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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Two Result Winner - 625 Yne Wiebe Terpstra 141 104 229 181 44 67 699 56 337 - 191 228 295 143 91 DNF 102 123 196 332 642
  2. Heat One Result Winner - 67 Marco Kandt 229 141 181 699 295 228 102 642 337 - 104 91 44 143 191 196 DNF 56 117 123 332 625
  3. Whites and yellows Golden Helmet Result Winner - 56 Jorn Adema Second - 102 Rian Vronink Third - 625 Yne Wiebe Terpstrra 123 117 609 DNF 91 104 143 191 196 642
  4. Greetings Results sent to me from Hary Thank you Hary
  5. Results Summary BriSCA F1 - 2022 NPC Shoot Our Round 7 sponsored by Teng Tools + 2023 WCQR 5 + Grand National Championship + Ben Turner Memorial Final Whites and Yellows Winner - 319 Sheldon Wadsworth 457 235 215 415 372 234 243 338 545 78 381 Heat One(Grand National Championship) Winner - 84 Tom Harris Second 16 Mat Third - 55 Craig Finnikin 259 20 191 212 541 217 410 289 166 Heat Two Winner - 526 Finn Sargent 2 94 457 410 157 93 215 25 415 - 326 338 Consolation Winner - 216 Jack France 515 235 555 326 463 364 211 243 249 545 32 381 127 Final - Ben Turner Memorial sponsored by Teng Tools Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin Second - 84 Tom Harris Third - 418 Neils Tesselaar 166 381 217 457 212 94 541 191 2 Helter Skelter Winner - 16 Mat Newson 515 268 410 216 345 243 217 289 211 20 nof BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - National Points Series Championship Round 5 of 7 Heat One (Whites and Yellows Final) Winner - 662 Steve Wycherley Second - 393 Darren McCarthy Third - 524 Michael Wallbank 113 414 58 707 612 544 39 Heat two Winner - 377 Daz Shaw 995 905 183 606 149 129 103 810 618 Consolation Winner - 188 Aaron Patch 1 992 5 801 H12 H686 136 344 926 116 336 Final Winner - 183 Charlie Guinchard Second - 1(38) Dave Polley Third - 606 Andrew Palmer 524 905 618 377 810 129 H12 Grand National Winner - 393 Darren McCarthy 790 524 606 183 136 5 618 113 188
  6. Helter Skelter Result 16 515 268 410 216 345 243 217 289 211 20 nof Big Thank you to Roy for his race and pit reports Back next week for Round at at Sheffield That’s all Folks
  7. Restart order Water cart 268 235 55 545 217 166 20 410 191 289 2 515 16 78 211 345 243 216 nor
  8. Restart order 268 235 545 381 55 216 93 217 166 2 20 410 289 191 78 259 243 515 16 211 345 nor
  9. Helter Skelter on Track Lap Handicap 55 Whites 548 Yellows 78 235 268 381 545 Blues 93 94 216 326 345 526 541 Reds 2 157 166 289 410 418 Shooters 211 555 191 217 20 515 259 16 84 Novices 243y+
  10. Ben Turner Memorial Final sponsored by Teng Tools Result 55 84 418 166 381 217 457 212 94 541 191 2
  11. Ben Turner Memorial Final sponsored by Teng Tools Top Three It’s another final win for First - 55 Craig Finnikin Second - 84 Tom Harris Third 418 Neil’s Tesselaar
  12. Restart order 381 545 457 215 415 364 418 93 463 166 55 212 289 94 541 191 555 157 235 84 217 2 20 249 326 211 526 243 nor
  13. Lap 4 yf 515 flying in the air and nearly rolling on back straight. all ok, but car looks very poorly!!
  14. Ben Turner Memorial Final on track sponsored by Teng Tools Whites Yellows 215 235 381 415 545 457 Blues 25 32 93 94 127 216 249 326 364 463 526 541 Reds & Superstars 2 55 157 166 289 410 418 Shooters 16 20 84 191 211 212 217 259 515 555 Novices 243y+ All qualifiers are on track
  15. Consolation Result first 14 to the final 216 515 235 555 326 463 364 211 243 249 545 32 381 127
  16. Restart order 325 548 345 216 364 127 515 555 32 381 211 326 249 545 253 124 463 372 nor
  17. Consolation on Track (First ? to the final) Whites 548 Yellows 78 268 338 372 381 545 Blues 32 124 127 216 249 326 345 364 463 Shooters 211 515 555 Novices 243y+ DNS 234 319 587 5 47 319 on track but car won’t start
  18. Heat One Grand National Championship result amendment from race control 418 comes in to 10th place 11th 289 12th 166 216 does not qualify for the final
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