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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 55 84 446 424 515 217 5 62 316 410 34 94 127 191 95 548 350 45 nor
  2. Heat Two on track (First 10 to the final) Whites 424 548 Yellows 350 68 45 78 35 95 Blues H62 93 216 127 34 446 94 364 Reds & Superstars 410 55 Shooters 191 5 515 217 84
  3. Heat One result 16 289 212 555 238 20 463 211 259 32 nof
  4. Restart order 238 289 32 16 463 418 259 175 212 24 555 20 44 211
  5. Restart order 544 H575 238 44 24 32 463 175 18 289 53 211 16 212 259 418 20 555 nor 249 retired front offside puncture
  6. Change of meeting race order F1 now race one Heat One on track (First 10 to the final) Whites 44 Yellows H575 24 544 238 Blues 32 335 463 175 53 249 18 Reds & Superstars 418 289 Shooters 211 555 212 20 16 259
  7. 95 Rob Mitchell and 364 Rob Plant doing their 5 laps
  8. In the wet pits Whites 44 295 424 548 Yellows 24 35 45 x68 78 X95 238 350 364 x457 544 575 Blues 18 32 34 53 H62 93 94 127 175 216 249 335 446 463 Reds and Superstars 55 289 419 x418 Shooters 5 16 20 x47 84 191 211 212 217 259 515 555
  9. Saturday 5pm Start 1. National MiniStox Heat 1 (All in) 2. BriSCA F1 Heat 1 3. BriSCA F1 Heat 2 4. National MiniStox Heat 2 5. BriSCA F1 Consolation 6. National MiniStox Heat 7. BriSCA F1 Final Sponsored by 8. National MiniStox Final 9. BriSCA F1 Grand National
  10. The official 2L National Saloon Stock World Final result from their website issued today Following post race technical checks at the conclusion of the 2022 Saloon Stock Car World Championship at Skegness Raceway on Saturday 8 October, the cars of #747 Matthew StIrling and #120 Luke Dorling were found to be in contravention of the 2022 SSCA Technical Specifications. In the case of #747 this relates to the modification of standard parts under “Violations” in the 2022 SSCA Technical Specifications and specifically relates to the excessive removal of metal from the drive flange that connects to the drive shaft. In the case of #120 this relates to 2022 Technical Specification 7 – Brakes – not running identical brakes across the axle. Both #747 and #120 are suspended and the official result of the World Championship is: 1st #349 Michael Allard 2nd #525 Wesley Starmer 3rd #341 Austen Freestone With regard to protesting the race result itself and if drivers were incorrectly placed, the time limit for such protests is 30 minutes after the conclusion of the meeting. Subsequent ‘next-day’ protests have been dismissed as out of time.
  11. Grand National Result 84 217 381 166 515 259 73 175 25 526 501 191 Thats all Folks Big big thank you to Roy for Race Reports and pit news Back next week from Osdal for Shoot Out Round 6
  12. 84 Tom Harris wins the Grand National
  13. Restart order 84 43ld 381 11 217 166 515 501 175 73 25 259 229 489 551 20 191 5 526 36 nor
  14. Restart order 489 381 78 539 11 27 84 166 501 217 73 25 526 515 212 175 498 229 343 259 191 555 551 20 543 5 36 295 43 420 nor
  15. Lap 5 yf 129 stranded on t4 race line all ok
  16. Grand National Whites 489 343 295 27 Yellows 43 195 381 78 Blues 501 526 73 11 560 25 Reds 175 551 464 229 498 543 Shooters 5 16 20 84 166 191 212 217 259 515 555 Novices 129 539 420 Half Lap Handicap 36
  17. Final Result 36 84 175 217 498 73 166 H229 259 16 - 48 551
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