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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 3 on track 134 91 105 238 249 313 338 422 152 169 215 220 445 53 94 51 212 390 515 318 84 DNS 24 198 293 326 45 191
  2. Heat 2 result 318 84 55 390 4 16 217 338 335 94 515 198 DNF 51 502 216
  3. Heat 2 on track 216 338 198 105 502 191 335 94 4 217 515 390 51 318 84 55 16 191 DNS
  4. Heat 1 result 55 4 212 152 16 217 422 169 445 216 313 238 DNF 53 45 326 220 215 134 335 293 91
  5. 55 Craig Finnikin wins heat 1 Survived a last bender from 217 Great race!
  6. Lap 1 yf 53 on 45 bonnet on t4 All ok Race order 326 313 502 220 217 422 152 169 4 335 55 13 212 238 91 293 445 216 215 134 249
  7. Rob Speak wins heat 1 Oops sorry That's F2 Meeting format for the WCQR is 2\3's Heat 1 on track 216 134 326 293 238 502 313 91 422 249 335 220 152 45 169 215 445 4 53 217 16 212 55
  8. In the pits today here at sunny Belle vue is White top 24 Mark Adkins Mirfield, 134 John Brown Liversedge, 216 Jack France Yellow top 91 Tony Smith Loughborough, 105 Chris Bonner 198 Nigel Whalley 238 Richard Bryan 249 Joff Gibson 293 Eliot Smith 313 Karl Roberts 326 Mark Sargent 338 Chris Brocksopp 422 Ben Riley 502 Richard Wilson Blue top 45 Nigel Harrhy Solihull, 152 Neil Scothern 169 Billy Johnson 191 Joshua Smith 215 Geoff Nickolls 220 William Hunter 335 Mark Woodhull 445 Nigel Green Red top 4 Dan Johnson 53 John Lund 94 John Dowson 217 Lee Fairhurst Superstars 16 Matt Newson Norwich, 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard 55 Craig Finnikin Leek, 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman Minis 1(515) 8 10 53 58 69 99101 154 158 180 202 211 226 242 246 269 282 320 326 361 598 612 613 798 F2 124 139 158 177 178 184 187 204 218 219 225 322 364 377 381 388 448 533 524 578 589 606 647 714 724 728 735 823 905 968 977 994 995
  9. Grand National result 390 55 212 326 338 53 51 515 21 335 2 462 DNF 445 152 105 259 414 105 191 422 451 44 16 94 45 216 276 207 217 318 84 that's all folks
  10. Grand Natioinal on track 84 lap handicap 44 451 134 H414 276 105 326 207 307 313 338 422 191 45 152 169 335 445 462 21 53 94 217 259 2 16 55 212 318 390 515
  11. Final result 84 318 53 2 212 515 313 335 326 94 45 435 NOF
  12. 84 TOM HARRIS wins the final 318 2nd 53 3rd
  13. Lap 10 yf 451 and 21 in t1 fence All ok Race order 313 318 445 84 53 94 335 515 390 2 212 45 435 326 NOR
  14. Lap 3 RF 169 Roll over on t1 All ok Race order 451 118 326 313 338 152 76 422 462 445 21 318 16 259 94 84 53 238 335 55 217 215 45 306 515 390 435 2 212 NOR
  15. Final on track 118 451 76 238 293 306 313 316 326 338 422 428 435 45 152 169 191 215 322 335 445 462 21 53 94 217 259 2 16 55 84 212 318 390 515 DNS 32
  16. Consolation result First six to final 322 2 338 32 169 215 105 44 208 H414 216 448 DNF 287 276 207 91 220 311 280 40 120 51 134
  17. 322 James Neachall wins the consolation
  18. Lap 2 yf 105 307 287 tangled on home straight Race order 40 32 134 311 44 120 448 208 338 322 414 220 169 51 2 215 105 307 216 91 280 NOR
  19. Consolation on track 32 40 44 120 134 208 216 280 311 448 91 105 207 276 287 307 313 338 H414 169 215 220 322 2 51 DNS 103 170 440 467 4
  20. Heat 3 result First ten to final 390 84 212 259 293 462 428 313 316 445 276 NOF
  21. Heat 3 on track 44 170 208 440 448 276 293 313 316 428 467 445 462 4 259 84 212 390
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