Days Won
Everything posted by Carl H
3 WEEKS COMPLETED SO FAR As we move into the second part of the weekend the race is on as the team enter the last bend of the project and on schedule for the ring of steel to be completed from start to finish in 21 days - despite intervening weather and sub zero temperatures - there remains quite a lot of 'finishing off and detail' and top rope to be affixed and follow up projects along the front straight / grandstand to be engineered in the coming weeks. However, the phase is almost complete. Whilst the job has moved on well, don't underestimate that the team, FWJ, JJ, Karl,Graeme, FWS,Danny ,Guy and Scott plus others who have contributed, Miles - gritting, Jack France and Ollie Ives [ lifting the corners ], Dave Massey plus Richard Baldwin who has been running around for us - there have had to be innovative solutions to solve problems as they arise and expected in such a project. But we are now in touching distance. Given that the original plan was to commence on 25th January, due to initially Scott being able to move forward, it enable the project to start on the 4th ahead of the plan. The team will leave site this week and we have a steady ten days to follow as we plan and execute the track repairs and preparations before the shale is laid. As an example, the outer edges of turn 3/4 have to be raised around 300mm to restore the camber as this was 'flattened' when the South stand was built - other areas where the team dug outs were installed and have seen the concrete 'dug out' and along with other uneven areas, these have to be repaired,restored and levelled before we lay the shale which samples on site show looks a very good quality. Then, the next phase of activity will be the laying of the track, planned to start in earnest after the preparatory work and with over 1500 tonnes of shale to be delivered to site, this has to be planned and work within weather windows. At some point over the next 10 days we will also be looking at servicing and cleaning the drainage system before track laying commences. This coming tuesday we have a joint detailed planning meeting as we draw together into a masterplan the huge amount of work around the stadium planned to get underway in earnest next month - this is considerable, if you like, thus far, we have progressed well with the 'build' bit however there now is a myriad of projects to resolve from floodlighting down to aesthetics to make the old girl fit to allow fans back in - and the action to return.
Startrax Stock Car Racing As promised, our regular update to at least let you see progress as,again, we cannot allow visitors on site with it being a construction site and of course Covid 19 restrictions - This way we can update you without trying to sneak in! Ian Bannister is keeping an archive for the future of how the project develops. There will be an end of week blog / review in the next 24 hours!
Photos of Pete Morris, John Davies, Geoff Nickolls, John Adey, Colin Gautry, Frank Bourne, John Kirkpatrick, Wilf Hargreaves, Mo Smith, Rob Squire, Steve Wragg, Derek Bryan, David Leslie, Dillwyn Curtis, Bill Heywood, Mick Buck
Photo of guest driver David Leslie. Photos of Graham Blundell, John Kirkpatrick, Tony Brown, Bob Cicconi, John Jebson, Wilf Warnes, Jos Adriaans, Stuart Bamforth, Tony Wicks, Bryan Warner, Roy Hart, Math Kreitz, Rob Allen, Rocky Davies, Chris Marshall, Pete Denning, Wilf Blundell.
The DAY 16 REVIEW! Let’s start by announcing the most exciting sponsorship package of the year....THE GOLDSTAR ONE OFF PACKAGE! Check out this link for all the details on this exciting deal https://spark.adobe.com/page/vtJIopLwbCXiY/ Remarkable that it is actually ONLY 16 days since Newtons first broke ground - and, during that journey we have typically seasonal weather as previous photos illustrate from deep snow to sub zero temperatures with the odd clement day [ yesterday! ] Visiting Bradford today it's was biblical rain however the progress is staggering. Frank, Karl and JJ have now got a rhythm going and the progress in just 4 days has been extremely satisfying with 50% of the track now 'plated' and with help from Guy Parker who has been there for 3 days moving from the comfort of cruising at 36000ft with Virgin, helping out grafting alongside FWS completing the front straight and turns 3/4 with securing the ropes whilst the boys cut and prepared plate. We are hoping to complete the fence sometime next week subject to weather and a lot of follow up welding to complete, the pit gate and huge posts [ ex Belle Vue ] are in situ now. Forward plans, in the next 10 days, we will commence in preparing the track and levelling it in areas and the current phase 3 plan will see the first shale delivered to site on 8th February. Alongside this, I have been busy with the Bulls, RFL and ourselves compiling huge document covering every aspect of 'rebooting' the stadium facilities and alongside volunteers and generous offers in different areas will start planning for this work to start MID February onwards. Whilst we have a volunteer army, specifics such as painting and decorating and any companies willing to 'sponsor' the project for external labour such as barriers etc, most welcome to contact us, we also have on the 'wish list' a drainage company to come and clean and check all the drains to ensure emptied and clean before the 8th February when we lay the track to get this side up to standard - again if you can help, PM me. Whilst we have invested heavily we have to accept that we could not have done this along, apparent day by day and what has keep us going is the infectious enthusiasm throughout the sports and the area which, trust me, has been comforting and re assuring in that we are not alone and the project is hugely fuelled by genuine goodwill. I met with T&A photographer on site today, he was hugely impressed at the work and being a Bradfordian, seeing is believing that this great stadium is 'coming back' - it's real and something for Bradford to be proud of. The piece will appear next couple of days and even cajoled FWJ and JJ for a team photo as 'past present and the future' but no idea where to place Karl [ lol ] - I would like to thank the T&A for, over the last 6 months regularly covering what is a good news story in the regions main newspaper and I THINK share our vision that Odsal is good for the City, the only home for the Bulls and the connectivity. It is our desire now to involve the goodwill ongoing of all both sides of the fence and whilst conductor of the orchestra, once done, opened and settled down, I would like us all to sit back and reflect 'we' as a family, whatever input - if only goodwill and enthusiasm, contributed to bring it 'home' - And we encourage your continued passion as it certainly fuels us for the extra mile. We are moving ahead with fixtures and just awaiting also RL fixtures and whilst Bradford IS BriSCA F1 in it's veins as a promotion, it is our key objective for it to become the Wembley of The North for National Banger Racing with several high quality events and we are engaging with drivers and people in the sport to come up with what is best for drivers - and fans. Will update later in the week - KEEP SUPPORTING us and if you can, don't miss out on the 140 PATRONS CLUB - and again, don't miss out on the first ever Banger event at ODSAL on the 24th April - and must admit surprised we still have a 'few' left but they are now running down - so click on the shop and let's sell out! lol 'Every little helps in rebooting Odsal.
Update from T&A who have also been on site today photographing progress. Make sure you add your comments on to the T&A website to demonstrate the enthusiasm! It all helps!!! https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/19022082.odsal-stadium-moves-closer-stock-car-return-despite-snow/
Startrax Stockcar Racing Not even the snow stops work!! We thank our hardworking team for batting through a winter wonderland this week but we have determination to push on to keep to our build schedule. Week two of the big build complete and the transformation of the stadium is really starting to show. Please keep liking and sharing our page so even more people can see our progress over the coming weeks!
Press release from Startrax. FINALLY – The launch of the EXCLUSIVE ‘BELLS & WHISTLES OPTION!’ With the best laid plans of mice and men, I now have some time to focus on our unique and exclusive 140 CLUB. Initially we had planned to launch this at ODSAL last month in readiness for the 1st January availability alongside when we did the BSCDA podcast with some cars on site and a viewing period of the facilities so we could engage and answer questions as whilst superb value, it’s a big ticket item that obviously has questions attached. When Bradford went Tier 3 last month we did not feel it appropriate to proceed this route, however if we have an opportunity for a pre season open day before the launch date we will do so, but, hopefully by then, the Patrons club will be SOLD OUT! – we hope! What I can say is that when visitors have come to look around, pre Christmas and between Christmas and New Year ALL have subscribed when they have see the facilities and viewing! One or two may add their comments should they wish. As we cannot yet open the place up for a visitors day now construction is underway as well current government policy Ian and Paul have kindly put some photos together that illustrate just what this superstructure has to offer, unrivalled. Two floors, 5 bars, catering options , the upper floor will eventually become available for major events with superb corporate boxes and will be available during the week for meetings and corporate activities. - The 140 Club is more for the more discerning patron who wants that ‘bit extra’ – exclusive ‘Balcony’ viewing where between races you can come back inside into the warmth and comfort seated, with food and bars available in exclusive comfortable numbers – If you have a special occasion, you can enquire about food / buffets etc or simply choose on the day what is available. - For those who have companies it has particular benefits in terms of ‘publicity’ on our website and Patrons page in the programme and as Corporate sponsorship, the price includes VAT and will be invoiced as required in the companies name - The passes are yours for 5 years, in March lanyards and a pack will be issued to those who have subscribed and they are transferable to others if you cannot attend and particular useful if you want to invite a client. Alternatively, 140 club members will have other benefits such as if they want to organise a ‘group’ event on at a particular night, then we have areas to cater for that and Patron members will receive a discount, these can be tailored to suit. Above are the basics, below is more information. We have extended this due to the delayed launch in the first stage to 31st January and the price inclusive of VAT is £2000 for the first person with a 10% discount for a second, third etc. As we appreciate people may have further questions then from FRIDAY 15th JANUARY between 9.30 and 5.30.pm Monday – Friday, all information can be obtained from the office on 01253 713754 – or if no reply [ as we may be on site ] 07952 050198 – alternatively you can simply e-mail me on stevenrees0@btinternet.com. Even though it’s early and only now properly having time to get on with this, over 30 have been purchased / reserved which in the coming several days we are following up [ and we thank those for their early support ] and we are confident that this exclusive package will sell out! Over to you! PATRONS OF ODSAL - The Odsal 140 club. The club is designed to give members a number of exclusive and premium benefits in addition to helping to acquire much needed capital to get Odsal Stadium, and particularly Motorsport, back open and running again in 2021. This prestigious and exclusive club will be limited to a maximum of 140 members at all times. Hence the name. By Joining this exclusive club you will be helping to secure the future of Oval Racing at the North's most Iconic stadium. This will probably be the last opportunity that anyone has to bring Oval Racing back to what can only be described as the Wembley of the North. This is how it works. By joining the 140 Club you subscribe a membership fee to that extends for five years . 1. There will be a guaranteed eight BriSCA F1 meetings, three major Banger or International Meetings and up to fifteen Domestic meetings or other motoring events each year, including World Finals. 2. Although admission charges are bound to rise over the five year period your admission charges would be completely covered for the whole of the period by way of this advance payment. 3. The 140 Club will be located front centre on the first floor of the South Bank Stand. 4. By being a member of the 140 Club you are guaranteed a place in the lounge and terrace seating on which ever floor is open. Below are just some of the planned benefits for members. THE BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE! 5. A reserved terrace seat on the first floor balcony outside the 140 Club Members Lounge at all BriSCA F1 events. The facilities comprises lounges, bars and an outside seating area offering unrivalled viewing of the action! 6. Free admission to all F1 and ALL oval / Motorsports racing events held at the stadium. [ excluding speedway ] 10% Discount admission to other non racing events held at the stadium. 7. Fast track turnstile entrance to avoid queuing. Reserved seat in the grandstand at non BriscaF1 events. Exclusive club merchandise, Priority discount restaurant reservations when available and first refusal on the hospitality boxes once the first floor is re-opened. 8. Meet and greet with drivers at each F1 meeting 9. Complimentary race day programme 10% Discount admission at all Startrax events at Sheffield Reduced advertising and sponsorship rates. There will be many other offers exclusive to 140 club members throughout the term of membership. So now that your appetite is whetted, what is the cost? A 5 year membership of £2,500 reduced down to £2000 if paid in full before 31st Jan 2021. 10. This can be broken down to £1,000 deposit and 10 monthly instalments of £150. This gives the option to renew in year 6 at the same fixed rate. 11. Additional memberships can be purchased at a discount of 10%. The membership card will state Guest of and the name of the person/company that has purchased the additional places. This means you can invite different guests to each event. We are confident that these limited memberships will sell out fast and this will contribute enough advance revenue to help offset some of the huge costs required to get racing back to Odsal Stadium and help future proof the sport. We hope this proposal will be of interest and look forward to welcoming you at our first meeting. Full terms and conditions are available on request and are included with the application form. ON SALE FROM 15th JANUARY – offer ends currently 31st January Contact Steve Rees on 07952 050198 or stevenrees01@btinternet.com
As I've had a few people contact me to offer their services, I'd just like to clarify that this thread is for press releases from Startrax, and we're just spreading the message. If you can help out, then contact Steve Rees directly on 07952 050198 or stevenrees01@btinternet.com
Startrax Stockcar Racing Well it's just over a week today and you can see the infrastructure complete and the entire front straight has been substantively infilled with concrete at 8.am which will take a few days to cure. FWJ has worked well over the last 24 hours in finalising the process for affixing the plates - the fence has been designed to have give and therefore protect drivers rather than a solid wall, something I was very keen to mentor and took considerable advice in it's design. It has added complexity in the build but as you can see the process has started and the back straight is taking shape - this will now consistently follow a similar 'flow' and doubtless imagination will be required as in any such project solving issues as the team go along. This now will be ongoing process for the next 14 days. As you can see, a substantive part of the backing ropes have been installed already by FWS and Danny, quite heavy work and the remainder of the recycled rope etc re sized from Belle Vue is in position around the track for assembly later in the week when concrete has cured
ODSAL UPDATE! Well, after seven days, the post installation is completed and the last of the concrete infilling was scheduled and on site 8.am this morning and after a successful week Scott [ Newtons ] have completed their phase on time, on budget and move today on to their next project with their plant having left site this morning. FWJ and team spent yesterday working through their own methodology for cutting and installing the plate and thanks to Frank's creativity he has by the end of yesterday, designed his process and the first 3 pieces were 'in place' a bit like the Covid 19 vaccine, ready for roll out! The team are back on site today 'getting on with the job' - 50% of the backing ropes are in situ and the remainder will be resumed to be put in place at the end of the week allowing time for the 'new' concrete to go off and harden but plenty of infrastructure already in place for work to progress. FWS and Danny are engineering this. In the next 72 hours we will upload some photos so you can see the progress and this bit is like wallpapering after the major prep work done and will evolve over the next 14 days to hopefully fully complete this phase, still a lot to do. Back here in Lytham in between visits to Odsal, we will now be forming up the next phase, laying the track and confirming all that is required for that job in anticipation that weather permitting we can hit the deck running at the turn of the month. Each phase has a two week lead time to get everything right and planned for the process to try and stop snags along the way! We follow the process, Process, People and product! Once we have put to bed the track laying, later this month we move on to the stadium works planning for February and March and preparations for having the necessary work and documentation in place to progress our application for the safety certificate to be granted. In summary the next two weeks is the 'grunt' and assembly to move forward to conclusion. A lot of work to do in not the best of weather!
Startrax Stockcar Racing Work continues at the ice bowl! Professional to the dark! Scott Newton worked through the snow late this afternoon to complete drilling the holes on the front straight- been a mammoth task from 7.am to after 6pm. Job done, just concrete Monday at 8.am. That’s what you get engaging and working with dedicated professionals! Thanks Scott
Latest..... Updated results from Harringay 8th April 1955 Harringay 23rd April 1955 Southampton 29th April 1955 Liverpool 13th May 1955 Perry Barr 28th May 1955
Startrax Stockcar Racing Tuesday update [ won't get time later!] - Another hard working day for the team, lot's of phone calls too and fro to HQ as the intensity and pace continues. Thankfully good weather except 'chilly' - Scott has made excellent progress since yesterday in arboring holes, setting steel posts with 70% in situ and concrete on site today. FWJ been busy installing the Pit gate / big posts as anchor points for steel rope etc backing the fence. The next couple of days will see turn three and four work commenced with hopefully if all goes well, the first phase of construction 'completed' and assembly of plate will start after preparatory work of installing that complete. Olly Ives has been helping today and the corners are being lifted so we can get big wagons and equipment moving freely to deliver other materials so the hidden shape of Odsal for 23 years will once again look like it did October 1997, an oval! Dave Massey has popped in as he has been instrumental in getting us right prices on welding kit to hire - a great team effort and touch wood, less than 48 hours in progress is 'on time' and as planned. I have a further meeting with the RFL and Bulls on site Thursday as galvanise the action points required for the remainder of the stadium and put together a definitive work plan, so much to plan an execute from floodlights to PA, from Safety certificate requirements - all this work to be planned and done during February & March. Later in the week we will provide some snapshots of it evolving! Progress continues, it is 'real' and 'live' now after the many years of doubters! For sure, it will be ready to open when the government says it can! Andy has been back in Yorkshire looking at two other sources of shale more locally - a lot going on!
Startrax Stockcar Racing First thank you - Mr Paul Goodison has kindly procured the Portaloos and liased with FWJ for their delivery - great team effort, thank you
Startrax Stockcar Racing ODSAL - Help appreciated. WORK HAS STARTED at 7.am! In the next few days, more people will be in and we have are asking here first if anyone locally can help us with some sponsorship WITH 2/3 Portaloos to be delivered on - site - IF you can help and locally, much appreciated, either phone/text 07952 050198 or stevenrees01@btinternet.com - Thank you
A great read, Roy.
Very nice car, and a great video.... think I'm way too old for the sound track, though.
OPTIONS BEING TAKEN! The historic Bradford opener is attracting great sponsorship interest so, if you are interested, don't delay, since Friday we can now confirm the following sponsors with thanks for their support. Heat 1 - Keith Barber & Stock Car Magazine - SOLD Heat 2 - STILL AVAILABLE Heat 3 - James Potter Skip Hire - SOLD Consolation - STILL AVAILABLE FINAL - BILLINGHAM REMOVALS - updated SOLD Grand National - Ian Bennett for Ben Turner Memorial - SOLD Dash For Cash - STILL AVAILABLE - give us a call Interested ? Give us a ring 9.30.am - 6.pm either office 01253 713754 or 07952 050198 or email stevenrees01@btinternet.com
Latest updates... Photos of Jeff Wilks, Brian Chappell, Dick Harvey, Dick Sworder, Klaas-Jan Modder, Jeff Wilkinson, Steve Stretton, Chris Pickup, George Rudd, Ray Scriven, Mo Masters, Gordon Perrin, Roy Hart, Bob Timperley, James Ashworth, Phil Whitaker, John Aldridge, Earl Boot, Bill Gill, Dave Taylor, Bob Tanser Correction: 164 is Jeff Wilks, not Jeff Wilkinson, and is not the same person as 148 Jeff Wilkinson. Yes he is.
Stock Car Soccer! I wonder if this is where Top Gear got the idea....
A rare photo of racing at Woolwich - looks like some sort of novelty race with a giant football. A numbered list of all meetings ever. So if you've ever wondered, for example, what the 4000th* meeting was, then here you go. *Spoiler alert - it wasn't this one. 😄
Results from Sheffield on 21st April 1955 and 5th May 1955, and Eastbourne 8th May 1955, Neath Abbey 13th May 1955, and Aldershot 19th May 1955 Biography of Max Glasspole, almost certainly the most notorious driver ever?
Results from: New Cross - 30th April 1954 Aldershot - 30th August 1954 Aldershot - 30th September 1954 Long Eaton - 2nd October 1954 Aldershot - 7th October 1954