Days Won
Everything posted by Colin C
Belle Vue photos now added
Photos from Good Friday now added
Birmingham 15th photos now added, Skeggy ones to be added later tonight
Photos from Birmingham now added http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
Found my old F1 licence so added a pic to the Casserley Brothers Album.. Kind of wish I still had as much hair now!!!
Found a ffew more old SCRN Take a look at http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZccass176
a few old photos of me and my brother have been added to my website, please take a look.. and if anyone has photos of both of us racing (well, Alan racing and me being on the track!) I would be greatful if you could send them to me. Please take a look http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
A few photos from Northampton practice added http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
The premier racing show in the Netherlands is the Racing Expo at the World Trade Centre, Leewarden on 23 & 24 February. It's a great show, and an ideal opportunity to catch up with all our Dutch friends. The F1 scene in Holland is on a high at the moment with the new shale track at Emmen creating a lot of interest. And let's not forget places like St Maarten, Blauwhuis, Texel and Kollum (Along with a load of other tracks!) that put on some spectacular racing
If anyone is interested in the history of our sport, I have put a few issues of Stock car racing news on Ebay. Please take a look http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Stock-Car-racing-New...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Stock-Car-racing-New...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Stock-Car-racing-New...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Stock-Car-racing-New...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Stock-Car-racing-New...1QQcmdZViewItem Also listed a couple of Ramones cd if anyone is interested!!!
Some Florida photos from a few years back now added. Hope Y'all like em! http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
My Dutch is getting better all the time, but I can't take the credit. the translation was thanks to Sean. I know he is very busy at the moment and I'm greatful for him helping out. Thanks Sean
Not another car for your collection Frits!!
Don't forget to stop at the Brisca F1 stand and have a chat. Hopefully some of the drivers will be on the stand as well so it's an ideal time to have a chat with them away from the pressure cooker of a meeting. The F1 World Final trophy will also be on display, it's your chance to get up close to Stock car racing's most prestigious trophy. It is hoped that Stuart Smith, Jr will be able to take a bit of time out from his busy schedule to be on the stand at some point on Saturday to sign a few autographs and chat to the fans. There will also be a brand new car ion the stand. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of whose car so I'm afraid you will have to be there to see it!! the Brisca F1 stand is in Hall 18, stand 18160. It would be great to see all fans going to the show at the stand at some point during the weekend. Everyone is invited, Hope to see you there.
A few more New zealand pics added
A few Christmas pics added to the Stoxphotos babes gallery http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
Photos from the London motorsports show at Excel, Docklands now added. There is some oval racing represented. http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
Doing a post season clean up i found an old cd of some New Zealand photos from a couple of years ago. I thought I would share them. More to follow as and when I find them!! http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
Some photos from gala Nigh at Birmingham now added http://www.stoxphotos.com/photos/
There are 11 races and one practice session. With about 2 hours of video, some of it is down time before races while lining up and a couple of race stoppages.
I have put together all the on board camera footage and put it on a dvd. Footage from John Riley (Skegness) Lee Robinson( Birmingham) Matt Newson (Northampton) Daniel Johnson (King's Lynn) Andrew Palmer (Birmingham, Belle Vue and Arena Essex) It's just about everything that we have recorded, some good and some not so good but I think gives a good insight into what it's like to drive a Stock car. If you would like a copy please pm or e-mail me ccass176@aol.com Colin Casserley 9 Walkern Road Stevenage Herts SG1 3QD £6 including postage Thanks As always any proceeds will be put back into the sport Colin