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  1. Richard, l managed to get a little glimpse of Ryan’s car and yes, it will blow your mind!!!!!
  2. Before or maybe during the V8 final. There was a delay for sometime, with the paramedics at the pit gate. Was a fan or mechanic injured? Thanks
  3. That might sway me to go Carl!! Saw Ritchie a couple of times last yr at KL. good to watch. New colour scheme maybe. Can’t possible be a new car already??
  4. I loved him in Buck's Fizz!!! You got to speed it up, then you gotta slow it down. Good times!!!!!
  5. Geez. Wondered why the junction before the Aston expressway was so busy. Then found out!!! A 20 odd mile detour. On the plus size l am ready to sit my Birmingham taxi brief!!
  6. Bri, presume that the w&y get split into the heats too!!
  7. Just googled this and it is Elma Patterson. Sad news, Elma has been lap scoring week in week out for at least 36 yrs and involved since the 1960'swith her husband the late great Malcolm patterson. What dedication to a sport. Thanks Elma
  8. Great insight. I wondered about turns 1&2 it looked to me as if the track had been bigger. Now l know. Cheers Colin Is that the bar at the end of the straight. It looks like the same one under the covered terracing now.
  9. Leigh not sure how many book in. But their is already a reserve list!
  10. Like wise Carl. Looking forward to reading it. Only done about 15 pages, put his dad already sounds a bit of a 'character!!!!!
  11. Correct dave. It has completely been stripped back to the chassis and rebuild. He had it out at cowdy on Sunday for his 1st shot. I was at Sheffield but was told he got out the car didn't say anything and kicked a tyre. So we can take it he was estactic with how it went!!! Lol The chassis was sent away to have the paint removed and resprayed. The process they use is to fire plastic ball bearings out a gun and it chips the paint off. Ingenious or what. I had never heard of that before.It was seemingly a AUTOMATICALLY DELETED WORD to do!! Lol Notice he is not on Birmingham list. His plan is for both him and Marc F2 to race both meetings. Can only presume they couldn't understand him when he phoned to book!!!
  12. Leigh. I actually don't think,it had any bearing on the out come. The damaged was done when mark gilbank slowed Tom down. Don't think it was intensional. That''s when 515 nailed him
  13. 0s0, if you are coming in past hillborough stadium. I have parked in the openings on the left. The last opening has a pub. Just before the car park
  14. Sure l was in the car by 9.45 miner. Did it start 5.30 or 6?l can remember, l had sunstroke by then!!
  15. Yes peter, paul was on for that night. His purple patch kept going to the WF that yr!!! Re the British at Sheffield. We had a few back to back british's at Sheffield round about 2005,06,07 they where all great meeting. The one where Lundy took about 8 of them into the fence 1st bend springs to mind!!! They might have been F1 only meetings as well. Format along the lines of 7heats then the british. Great stuff!!!! The British at Buxton a couple of yrs back only had about 30 cars. Sure it was all in for British that yr. cheers
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