518 388 300 12 321 48 259 84 515 150 421 422 16 55 217 390 212 2 etc
  5. Heat 1 on track Trust Fund Race Closed Grid 48 518 300 321 12 37 422 388 512 421 150 445 220 172 464 4 259 2 390 16 318 84 55 515 217 212
  6. Today sunny race format 2 heats, cons, final, gn. First 12 of heats and first 8 of cons to final In the pits Whites 143 Adam Bamford 301 Mark Allen 325 Richard Davies 415 Russell Cooper 460 Chris Cooke Yellows 14 Roger Bromley 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 48 Shaun Webster 73 Rob Cowley 91 Tony Smith 108 Peter Hobbs 166 Bobby Griffin 195 Dean Whitwell 196 Murray Jones 202 Henry Hunter 287 Sean Willis 306 Ian Noden 372 Colin Goodswen 446 Joe Booth 462 Scott Davis in 16 car 499 David Allen 518 Stuart Sheville Jnr Blues 12 Michael Scriven 37 Chris Cowley 174 Paul Poulter H195 Harmen Zwerver 231 Daniel van Spijker 300 Paul Carter 321 Ed Neachell 388 Paul Ford 421 Jack Aldridge 422 Ben Riley 512 Michael Steward Reds 2 Paul Harrison 4 Daniel Johnson 150 Mick Sworder 172 Michael Randell 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines H380 Christian Weijwnberg 445 Nigel Green 464 Luke Davidson Superstars 16 Matt Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 84 Tom Harris 212 Danny Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman Jn
  7. GN result 372 217 16 183 515 166 446 37 421 422 DNF 318 202 464 That's all folks
  8. GN on track 390 25 41 166 183 202 372 446 37 231 421 422 2 191 464 16 212 217 318 515
  9. Skegness 250th final result 390 202 217 183 318 515 16 4 166 422 DNF 446 37 231 518 2 421 212 36
  10. 390 wins the Frank Hughes Memorial Final 2nd 202 surviving a last bender from 217 3rd 217
  11. Lap 9 yf 2 rollover on t2 All ok race order 183 202 390 166 372 25 217 318 4 515 16 422 512 191 464 36 504 326 212 499 41 NOR
  12. Lap 5 yf 37 231 518 in t1 fence All ok Race order 183 202 372 166 25 512 521 390 422 36 318 4 2 217 515 16 212 41 191 464 73 326 504 499 NOR
  13. Final on track (All in) 25 36 41 73 166 183 202 326 372 446 499 518 37 231 421 422 512 2 4 191 220 464 16 212 217 318 390 515 504+ DNS 48 91 195 196 300
  14. Heat 3 result Presentation by Willie Harrison 372 499 318 2 515 446 36 518 217 16 DNF 504 196 512
  15. Heat 3 on sunny track 36 91 166 195 196 326 372 446 499 518 37 231 422 512 2 191 16 212 217 318 390 515 504+ DNS 48 300
  16. Heat 2 result Presentation by Frankie Wainman Senior 25 16 512 202 464 212 166 4 421 41 DNF 217 183 196 300 220 446
  17. Lap 4 yf 183 in t4 fence All ok Race order 73 202 25 422 166 41 512 16 300 4 191 212 421 464 220 231 196 446 518 nor
  18. Heat 2 on wet track 202 73 446 196 25 41 166 518 183 422 300 421 231 512 191 4 464 220 16 217 212
  19. Lee's lap handicap in reality was just over a quarter a lap due to quantity of cars, but it was still a very good performance!
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