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Everything posted by nic

  1. 217 Lee Fairhurst wins the Grand National and the Dave Leonard Memorial Trophy
  2. Grand National - Dave Leonard Memorial on track Lap Handicap Lap Handicap 55 Whites Yellows 544 545 93 172 Blues 541 8 32 335 463 Reds 326 Shooters 217 212 47 5 555 191 20 259 515 84 16
  3. Final Result 55 544 259 217 515 335 20 93 212 84 47 172 DNF 16 191 319 326 532 555
  4. 55 Craig Finnikin maintains his 100% win record tonight with a Meeting Final win Second 544 Ben Howard Third 259 Paul Hines
  5. Final on track Whites 319 Yellows 268 544 532 545 172 93 Blues 8 335 Reds 326 Superstars 55 Shooters 217 212 47 5 555 191 20 259 515 84 16
  6. Heat Three Result 55 93 532 5 84 326 259 217 545 335 541 20 DNF 8 18 32 47 127 191 212 463 515 555
  7. With his second win of the night 55 Craig Finnikin wins Heat Three
  8. Lap 1 yf changed to red flag and complete restart
  9. Heat Three on Track Whites Yellows 544 545 93 532 Blues 541 18 32 8 127 335 587 463 457 Reds 326 Superstars 55 Shooters 217 212 47 5 555 191 20 259 84 515 DNS 16
  10. Heat Two Result 55 217 212 259 457 335 555 47 8 415 319 nof
  11. Restart order 587 217 55 457 212 8 20 47 5 555 335 259 319 415 nor
  12. Restart order Water cart 268 587 127 217 55 457 84 515 5 212 326 8 555 20 47 259 415 335 319 nor
  13. Restart order 268 415 127 587 8 457 319 326 217 55 212 5 47 84 555 515 463 259 20 335 191 nor
  14. Heat Two on track Whites 319 Yellows 268 415 Blues 8 127 335 457 463 544 587 Reds 326 Superstar 55 Shooters 217 212 47 5 555 191 20 259 515 84 16
  15. Heat One Result 541 544 32 18 532 319 303 415 nof
  16. Restart order 319 268 544 415 11ld 545 32 541 303 532 18 not
  17. Heat One on track Whites 11 319 303 234 Yellows 268 544 415 545 172 83 93 Blues 18 32 541
  18. In The Kings Lynn Shoot Out Round 1 sponsored by Baldwin MotorHomes Pits x denotes I did not see them 11 Freddie Flintoff - Celebrity Guest Driver in FWJ car Shootout Drivers – Red Roof & Flashing Amber Lights 5 Charlie Sworder – Molesworth 16 Matt Newson - Norwich 20 Liam Gilbank – Rotherham 47 Simon Traves – Skegness 84 Tom Harris – Altrincham 191 Joshua Smith - Rugby 212 Danny Wainman - Silsden 217 Lee Fairhurst – Ossett 259 Paul Hines - Hinckley 515 Frankie Wainman – Silsden 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr - Silsden Superstar – Red Roof 55 Craig Finnikin - Leek Star Grade – Red Roof x 2 Paul Harrison – Wickersley x 166 Bobby Griffin 326 Mark Sargent - Spalding A Grade – Blue Roof 8 Catherine Harris - Winderton in 491 car 18 Daniel Ford x 25 Bradley Harrison - Wickersley 32 Chris Farnell – Clitheroe in the MN camp 127 Austin Moore Blackburn 335 Mark Woodhull – Sileby 457 Callum Gill – King’s Lynn 463 James Morris – Warrington in MN camp 541 Willie Skoyles Junior - King's Lynn 587 Sam Brigg B Grade – Yellow Roof 83 Darren Clark - Uttoxeter 93 Sam Makim Elswick 172 Micky Randell 268 Richard Woods – Newark x 338 Chris Brocksopp – Cossington 415 Russell Cooper – Sawston 532 Daz Kitson - March 544 Ben Howard - Whitworth 545 William Adams C Grade – White Roof 234 Terry Pearce – Kent in MN car 303 Karl Whiteman - Derby 319 Sheldon Wadsworth - Dewsbury
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