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Harry G

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Everything posted by Harry G

  1. Some more tickets have been released... 177 left
  2. normally 2 quid to up there
  3. The series got planned for 10 weeks from the start as long as the first event was a success
  4. Just had Karl Hawkins take a booking for tonights UK Dirt F1 meeting! Be interesting to see how he gets on against the online racers
  5. Its ran through the game called rFactor and you'll need a pc or a laptop. You'll need a controller (anything like an xbox/playstation controller or joystick will do or preferably a wheel and pedals). Keys is literally impossible to drive with so its a no to them. You buy rFactor 1 through steam or the rFactor website (make sure you don't buy rFactor 2). I can also get you a free version if you send me a PM and I can then help you set it all up. After this all the stockcar mods, tracks and skinpacks are to be downloaded through the UK Dirt website which I can help anyone with
  6. Preview: 2015 UK Dirt Championship of the World Huge 6 car battle for the lead.
  7. Main place T2 Burger van at entrance Burger van in pits Can't buy just chips tho so I take own food
  8. Apart from the ones in WF and the ones that have raced in the UK this year, how has this been decided?
  9. There's 68 cars so obviously decided that 2x34 car heats is more fun than 3x22 car heats
  10. Track photos from Wednesday!
  11. Are you for real lmao. Ipswich? Northampton acctaully works well this year if not mildo
  12. the question we need to know is how many cars can you realistically take? if it's 150 that's enough for saloons as well but if it's only 100 then that's not enough space to hold both. an F1 wf shouldn't have restricted F1 bookings that's not right
  13. why can't you deal with 1 quid lmfao
  14. £57 this weekend or £27 end of the month at Kings Lynn... Hard choice, not!
  15. Well that's wrapped the title up unless something mad happens tmoz? A suprise return for Tom Harris secrectly driving someone else's car to fence him...?
  16. Ha ha. Seems BriSCA want this sport to not continue how pathetic
  17. And if we didn't know the booking lists and saw 29 cars we would be even more disappointed so the above is rubbish
  18. Someone's screwed up
  19. Just go and watch mark Sargent's video
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