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Marvin H

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Everything posted by Marvin H

  1. Bump James Lund f1 Tarmac car Complete car for sale. Only 7 meeting old and shows plenty of potential and is just stunning Comes with a Peter Knight 416 small block, reverse mount starter, 5.5 tilton clutch, Simpson silences all new with the car. POA Any serious enquires contact James on 07834 557 908.
  2. BUMP - This car is still for sale, James has requested i re advertise it for him.. James Lund f1 Tarmac car Complete car for sale. Only 7 meeting old and shows plenty of potential and is just stunning Comes with a Peter Knight 416 small block, reverse mount starter, 5.5 tilton clutch, Simpson silences all new with the car. POA Any serious enquires contact James in the first instance on 07834 557 908. Pictures below..
  3. I know what its for!
  4. you mean this one? (Paul Greenwood piccie)
  5. Final held up because of this -
  6. This one?
  7. I too will be elsewhere for most of the day and hoping to get there as soon as possible - whats the running order and approximate times please?
  8. Peter, too late...
  9. Perhaps Perhaps, it depends on who insists they become mandatory.... The sports governing body or H&S
  10. Just to add a hint to this, drivers and car builders will need to bear these items in mind this year... If there's a possibility that these become mandatory this time next year there might not be enough to go round or built in time, and without them you may not be allowed to race!
  11. This one?
  12. Yea.. your cohorts did hint yesterday... GOOD!
  13. Ill give you a tenner..
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331275921787?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_nkw%3D331275921787%26_rdc%3D1
  15. He's booked in for Scotland, perhaps he doesnt want to tempt fate!
  16. More pictures will be added later
  17. Thats Great News Frank... now get it spent on the engine and stop the $h1t in that other thread!!
  18. Errrmm.. If you do that, where are me and Andy going to sit?
  19. Hopefully these are the cars?
  20. Steve whats the start time please Just with the début of Mr 307 Tim Warwicks new car i'm sure there are plenty of people who want to see the beast in the day light... and take photos of it to share with the many fans on here too!
  21. The small but perfectly formed car.... as for Mr Smith himself... i think cute and cuddly can come into it somewhere!
  22. ... Beautiful, Sexy, well proportioned, these are all words used to describe James... the cars not bad either. hope we see more from him...
  23. Woah there fella... hasnt a new Tar car just landed at your end?... whats the craic?
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