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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 2 Red Flag 389 roll over at end of home straight all ok
  2. Heat One (First 10 to the final) 22 cars on Track Whites 136 389 548 Yellows 78 238 338 45 35 Blues 364 18 587 34 175 249 Reds and Superstars 289 2 166 Shooters 555 211 217 20 16
  3. Pre Meeting entertainment Top Four shooters doing fastest lap in Yorstox road car Tom Harris 21.840 Lee Fairhurst 20.499 Mat Newson 21.278 Frankie Wainman Junior 20.299 using the home straight fence and turn 2 exit fence!!
  4. Meeting Format 4.30pm Remembrance speech from Commander Dave Crosby Start 5pm Race 1 - BriSCA F1 - Heat One Race 2 - BriSCA F2 - Heat One Race 3 - BriSCA F1 - Heat Two Race 4 - BriSCA F2 - Heat Two Race 5 - BriSCA F1 - Consolation Race 6 - BriSCA F2 - Heat Three Race 7 - BriSCA F1 - Final Sponsored by Trinity Diesels Race 8 - BriSCA F2 - Final Race 9 - BriSCA F1 - Helter Skelter Race 10 - BriSCA F2 - Helter Skelter
  5. In the Bradford Shoot Out Finale Sponsored by Trinity Diesels Sunny Pits Whites 44 Tom Brown 136 Rob Jacklin 351 John Frost x 389 Tom Dayman 424 Mike Heywood 548 Daniel Brooke Yellows 35 Neil Shenton 45 Nigel Harrhy 78 Lewis Galer 235 Mick Haworth 238 Richard Bryan 268 Richard Woods x 338 Chris Brocksopp 350 Hannah Andrew 415 Russell Cooper 457 Callum Gill 545 William Adams Blues 18 Daniel Ford 34 Mal Brown 93 Sam Makim 127 Austin Moore 175 Karl Hawkins 216 Jack France x 249 Joff Gibson 326 Mark Sargent 345 Jake Harrhy 364 Rob Plant 463 James Morris 587 Samuel Brigg Reds & Superstars 2 Paul Harrison 21 Mark Gilbank 166 Bobby Griffin 55 Craig Finnikin 289 Jake Walker Shooters x 5 Charlie Sworder 16 Matt Newson 20 Liam Gilbank x 47 Simon Traves 84 Tom Harris x 191 Joshua Smith 211 Phoebe Wainman-Hawkins 212 Daniel Wainman 217 Lee Fairhurst 259 Paul Hines 515 Frankie Wainman 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr BriSCA F2 1 9 39 43 68 86 129 136 169 183 184 226 307 324 377 393 451 524 560 606 708 810 818 836 844 880 905 927 962
  6. Results Summary BriSCA F1 - 2022 NPC Shoot Our Round 8 sponsored by G&TRobson + 2023 WCQR 6 + Chris Hulley Memorial + F2 Grand National Championship Heat One Winner - 2 Paul Harrison 515 259 335 415 34 372 47 - 555 175 Heat Two Winner - 212 Danny Wainman 217 16 5 20 216 338 345 nof Consolation Winner - 84 Tom Harris 18 555 526 463 364 276 nof Final - sponsored by G&T Robson Winner - 2 Paul Harrison Second - 463 James Morris Third - 16 Mat Newson 5 84 259 212 20 335 415 217 nof Helter Skelter Winner - 84 Tom Harris 55 217 16 2 175 212 20 211 463 350 nof BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - Grand National Championship Grand National Championship Winner - 226 Billy Webster Second - 136 Kyle Taylor Third - 324 Jordon Thackra 995 880 183 103 344 524 39 Heat One Winner - 183 Charlie Guinchard 995 226 818 905 344 136 nof Whites and Yellows 2022 Championship Winner 344 Luke Woodhull Heat Two Winner - 183 Charlie Guinchard 995 103 905 968 618 nof Final Winner - 905 Rob Mitchell Second - 183 Charlie Guinchard Third - 968 Micky Brennan 226 618 103 995 136 113 nof Grand National Winner - 103 Jack Issitt 968 183 226 905 618 451 nof Sheffield 2022 Track Champion 905 Rob Mitchell
  7. BriSCA F1 Stock Cars Heat One Winner 25 Bradley Harrison 489 2 16 515 319 12 175 - 5 20 47 498 Heat Two Winner 84 Tom Harris 8 157 464 346 420 259 73 - 166 555 381 191 Consolation Winner 381 Lewis Evans 166 47 217 191 20 368 555 498 211 501 339 Final Winner 166 Bobby Griffin Second 84 Tom Harris Third 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 555 73 217 16 2 8 175 339 191 Helter Skelter Winner 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 84 381 20 217 166 259 12 464 191 500 2 National Hot Rods Heat One Winner 615 Chris Lehec 305 115 130 39 67 92 174 32 308 Heat Two Winner 615 Chris Lehec 32 305 67 308 130 788 22 174 23 Final Winner 305 Billy Wood Second 115 Chris Haird Third 174 Jason Kew 92 308 22 39 32 615 41 Bangers Heat One Winner 286 Tyler Brett 573 921 192 99 283 78 02 500 137 Heat Two Winner 610 Devon Usher 219 126 6 198 471 298 411 291 296 Heat Three Winner 283 Ant Evans 296 728 152 746 73 249 40 940 701 Final Winner 610 Devon Usher Second 298 Carl Locker Third 291 Aaron Witton 299 29 219 nof
  8. 515 84 381 20 217 166 259 12 464 191 500 2 Big big welcome back and Thank You to Jane The internet here today was very poor, so for me great to have Jane back. Big thank you to Roy for race and pit reports and cake. Back next week from Bradford That’s all folks
  9. Helter Skelter on track Lap Handicap 166 Whites 87 Yellows 381 500 524 Blues 8 11 12 25 73 124 175 345 346 501 Reds 2 157 464 498 Shooters 5 16 20 84 191 211 217 259 515 555
  10. 84 Tom Harris wins the Grand National and the Chris Hulley Memorial Second 55 Craig Finnikin Third 217 Lee Fairhurst Thats all folks sorry about lack of results but I can only pass on what’s announced back next week from Hednesford
  11. Fence repaired Final result not yet announced Restart order 276 172 338 463 55 5 191 212 16 84 217 259 20 175 18 211 2 350 nor
  12. Lap 2 yf 216 with 2 wheels in t3 fence via 364 front bumper all ok Fence repairs
  13. Grand National on track Final result not yet announced Lap Handicap 2 Yellows 172 276 338 350 Blues 18 175 216 364 463 Superstars 55 Shooters 5 16 20 84 211 212 217 259
  14. Final Sponsored by G & T Robson Ltd Top Three 2 Paul Harrison 463 James Morris 16 Mat Newson
  15. Final on track sponsored by G&T Robson Whites Yellows 276 338 415 Blues 18 34 216 335 345 364 Reds & Superstars 2 Shooters 16 20 84 212 217 259 555 No reserves as it’s a WCQR meeting. DNS 372 463 526 47 515
  16. Consolation Result 84 18 555 526 463 364 276 nof
  17. Restart order 84 191ld 211 18 526 555 276 364 463 nor
  18. 5 to go yf 127 in t2 exit fence all ok Fence repairs
  19. Restart order 463 555 526 84 211 364 18 127 276 191 350 nor
  20. About lap 7 yf 172 in t2 fence all ok Fence repairs
  21. Restart order 350 172 268 276 463 127 364 249 326 55 18 191 555 211 84 526 nor
  22. Lap 2 yf 175 car trapped in the wires of t4 all ok Fence repairs
  23. Consolation on Track (First 10 to the final) Whites Yellows 350 268 172 276 Blues 364 175 127 463 526 249 18 326 Reds and Superstars 289 55 Shooters 191 555 211 84 DNS 548 35 45
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