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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 3 Result Winner - 393 Gert Elzinga 48 124 220 482 248 99 141 47 71 - 461 5 6 16 97 299 12 2 dnf 90 106 197 229 318
  2. Heat 2 Result Winner - 393 Gert Elzinga 48 71 248 5 47 12 124 229 318 - 97 220 16 299 141 461 482 99 106 6 2 dnf 90 197
  3. Heat One Result Winner - 124 Wim Peeters 71 47 48 248 197 97 6 229 16 - 12 318 299 141 5 99 106 461 220 482 dnf 2 90 393
  4. Photos of the Current World Cup Champion - 47 Danny Van Wamelen
  5. Results and phots from Hary. Hary drives the Team 47 Transporter
  6. Thank you Hary That’s all Folks back tomorrow from Venray
  7. Final Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar Second - 418 Neils Tesselaar Third - 155 Pieter Langeveld 61 152 44 27 179 311 79 - 86 229 699 20 7 dnf 14 15 53 67 75 76 87 141 210 226 228 315 332 511 591 603 618
  8. Final Grid 603 - 15 53 - 311 226 - 511 591 - 179 87 - 315 76 - 332 75 141 - 61 418 - 410 27 - 228 79 - 20 699 - 210 14 - 44 618 - 86 155 - 152 67 - 229 7
  9. Heat 7 Winner - 61 Koen Maris 67 591 79 86 618 27 20 7 210 - 661 332 91 56 132 800 237 dnf 76 236 259 295 511 625
  10. Heat 6 Winner - 603 Rogier van Baaren 410 226 229 14 44 228 592 53 609 - 16 661 152 541 75 315 dnf 87 161 181 215 261 496 502 604 699
  11. Heat 5 Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 155 699 27 179 418 236 800 603 295 - 86 132 259 dnf 104 191 237 292 311 592
  12. Heat 4 Winner - 618 wybe De vries 141 418 511 7 215 292 179 181 502 dnf 14 44 53 56 67 76 155 161 191 226 228 261 311 315 496 541 601 625
  13. Heat 3 Winner - 152 Gert-jan Klok 226 61 315 229 603 75 15 87 332 - 591 259 dnf 20 79 91 100 104 210 236 410 604 609
  14. Heat 2 Winner - 511 Arjen De wilde 141 311 87 20 618 410 541 79 699 - 591 161 67 625 181 75 14 661 496 15 592 292 502 dnf 44 152 215 237 604 609
  15. Heat 1 Winner - 418 Neil’s Tesselaar 86 76 229 228 61 155 191 210 53 - 261 91 179 27 800 295 7 332 56 dnf 36 132 143 601
  16. Results Summary BriSCA F1 (All In) Whites and Yellows Winner - 587 Sam Brigg 268 544 345 238 35 501 67 nof Heat One Winner - 587 Sam Brigg 166 55 127 446 5 212 16 544 238 - Heat Two Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 166 345 587 463 16 548 212 nof Final Winner - 84 Tom Harris Second - 16 Mat Newson Third - 127 Austin Moore 212 166 463 345 150 217 238 446 nof Grand National Winner - 84 Tom Harris 55 16 212 127 463 364 238 548 nof BriSCA F2 Heat One (All In) Winner - 968 Micky Brennan 880 606 377 324 582 226 136 818 618 - 9 588 Heat Two Winner - 968 Micky Brennan 226 307 324 606 880 618 9 136 828 - 925 Final Winner - 880 Jack Witts Second - 226 Billy Webster Third - 968 Mick Brennan 606 324 136 618 9 818 926 - 377 307 588 810 34 Grand National Winner - 968 Micky Brennan 606 226 880 618 result not announced so apart from winner, other places are not confirmed.
  17. Grand National Full Result - care of Nigel, thank you 84 55 16 212 127 463 364 238 548 nof Thats all Folks Back next week from King’s Lynn Blauhuis Results coming later tonight.
  18. Restart order 345 127 16 55 84 212 548 364 463 238 446 nor
  19. Restart lap yf infield tyre on track all ok
  20. Restart order 345 364 127 238 446 55 16 212 548 84 463 nor
  21. Lap 5 ish yellow flag 150 on t3 bend inside race line all ok
  22. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 84 Whites 548 Yellows 238 345 364 Blues 127 216 463 446 Reds 166 212 150 Superstars 16 55
  23. Final Full Result 84 16 127 212 166 463 345 150 217 238 446 nof
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