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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 1 on track 415 440 444 448 501 91 104 175 207 216 326 337 338 451 11 34 249 4 21 51 150 202 259 16 318
  2. In the pits I will update during the meeting Whites 44 134 166 307 311 415 440 444 448 501 Yellows 45 73 76 91 104 207 215 216 224 231 238 244 276 293 306 326 337 338 451 Blues 11 34 249 321 335 422 463 Reds 4 21 51 53 94 150 191 202 220 259 Superstars 16 55 84 212 318 54 cars Brisca Heritage 7 33 55 59 173 190 219 286 417 495 544
  3. Grand National result 94 2 84 212 388 55 53 16 34 338 445 191 DNF 216 134 463 313 424 32 That's all folks!
  4. 94 John Dowson wins the Grand National on the last lap
  5. Grand National on track 32 424 134 237 238 337 216 313 463 388 34 338 94 2 191 445 53 515 84 55 217 16 212
  6. Final result 150 2 84 16 515 55 217 53 212 34 337 338 DNF 207 238 237 91 313 424 463 390 32 269 220 150 wins the Wilf Blundell (75) Memorial Bowl
  7. final top 3 150 2 84 84 went wide on last bend and 2 went inside.
  8. Final on track 32 424 91 207 237 238 313 337 34 338 388 463 2 53 94 150 191 220 259 445 16 55 84 212 217 390 515 DNS 51 372
  9. Consolation result 53 55 388 207 372 91 220 94 11 237 216 NOF
  10. 53 John Lund wins the consolation! 53 John Lund wins the consolation! 53 John Lund wins the consolation!
  11. Lap 8 ish 134 in t1 fence All ok Race order 91 276 207 53 388 94 55 220 372 11 216 169 76 237 nor Fence being Repaired
  12. Consolation on track 134 76 91 207 216 237 276 372 11 169 388 53 94 220 55 DNS 12 22 24 166 249 444 464 467 499
  13. Semi final stewards enquiry Amended Result 390 515 16 445 217 2 51 191 338 463 231 37
  14. Tannoy announced that there is stewards enquiry for the semi final result!
  15. Semi Final result 390 515 16 445 217 2 51 220 191 338 231 37 DNF 388 464 499 94 249 22 11 166 372
  16. 16 got third Long time 3rd place 445 suffered outsite rear flat with 2 to go!
  17. Lap 7 yf 22 on t4 race line All ok Race order 515 390 445 166LD 16 217 51 191 372 231 467 463 220 2 338 12 11 37 499 nor
  18. Lap 3 yf 464 on home straight All ok Race order 515 16 2 390 445 217 51 338 12 94 249 231 372 191 463 467 37 166 22 499 NOR
  19. Semi Final on track 16 515 2 217 390 388 51 464 445 338 11 12 220 94 22 467 463 372 166 231 249 191 499 37 First ten to the WORLD FINAL
  20. Heat one result 150 313 84 259 34 32 337 238 212 424 24 134 DNF 386 169 55 276 53 76 444 91 Mick wins a pair of Serengeti Drivers Sunglasses from the race sponsor - Mark Davis Optician, Derby
  21. Heat one on track 24 32 134 424 444 76 91 207 216 238 276 313 337 34 169 150 259 55 84 212 386+
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