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stevie 774

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Everything posted by stevie 774

  1. The best one yet in my opinion, had the great pleasure of meeting Kev and Ayrton last year in Charlotte. One of the genuine characters and legends in the sport. Would love to hear more of him....maybe stories and a commentary of " his greatest moments " to various video clips
  2. Hope the weather forecast is wrong.....any sign of rain and I will think twice. No shelter and a track that has yet to prove itself in the rain
  3. Incarace/ Spedeworth is not value for money compared with other tracks. For example I sometimes take the Mrs and two 9 year old kids. When we went to Belle Vue it cost me £36, Birmingham two days before Birmingham would have been £50. If pit charges would be in place that would have been £58......£22 difference for identical meetings
  4. Nothing has been confirmed regarding charging. I saw the majority of entrances blocked and knowing he charges at other tracks, put one and one together. I really hope I'm wrong!
  5. Here's my balanced tupenneth... I thought the stadium looked clean and tidy, easy getting in and out lady night. Thought the traffic marshals helping folk get out of the car park were good. Not a fan of the surface It has massively improved since last year but in my opinion it's not a proper shale track. The surface with a good watering is still like an ice rink, I know shale is difficult when wet but this is unraceable when wet. I understand Deane has been charging spectators to enter the pits at some other of his stadiums.Seeing most of the pit entrances were blocked off last night I fear Northampton will be pay to enter the pits soon. I spend and get as much pleasure walking around the pits as watching the racing, I'm sure many others do too I can understand if pits entry be blocked due to H&S but just to line the promoters pockets leaves a very sour taste in my mouth.
  6. Make or break meeting for Northampton I reckon
  7. I may be wrong but Im sure Bill Morris built the long track at Chesterton, but there were issues with the tarmac racing surface
  8. Best biography I have read...Well done
  9. Thought i heard you say in your interview how good you thought the track was?
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