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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Two - First 12 to the Final Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 453 20 155 332 100 295 47 215 44 591 181 - 592 143 132 627 643 DNF 8 36 123 259 311
  2. Heat One - First 12 to the Final Winner - 152 Gert jan Klok 229 625 76 40 618 228 604 56 315 112 603 - 62 646 800 496 DNF 13 53 91 141 226 418 575
  3. Greetings Results from Hary Its 2 Heats, Consolation with 32 Car Final & F2's are there too
  4. Final result Winner - 800 Jaro van de Vondervoort Second 261 Dick Bouman Third 410 Jelle Tesselaar 56 67 229 27 40 81 155 - 76 217 210 91 332 315 102 143 236 33 995 453 79 Thats all folks Big Thank you to Hary
  5. Heat Five Winner - 800 Jaro van de Vondervoort 27 229 40 91 33 155 995 78 210 - 272 36 8 56
  6. Heat Four Winner - 453 Jacob de Vries 67 102 79 236 36 261 62 217 100 - 337 143 995 33 13
  7. Heat Three Winner - 56 Jorn Adema 410 79 155 229 62 27 210 315 332 - 81 35 143 337 575 91
  8. Heat Two Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 217 453 67 315 102 33 800 91 100 - 295 131 236 210 40 36 272
  9. Heat One Winner - 155 Peter Langeveld 453 236 79 100 81 76 332 261 - 102
  10. Results once again sent by Hary Big Thank You to Hary
  11. Final 393 Gert Elzinga 5 318 299 464uk 47 124 77 6 97 - 248 16 36uk 461 346uk 195 197 12 482 106 99 H77 Wesley Schaap is the 2022 National Points Champion.
  12. Heat Three 393 Gert Elzinga 318 5 99 77 36uk 461 47 124 248 - 197 97 6 346uk 12 16 106 195 71 482 299 DNF 247 464uk
  13. Heat Two Winner - 393 Gert Elzinga 464uk 5 47 124 299 346uk 99 6 77 - 318 248 16 195 461 247 36uk 97 482 DNF 12 71 90 106 197
  14. Results summary BriSCA F1 2023 WCQR 2 BriSCA F1 Heat One Winner - 84 Tom Harris 515 268 212 94 93 21 235 - 541 242 169 545 BriSCA F1 Heat Two Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 16 526 11 555 5 463 127 - 525 78 415 136 BriSCA F1 Consolation Winner - 289 Jake Walker 541 525 326 211 242 215 545 78 415 - 301 BriSCA F1 Final - Dave Peters Trophy Winner 5 Charlie Sworder Second 16 Mat Newson Third 84 Tom Harris 555 515 11 235 415 212 211 nof BriSCA F1 Grand National Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 84 16 11 216 94 212 515 211 169 555 463 1300 Stock Cars Heat One 604 104 409 537 244 302 183 303 137 348 Heat Two Winner - 600 Carl Waterfield 302 137 537 183 83 104 303 715 415 Final - Midland Championship Winner - 244 Edward Selby Second - 83 Darren Smith Third - 317 Mick Tomlinson 604 348 600 715 303 391 137 Bangers Heat One 919 427 661 429 325 43 350 359 120 216 Bangers Heat Two 175 121 358 221 193 88 36 283 Final Winner - 325 Craig Pearce Second - 238 Ryan Hall-Boulton Third - 175 Ben Lake 221 350 427 20 nof Figure of 8 Winner - 661 Tony Green 666 238 193 427 nof
  15. Grand National Result 55 84 16 11 216 94 212 515 211 169 555 463 DNF 5 78 127 242 268 301 381 Thats all folks I’ll be back in 2 weeks at Skegness after a weekend of F2 racing. 2023 World Final Tickets go on sale in November
  16. Restart order 78 11 94 216 55 16 84 555 515 212 127 169 289 381 463 211 5 301 525 nor
  17. Grand National Lap Handicap 5 Whites Yellows 78 381 268 525 11 Blues 127 169 453 94 216 242 Reds 211 289 212 555 Superstars 16 515 55 84 Novices 301
  18. Final Result for the Dave Peters Trophy 5 16 84 555 515 11 235 415 212 211 nof
  19. Final Top Three for the Dave Peters Trophy 5 Charlie Sworder 16 Mat Newson 84 Tom Harris
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