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Everything posted by nic

  1. Colin North Memorial Final Sponsored by J Davidson Scrap Metal Processors Top Three 48 Shaun Webster 25 Bradley Harrison 8 Catherine Harris
  2. About halfway yf restart order 489 452 295 8 120 48 25 346 87 551 526 532 242 11 16 84 515 217 124 229 132 464 191 326 415 nor
  3. A great tribute speech from Richard for Colin Final on track for the Colin North Memorial sponsored by J Davidson Scrap Metal Processors Whites 87 132 295 489 Yellows 120 300 415 452 532 Blues 8 25 11 242 326 346 526 Reds 22 48 H124 H229 464 498 543 551 Shooters 16 84 166 191 212 217 259 515
  4. Consolation Result H124 H229 48 175 346 551 20 191 - 555 5 211 78
  5. Halfway yf restart order H124 H229 48 346 175 484 191 555 551 211 5 2 78 20 127 343 nor
  6. Restart order 484 346 175 48 H124 H229 2 191 551 555 20 5 211 127 78 343 129 nor
  7. 12th place in heat 3 is 539 due to H229 dq
  8. Back to BriSCA F1 Consolation Whites 128 343 548 539 397 479 Yellows 283 326 78 43 36 484 172 164 381 Blues 501 175 346 345 127 560 Reds 2 48 H124 551 H 229 Shooters 5 20 191 211 555 Novices 129 8 Catherine Harris won Heat Three H229 disqualified for technical infringement One of his brakes was illegal. 12th place not known
  9. World Final Top Three Result amended after 747 and 120 car failed post race scrutiny Winner 349 Michael Allard Second 525 Wesley Starmer Third 341 Austen Freestone original result as follows 747 Matt Stirling 349 Michael Allard 120 Luke Dorling
  10. Lap 17 yf restart order 747 120 349 525 902 341 684 661 399 389 329 153 38 570 868 350 600 210 719 561 nor
  11. Lap 12 ish yf restart order 747 349 120 670 525 902 116 389 171 277 131 561 684 5 341 350 399 329 153 600 424 719 38 868 210 85 570 nor
  12. Lap 6 ish - Big high speed crashes on home straight yf 349 was a long way in front. Restart order 349 120 747 670 902 525 389 171 341 116 399 350 684 868 85 570 277 131 329 153 5 661 210 561 210 561 126 424 600 38 719 nor
  13. 2L National Saloon 2022 World Final Grid is on track 600 - 349 670 - 902 618 - 399 NI711 - H868 730 - 389 85 - 131 H16 - NI747 525 - 561 171 - 126 NI153 - H424 84 - 120 277 - 677 5 - 684 38 - 341 329 - 570 H210 - NI719 661 - 350 238 - 116 407 - 122
  14. Next up is the 2023 2L National Saloon StockCars World Final
  15. Heat Three Result H229 8 226 132 489 11 452 22 - 25 127 345 544
  16. Lap four ish yf restart Order 132 479 484 381 489 36 etc etc
  17. Heat Three on track (First 8 to the final) Whites 128 132 226 343 479 489 539 Yellows 452 544 195 484 164 172 381 36 Blues 11 127 345 25 8 326 Reds H229 22
  18. Heat Two result 415 120 87 295 242 532 526 300 - 560 60 78 397
  19. Heat Two on track (First 8 to the final) Whites 60 87 129 295 397 420 548 Yellows 43 78 532 120 415 327 283 300 Blues 560 346 526 175 73 501 242 Reds H124
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