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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 55 587 326 249ld 541 502 259 525 93 415 127 364 548 nor
  2. Restart order 502 587 326 548 55 541 259 93 364 525 249 114 127 415 nor
  3. Consolation On Track - First 12 to the Final Whites 548 Yellows 364 415 502 525 587 Blues 93 124 127 249 326 446 541 Reds 259 Superstars 55
  4. Heat One result amendment from race control 587 removed and 172 comes into 10th place
  5. Heat Two full result 235 463 335 372 84 5 16 346 212 166 - ? ? only first 10 announced dnf 124 249 446 502
  6. 235 Mick Haworth wins heat 2 for his 2nd win this season
  7. Heat Two - On Track Whites 548 Yellows 235 372 502 364 Blues 335 124 346 463 446 541 249 Reds 166 212 259 Superstars 16 84 5
  8. Heat one full result - 526 138 20 120 215 587 289 515 216 21 - ? ? Only first 10 announced dnf 55 127 326 525
  9. 526 wins heat one - his first win this season
  10. Restart order 526 215 172 138 587ld 525 120 20 326 515 289 216 93 21 415 127 nor
  11. Heat One On Track - First 10 to the Final Whites Yellow 215 172 415 120 525 587 Blues 326 127 216 526 249 93 Reds 138 21 20 289 Superstars 515 55
  12. In The Mildenhall sunny 2023 WCQR 10 Pits X denotes I did not see them 5 Charlie Sworder - World Champion - Gold roof in 150 car 16 Matt Newson (1 2023 Race win) 20 Liam Gilbank 21 Mark Gilbank 55 Craig Finnikin (1 2023 Final Win) (4 2023 Race wins) 84 Tom Harris - National Points Champion – Silver Roof (2 2023 Final Wins) (9 2023 Race wins) 93 Sam Makim 120 Casey Englestone 138 Dave Polley 172 Michael Randell x 191 Joshua Smith 212 Danny Wainman 216 Jack France 235 Mick Haworth (1 2023 Race win) 249 Jonathon Gibson x 268 Richard Woods (1 2023 Race win) 289 Jake Walker 326 Mark Sargent (1 2023 Race win) 335 Mark Woodhull 346 Ashley England 364 Robert Plant 372 Colin Goodswen 415 Russell Cooper 446 Joe Booth 463 James Morris 502 Richard Wilson 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr - European Champion - Yellow/Red Chequered 525 Nigel de Kock - in Brand new MN built car 526 Finlay Sargent 541 Willie Skoyles Jnr 548 Daniel Brooke (1 2023 Race win) 587 Samuel Brigg (1 2023 Final Win)(4 2023 Race wins) BriSCA National MiniStox 1 20 21 27 30 43 51 55 64 80 105 155 158 181 183 186 191 211 212 223 231 244 267 269 270 272 279 300 411 425 507 611 612 642 711 732 Bangers 16 21 24 62 77 84 111 116 122 123 129 158 170 178 180 183 188 195 198 203 224 229 230 246 247 284 294 317 327 328 331 354 356 400 456 494 548 562 592 623 634 639 661 662 673 682 717 817 830 960
  13. Greetings from nic and Roy today. Format changed extra NMS heat added as race 1 - now got 14 races Meeting Format Start time 5pm Race 1 - National Bangers - Heat One Race 2- National MiniStox - Heat One Race 3 - BriSCA F1 - Heat One Race 4 - BriSCA F1 - Heat Two Race 5 - National Bangers - Supreme Championship Race 6 - National MiniStox - Heat Two Race 7 - BriSCA F1 - Consolation Race 8 - National Bangers - All-comers 1 Race 9 - National MiniStox - Heat Three Race 10 - BriSCA F1 Final Race 11 - National Bangers - Allcomers 2 Race 12 - National MiniStox - Final Race 13 - BriSCA F1 - Grand National
  14. Results Summary BriSCA F1 Whites and Yellows Winner - 268 Richard Woods 597 215 501 545 372 502 338 415 - 548 120 Heat One - 10 to the final Winner - 326 Mark Sargent 364 217 5 93 515 2 21 25 268 - 53 45 Heat Two - 10 to the final Winner - 235 Mick Haworth 55 463 346 166 212 20 289 84 242 - 120 368 Consolation 16 to the final Winner - 127 Austin Moore 168 120 53 215 163 45 415 469 nof Final Winner - 166 Bobby Griffin Second - 217 Lee Fairhurst Third - 120 Casey Englestone 268 127 463 289 2 20 25 - 364 326 Grand National Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 217 326 515 346 84 446 25 2 20 - 212 166 BriSCA F2 White Top Whirlwind Winner H248 Wout Hoffmans 707 810 582 34 351 543 304 nof Heat One - 12 to the final Winner - 414 Josh Raynor 304 43 393 183 880 58 H186 715 129 103 47 Heat Two 12 to the final Winner - 464 Matt Linfield 606 7 618 527 324 3 69 129 198 271 715 Consolation 12 to the final Winner - H248 Wout Hoffmans 968 582 707 344 543 149 188 117 597 34 810 Final Winner - 47 Greg McKenzie Second - 324 Jordon Thackra Third - 129 Charley Tomblin 183 527 H186 188 103 3 69 Grand National Winner - 582 Tomson Streets 880 968 188 H186 136 929 618 129 414
  15. Grand National Full Result 55 217 326 515 346 84 446 25 2 20 - 212 166 big thank you to Roy for race and pit reports back next week from Mildenhall Thats all Folks
  16. Just past halfway yf big crash on back straight all ok restart order 5 to go 55 346 217 326 25 515 446 212 166 84 2 364 20 242 368 nor
  17. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 166 Whites 163 548 Yellows 368 45 172 268 545 346 587 Blues 25 53 127 242 326 335 346 446 463 526 541 Reds 20 212 289 2 Superstars 515 217 55 84 Novices 469
  18. Final Full Result 166 217 120 268 127 463 289 2 20 25 - 364 326 dnf 5 45 53 55 84 93 163 168 212 215 235 242 346 515
  19. Hectic final with lots of hits and punctures Top Three 166 Bobby Griffin 217 Lee Fairhurst - last bender on 120 120 Casey Englestone
  20. Restart order 45 268 163 364 93 127 120 346 166 217 84 55 289 2 25 415 5 20 515 463 326 489 nir
  21. Lap 5 ish yf loose car tyre on the track all ok
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