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Ian G

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Everything posted by Ian G

  1. Thanks for the link, much easier this way than by texting. Donation on its way.
  2. I read this yesterday and was left with a heavy heart, must admit it was playing on my mind last night. It's a story I can relate too all to well due to my own experiences with this awful disease and having it take a loved one of mine. Every stock car meeting I now go to is sentimental for the reasons of no longer being able to share the racing with my Dad, yet knowing all too well that he'd be happy to know that I'm still supporting F1's all these years later (can't do nowt else, I love 'em!). My thoughts are with you Mark, Tracy seemed like a lovely lady. Please count me in to help make this happen, I would be humbled to be involved. Ian.
  3. Would love to hear from anyone who might be able to help me out with any of the following. Burnt / Copied DVD's of the early stuff considered. Pre 1981 (Quality not a big issue, anything considered) 1982 (Same as above) 1998 2006 2009 2010 If anyone can recommend decent footage by film companies (SCM, etc) for the later years that would be great, cheers.
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