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Everything posted by nic

  1. Greetings Results from nic and Roy today and the 2022 World Champion Charlie Sworder is here
  2. Greetings Results coming from Roy tonight. Drivers booked in are T6 Pascal Spigt H27 Rutger Valk H40 Mark Tesselaar H54 Sierd de Vries H104 Jan Vrieswijk H141 Richard Falkena H210 Peter Susan H152 Gert Jan Klok H215 Albert Sikkema H228 Jan Roelof Wijbenga H229 Tsjalle Greidanus H337 Dennis Tesselaar H575 Yoren Winands H642 Roel Coenen H710 Roy Peetoom H800 Jaro van de Vondervoort B197 Jordy Lemmons NZ1 Randall Tarrant NZ3 Mitch Vickery (Not racing according to BSCDA TV) NZ5 Keegan Levien NZ46 Ethan Levien NZ23 Samuel Ashton NZ22 Terrence Dorrell 16 Matt Newson 20 Liam Gilbank 32 Chris Farnell 55 Craig Finnikin 78 Lewis Galer 115 Craig McLoughlin 268 Richard Woods 289 Jake Walker 410 Jelle Tesselaar 418 Niels Tesselaar 463 James Morris 525 Nigel de Kock 526 Finn Sargent 532 Daz Kitson 548 Daniel Brooke
  3. Results summary 2L National Saloon StockCars ORC Championship last chance H40 370 261 171 277 631 319 38 10 H868 570 84 ORC Championship First 600 Barry Russell Second 26 Tommy Barnes Third 670 Ross Watters Absolutely insane last bend! Awesome end to the race! 600 26 670 428 902 120 389 730 341 319 - 349 Steve Newman Memorial First 730 Deane Mayes Second 156 Darren Goudy Third 561 Aaron Totham 389 525 349 902 319 341 277 Jack Dain Trophy Winner 156 Darren Goudy Second 730 Deane Mayes Third 389 Ryan Santry BriSCA F2 StockCars Heat One Winner - 464 9 414 69 7 582 H410 H129 5 H131 Heat Two Winner - 968 Micky Brennan 183 1(38) 606 226 795 H249 103 149 880 Heat Three Winner - 995 Michael Lund 647 905 929 188 324 992 618 43 H186 Consolation Winner 374 Jordon Thackra H418 195 377 H30 136 344 888 - 578 H239 World Revenge Final Top Three First 1(38) Dave Polley Second 968 Micky Brennan Third 226 Billy Webster 7 H131 9 414 795 929 H410 Grand National Winner 226 Billy Webster 103 606 464 183 149 1(38) 868 785 5 That’s all folks!!
  4. BriSCA F2 World Revenge Final Top Three First 1(38) Dave Polley Second 968 Micky Brennan Third 226 Billy Webster
  5. Full ORC Championship Result 600 26 670 428 902 120 389 730 341 319 - 349
  6. ORC Championship First Three 600 Barry Russell 26 Tommy Barnes 670 Ross Watters Absolutely insane last bend! A great race with an Awesome end to the race!
  7. Greetings from nic with a greatly reduced meeting results service ORC Championship Grid 156 - 730 389 - 214 670 - 349 26 - 184 350 - 600 428 - 697 902 - 341 420 - 561 677 - 126 399 - 131 525 - 329 238 - 120 H40 - 370 261 - 171 277 - 631 319 - 38 10 - H868 570 - 84
  8. Results Summary BriSCA F2 Consolation Semi Final (Heat One)- First 7 to the World Final, First 10 to meeting final Winner - 9 Harley Thackra 226 905 524 113 149 880 - 103 377 180 Heat 2 - First 8 to meeting final Winner - 662 Steve Wycherley 795 393 H418 995 597 H239 929 H129 H126 2022 BriSCA F2 World Final Sponsored by Beechwood Contractors (Heat 3) Positions 4 to 13 to meeting final. First 3 retire from meeting for post race scrutineering. Winner - 38 Dave Polley Second- 968 Micky Brennan Third - 183 Charlie Guinchard 7 H124 606 H447 103 184 226 618 905 524 Consolation One - First 5 to the final Winner - 195 Mike Philips 582 414 136 H78 888 790 374 H29 H154 Consolation Two - First 5 to the final Winner - 992 Harley Burns 647 344 5 H131 801 127 H325 732 H929 Alan Benson Memorial Final First 113 Pat Issitt Second 136 Kyle Taylor? Third 103 Jack Issitt H418 195 149 647 618 9 524 7 roll over 662 roll over Grand National 41 Winner - 905 Rob Mitchell 226 H418 995 H126 H447 127 560 149 606 2L National Saloon StockCars Qualifying Heats Heat One Winner - 389 Ryan Santry 670 600 341 349 902 126 131 677 156 120 238 370 84 H300 Heat Two 730 Deane Mayes 26 350 670 349 561 H300 156 399 677 525 H40 38 261 238 Heat Three Winner - 214 Tom Yould 184 697 420 26 670 341 126 428 730 329 131 600 561 84 Heat Four Winner - 156 Darren Goudy 349 428 902 350 26 677 600 525 399 389 171 341 319 730 That’s all folks back tomorrow for the 2L National Saloon StockCars ORC Championship.
  9. 2022 BriSCA F2 Stock Car World Final result 38 968 183 7 H124 606 H447 103 184 226 618 905 524 subject to post race scrutineering
  10. First Three across the finish line 38 Dave Polley 968 Micky Brennan 183 Charlie Guinchard
  11. BriSCA F2 World Final Grid 183 - 7 324 - 627 H124 - H186 606 - 38 127 - 992 H131 - H78 968 - 560 618 - 3 H229 - H447 184 - 700 129 - 542 H30 - H325 915 - 960 674 - 776 H154 - H410 9 - 226 905 - 524 113 - 149 880 - 103 DNS 129 (Broken arm) - replaced by 880 542 engine died on parade lap - replaced by 103
  12. Greetings from nic and Roy Tonight we will be doing a scaled down version of our normal results service.
  13. Final Result A bit of a wreck fest by all accounts Top Three 410 Jelle Tesselaar 86 Edwin Ploeg 418 Niels Tesselaar 800 100 35 44 591 nof Thats all folks Big Thank you to Hary
  14. Heat Five Result Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 453 229 418 181 141 47 44 152 592 295 102 76 36 100 35 DNF 86 140 143 196 226 228 259
  15. Sheffield Results Summary BriSCA F1 Heat One 446 Joe Booth 18 16 55 217 35 289 515 127 172 238 216 Heat Two 55 Craig Finnikin 446 18 289 217 127 35 515 216 16 nof Final 18 Daniel Ford 446 Joe Booth 238 Richard Bryan 55 217 515 16 34 289 127 216 nof Grand National 446 Joe Booth 35 289 216 127 515 34 18 55 238 nof BriSCA V8 HotStox Heat One 131 Kev Stutchbury 491 1 10 222 288 344 350 296 365 Heat Two 491 Paul Prest 131 77 288 365 222 344 10 nof Final 288 Jon Brown 131 Kev Stutchbury 491 Paul Prest 1 77 222 350 365 116 nof Grand National 491 Paul Prest 77 131 1 222 10 288 365 nof
  16. Grand National Result 446 Joe Booth 35 289 216 127 515 34 18 55 238 nof Thats all folks I’ll be back Sunday 11th September from Northampton Shaleway PS Race fans, please refer to the Buxton website concerning carry in chairs.
  17. 446 Joe Booth wins the Grand National for his 2nd win of the day.
  18. Grand National on Track Yellows 238 Blues 35 127 446 216 34 Reds 289 Superstars 217 515 55 Half Lap Handicap 18
  19. Heat Four Result Winner 410 Jelle Tesselaar 100 800 229 575 155 228 79 20 591 - 40 295 56 332 15 226 102 196 281 DNF 315 618 710
  20. Final result Final Top Three 18 Daniel Ford 446 Joe Booth 238 Richard Bryan 55 217 515 16 34 289 127 216 nof
  21. Final Top Three 18 Daniel Ford 446 Joe Booth 238 Richard Bryan If there was any doubt, there isn’t anymore with Daniels 2nd final win this weekend, a blue roof beckons next time on track.
  22. Final on track Whites Yellows 18 238 Blues 35 127 34 216 446 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 16 217 515 55
  23. Heat Two Result 55 446 18 289 217 127 35 515 216 16 nof
  24. Restart order 18 55 446 127 289 217 35 515 216 16 nor
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