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Everything posted by nic

  1. Results Summary BriSCA F1 W&Y 548 Daniel Brooke 502 238 587 35 45 453 345 350 271 Heat One 217 Lee Fairhurst 457 166 16 127 175 271 nof Heat Two 84 Tom Harris 55 217 335 463 21 212 93 238 45 Heat Three 457 Callum Gill 84 446 166 127 16 93 335 463 350 515 nof Final 55 Craig Finnikin 16 Mat Ndewson 216 Jack France 212 335 350 463 217 453 nof Grand National 84 Tom Harris 16 515 166 217 212 446 350 55 nor BriSCA F2 Heat One 324 Jordon Thackra 1 880 488 69 59 818 226 925 588 Heat Two 47 Greg Makenzie 183 968 488 226 9 618 926 188 169 Heat Three 968 Mickey Brennan 183 324 3 47 129 818 880 169 451 Final 324 Jordon Thackra 1 Dave Polley 880 Jack Witts 226 9 618 304 881 532 18 Grand National 183 Charlie Guinchard 1 3 618 968 801 226 324 880 nof
  2. Grand National Result 84 16 515 166 217 212 446 350 55 nor Big thank you to Roy for the race and pit reports Back next week from the Northampton Shaleway Thats all folks
  3. 84 Tom Harris wins the Grand National after a big hit on 217 to take the lead
  4. Restart order 446 217 84 16 166 515 212 55 350 67 nor
  5. About lap 10 ish yf infield tyre on t4 race line All ok
  6. Restart order 446 93 166 217 463 16 515 84 457 212 350 55 67 nor
  7. Lap three ish 271 stranded on race line into t3 all ok
  8. Grand National on track lap Handicap 55 Whites 350 Yellows 453 457 Blues 93 216 446 463 Reds 166 212 Superstars 16 84 217 515 Novices 271 67
  9. Final Full Result 55 16 216 212 335 350 463 217 453 nof
  10. Final Top Three 55 Craig Finnikin 16 Matt Newson 216 Jack France
  11. Restart order 84 127 217 55 175 16 212 350 166 335 216 463 453 nor
  12. Lap 6 ish yf 515 463 271 half blocking tack coming out of t4 All ok
  13. Final (All in) On Track 260 for rolling lap Whites 350 Yellows 453 457 Blues 93 127 175 216 335 446 463 Reds 166 212 Superstars 16 55 84 217 515 Novices 271
  14. Heat 3 Full Result 457 Callum Gill 84 446 166 127 16 93 335 463 350 515
  15. By nearly half a lap 457 Callum Gill wins heat 3
  16. Lap 1 yf 345 stranded on home straight before crossing the start line All ok
  17. Heat Three - on Track Whites 548 350 Yellows 45 457 268 345 Blues 335 127 18 463 216 446 Reds 21 166 Superstars 515 16 84 Novices 299
  18. Heat 2 Full Result 84 55 217 335 463 21 212 93 238 45 35 67 - 502 548 350 nof
  19. 84 Tom Harris wins Heat Two after battling past 217 and 55
  20. Heat Two on Track Whites 548 350 Yellows 453 45 502 35 238 Blues 335 463 93 175 Reds 21 212 Superstars 217 84 55 Novices 67
  21. Heat One Full result 217 457 166 16 127 175 271 nof
  22. 217 Lee Fairhurst survives a last bender from 457 Callum Gill to win heat one
  23. Restart order 457 217 446 127 166 55 16 268 175 345 271 nor
  24. Lap Three red flag Huge high speed roll over on home straight by 18 Daniel Ford all ok
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