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Everything posted by nic

  1. lap 10 ish yf 235 and 84 stranded on t4 race line. At last!!!! 217 fences 84 twice and 84 retires to a cheering crowd Restart irder 93 249 217 545 35 457 20 34 463 21 259 55 127 166 175 587 44 545 nor
  2. Lap 6 ish yf 548 45 212 424 2 338 16 all out restart order 93 235 249 457 217 84 34 463 515 21 20 35 127 259 587 175 166 545 44 55 nor
  3. Final sponsored by Trinity Diesels on track On Track Whites 548 44 424 Yellows 235 338 545 45 35 457 Blues 93 463 127 34 249 175 Reds and Superstars 21 2 166 55 Shooters 16 20 84 212 217 259 515 Novices 587 - No aerofoil DNS 216 326 211 No reserves as this is a WCQR meeting
  4. Consolation Result 84 515 587 34 545 211 424 216 35 44 nof
  5. Restart order 84 515 216 34 587 545 211 44 78 35 424 nor
  6. Lap 8 ish y 555 stranded on t4 race line with broken from end. all ok restart order 18 84 216 515 424 34 587 44 364 211 545 35 350 78 nor
  7. Restart order 18 424 364 136 216 84 44 515 34 78 555 587 211 35 545 350 nor
  8. Restart order 424 136 44 351 364 18 216 34 289 78 84 359 515 211 555 587 35 545 nor
  9. Lap 3 yf 268 and 238 tangled on t2 race line all ok
  10. Consolation (First 10 to the final) 22 cars on Track Whites 424 136 351 44 Yellows 78 238 268 350 415 545 Blues 18 34 216 364 Reds and Superstars 289 Shooters 555 191 211 84 515 Novices 587 no aerofoil DNS 389 35 345
  11. Heat 1 result 16 217 166 20 2 249 338 175 548 45 - 238 Heat 2 result 55 457 212 93 127 21 235 463 259 326 - 424 415 191 350 nof
  12. Heat Two (First 10 to the final) 22 cars on Track Whites 44 424 351 Yellows 350 235 545 268 415 457 Blues 93 463 127 216 345 326 Reds and Superstars 21 55 Shooters 191 212 259 84 515
  13. Restart order 16 217 166 20 2 289 249 175 338 78 238 548 45 nor
  14. Restart order 548 238 16 18 217 166 175 78 20 249 2 289 136 45 338 nor
  15. On restart 587 rolled and ended up upside down with 364 on top of the 587 car!! Coming out of turn 4 before crossing the start line. all ok
  16. Restart order 548 587 364 238 16 18 217 166 175 78 20 555 249 2 136 289 45 338 nor
  17. Restart order 548 78 238 18 364 587 175 136 289 166 217 2 16 555 20 211 34 249 45 338 nor
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