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Everything posted by crasher407

  1. bill isnt old well in all fairness he has been racing as long as i can remember but can still mix it with the best of them so old never past it never sore as hell on a monday morning alway's maybe
  2. how drunk a night was it
  3. did post on allstox but got no reply so are the world final booking's closed for f1's? craig edit bit the only reason i am asking on here and not ringing for a book in is because chris 157 applied and was told that he wouldnt be accepted(rightly so)as he wasn't a regular but cant remember seeing 80 f1's at lynn ever so is it worth me applying for a book in or not?
  4. we are planning to have the meal around 6:30 for 7:00 so plenty of time for nigel,steve c,steve b and myself to sink a few beforehand and whoever else gets there early enough,oh and chris 157 and his misses who will be doing girlie talk with mine no doubt :lol!:
  5. steve bateman from aus will be at the meal so come along and say g'day :lol!:
  6. shame martin as you know that these are a scream unlike any of the other meal's this has been done as a purely social event and not to make any thing out of it so hope it does get well supported
  7. right will need the meal's in soon so will re post the menu and get them ordered,going to be a good night so dont let us down everyone,mick roger's hopefully will be there so come along and meet everyone guy's
  8. all being well aus driver steve bateman will be coming if we can get travel etc sorted so it looks like it may surpass the mirfield meal's
  9. balls make prizes my son balls make prizes not pictures
  10. not many places left now so cant wait
  11. http://forum.stoxnet.com/index.php?showtopic=13012
  12. limited places left guy's we might even have to do two meal's on the night so get booked
  13. yeah nige we will sort that out a bit nearer the time rather than now
  14. 15th september at http://www.blackboyhotel.co.uk/index.html the week before the world final we are going to resurect this event again as it went so well last year but in a different location,more central in the midland's so get your name down now number's are limited to 30 for the meal but obviously it is a pub so anyone is welcome to come along for a drink on the night. Confirmed so far are obviously myself,dave muckian f2 716/f1 416 chris f1 157,jus65,elund17,jimmy259 from www.stoxnet.com hopefully but not confirmed a ex gold top driver will also be present when i speak to him in the next few day's that will be confirmed,and also a possible ex f1 european champion aswell,hopefully on the night we will have a bit of fun with a video/dvd show in the mold of the ex ray liddy type of night's with some special footage from a certain date in 1982 being shown aswell(nostalgia is allowed these day's isn't it get your names down for a warm up to the world final 2007 and have a blast with driver's spectator's wifes girlfriends mechanic's etc etc along the way the menu looks like this but if this isn't to your taste just ask and we will try and do all we can to fulfill your wishes. stockcar_menu.doc they also have rooms available but once again are limited so early booking is essential the rates are as follows rooms - dbl - £55. sgl - £30 - £40. family - £65. if 3 people are willing to share there is a room with 3 single beds in the room is £65 for 3 people or £55 for 2. this includes a full english breakfast aswell. If this goes well then who knows perhaps the stox social scene will get the credit it deserves as last year's evening meal's in mirfield were fantastic just ask any of the people who went. Hope to see you guy's there and like i said if you dont want the meal come along for the banter and the stox on the big screen. post below to ask questions or anything else as i might not be able to get back to you with the answer as not on pc much at the moment and somebody from the black boy will answer your question's for you Hopefully see a few of you there Craig
  15. carl like mike i think said since you have raced boy are you argumentitive
  16. dont you just hate it when they get your info wrong i am residing in stourport on severn near mick rogers 244
  17. firstly i obviously pm'd to say i was willing and secondly what a good pr move this is
  18. i know it maybe overkill but this is the sort of thing that stoxnet is and should be applauded for the total from the dvd's helped purchase the transponder and helmet etc etc and i know daniel this is a blatant plug for http://stox.never-enough.co.uk/ but this weekend is the result of at the end of the day all your hard work on this YOUR forum so a MASSIVE THANK YOU DANIEL as although we have never met or very rarely seen eye to eye stoxnet.com and you sir will always be a star for me for giving me the chance to get back racing and helping spread the word for my sponsor's. SO THANK'S A MILLION DANIEL and hope to meet you sometime to buy you a beer Many thank's Craig
  19. Parking fees for coach so far this year have been £400,it will be a further £500 until the first meeting of season so get the car which is sorted just got to get it home and then worry about transport when we have a car to race Con no lot's of problem's YES ps what wainman wing are you lot on about?
  20. If anyone is in any doubt as to the ability of "the amazing mr Warwick" i can vouch for him and say that that pic on the header page doesnt do him justice(it look's better in real life) as he is a fantastic artist and i have seen his work and believe me it is very surprising in a very positive way. so get pledging and get this stalwart back out on track Craig
  21. a million thank's to chris and wolfy for doing this thank's a lot guy's it is very much appreciated and also to all that bought them thank's a million and i know i enjoyed them especially the team meeting no wonder kev want's to get over there
  22. just ordered mine
  23. now you tell me where?
  24. got one now for £180 what a rip off
  25. Hi guy's i am in need of a transponder for the coming season so does anyone have a cheap 2nd hand one or a cheap new one even Cheers Craig
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