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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap three yf 548 with front on t2 fence all ok
  2. Grand National on Track Whites 44 78 548 Yellows 276 238 NZ3 453 Blues 35 216 34 457 Reds 289 B197 Superstar 16 217 515 55 Half lap Handicap 18 Novices 299w+ 463b+
  3. Final result 18 Daniel Ford 16 Mat Newson 93 Sam Makim B197 78 34 35 249 44 289 nof
  4. Next race started, final result not announced.
  5. Final Top Three 18 Daniel Ford 16 Mat Newson 93 Sam Makim
  6. Restart order 18 93 55 127 16 78 289 34 197 35 249 44 nor
  7. Rollover 351 (not 299) in t3 fence all ok
  8. Restart order 18 501ld 93 78 127 457 515 3 34 216 16 55 289 44 197 35 463 249 548 351 nor
  9. Lap 6 ish yf 299 and 453 stranded on back straight All ok
  10. Final on track Whites 44 78 548 Yellows 93 18 453 238 NZ3 Blues 35 127 216 501 34 249 457 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 16 515 217 55 Novices 351w+ 299w+ 463b+
  11. Heat Three Result 16 Mat Newson 18 55 216 457 B197 249 238 35 nof
  12. A perfectly timed last bender on the long time leader 18 car by heat three winner 16 Mat Newson
  13. Restart order 18 16 55 216 457 197 34 249 35 238 548 453 nor
  14. 2 laps later yf 424 loses front wheel All ok
  15. Restart order 18 424ld 34ld 548ld 216 16 453 55 35 457 197 249 238 nor
  16. Lap 7 ish yf debris on the track - t4 all ok
  17. Heat Three on Track Whites 424 548 78 Yellows 276 18 238 Blues 35 446 216 463 34 457 249 Reds B197 Superstars 16 515 55 Novices 299w+
  18. Heat Two Result 217 Lee Fairhurst 93 446 127 424 44 289 78 nof
  19. Restart order 78 93 424 446 217 515 289 463 276 197 3 351 127 44 nor
  20. Lap 7 ish yf 501 stranded on t2 race line having only 3 wheels all ok
  21. Heat Two on Track Whites 424 44 78 Yellows 276 93 238 Blues 127 446 501 463 249 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 217 515 Novices 351w+ NZ3b+
  22. Heat One Result 127 216 18 289 93 501 35 44 55 299 nof
  23. 127 Austin Moore wins a very lively Heat One
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