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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Five Result Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 453 229 418 181 141 47 44 152 592 295 102 76 36 100 35 DNF 86 140 143 196 226 228 259
  2. Sheffield Results Summary BriSCA F1 Heat One 446 Joe Booth 18 16 55 217 35 289 515 127 172 238 216 Heat Two 55 Craig Finnikin 446 18 289 217 127 35 515 216 16 nof Final 18 Daniel Ford 446 Joe Booth 238 Richard Bryan 55 217 515 16 34 289 127 216 nof Grand National 446 Joe Booth 35 289 216 127 515 34 18 55 238 nof BriSCA V8 HotStox Heat One 131 Kev Stutchbury 491 1 10 222 288 344 350 296 365 Heat Two 491 Paul Prest 131 77 288 365 222 344 10 nof Final 288 Jon Brown 131 Kev Stutchbury 491 Paul Prest 1 77 222 350 365 116 nof Grand National 491 Paul Prest 77 131 1 222 10 288 365 nof
  3. Grand National Result 446 Joe Booth 35 289 216 127 515 34 18 55 238 nof Thats all folks I’ll be back Sunday 11th September from Northampton Shaleway PS Race fans, please refer to the Buxton website concerning carry in chairs.
  4. 446 Joe Booth wins the Grand National for his 2nd win of the day.
  5. Grand National on Track Yellows 238 Blues 35 127 446 216 34 Reds 289 Superstars 217 515 55 Half Lap Handicap 18
  6. Heat Four Result Winner 410 Jelle Tesselaar 100 800 229 575 155 228 79 20 591 - 40 295 56 332 15 226 102 196 281 DNF 315 618 710
  7. Final result Final Top Three 18 Daniel Ford 446 Joe Booth 238 Richard Bryan 55 217 515 16 34 289 127 216 nof
  8. Final Top Three 18 Daniel Ford 446 Joe Booth 238 Richard Bryan If there was any doubt, there isn’t anymore with Daniels 2nd final win this weekend, a blue roof beckons next time on track.
  9. Final on track Whites Yellows 18 238 Blues 35 127 34 216 446 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 16 217 515 55
  10. Heat Two Result 55 446 18 289 217 127 35 515 216 16 nof
  11. Restart order 18 55 446 127 289 217 35 515 216 16 nor
  12. Lap 8 ish yf 238 16 and 172 in t3 fence 238 on fire all ok
  13. Restart order 18 172 55 446 127 289 35 238 217 515 16 216 197 nor
  14. Lap 6 ish red flag, 453 clipped the back end of the 548 car which was in the fence at the end of the back straight. The 548 car then was on fire. all ok
  15. Heat One on track Whites 548 Yellows 172 238 453 18 Blues 35 127 446 216 34 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 16 217 515 55 DNS 303 16
  16. Heat Three Result Winner 181 Mark Veenstra 418 44 62 76 591 47 575 332 152 - 104 311 592 143 DNF 35 36 56 79 86 141 259 281 453 625
  17. Heat Two Result Winner 76 Wierd Gietema 229 155 592 453 15 20 181 40 143 - 62 226 228 800 102 104 295 710 196 DNF 259 315 410 618
  18. Heat One Result 446 18 16 55 217 35 289 515 127 172 - 238 216 DNF 34 B197 303 548
  19. Heat One Result Winner 44 Gosse Hoekstra 36 418 40 155 152 618 79 20 141 - 15 332 35 591 100 311 56 710 DNF 13 47 86 259 281 315 575 625 800
  20. Greetings all Results from Hary today, Thank you
  21. 446 Joe Booth wins Heat One after 453 got caught and 18 put up a good fight, but was passed with 5 to go.
  22. Heat One on track Whites 303 548 Yellows 172 238 453 18 Blues 35 127 446 216 34 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 16 217 515 55 FWJ in FWJ hire car B197 in MN hire car
  23. Meeting format “All In” for both F1 and V8s
  24. X denotes I did not see them In the Sheffield 28th August 2022 pits Whites NZ3 Mitch Vickery in 32 car 16 Matt Newson 18 Daniel Ford 34 Mal Brown 35 Neil Shenton X 44Tom Brown 55 Craig Finnikin 127 Austin Moore 172 Micky Randell 216 Jack France 217 Lee Fairhurst 238 Richard Bryan X 249Joff Gibson 276 Mark Poole 289 Jake Walker 303 Karl Whiteman 446 Joe Booth 453 Tommy Andrew 463 James Morris 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 548 Daniel Brooke V8 Hot Stox No.Name 1Steve Thompson 10Gilen Bullock X 69Matt Barnard X 71Jamie Rodgers 77Rudi Coleano X 114Richard Smith 131Kev Stuchbury X 176Stephen Young 193Ian Lewis Jnr 222Guy Jolly 288Jon Brown 296Dan Poole X 329Thomas Brighton 344Richard Smith 350Hannah Andrew 365Marcus Brooks X 402James Billows 453Tommy Andrew X 490Craig Thompson
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