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Everything posted by TRAV

  1. got mine today had to put it straight on and superb great team racing lots of good hits and the 240 world was brilliant
  2. great stuff not got motors so been unable to see all the action so my orders on the way
  3. its grim up north just goes to show change is not good (said in a soccer am yorkshire accent) sorry matt could not stop myself
  4. have you tried ringing wayne helliwell im sure hes built a few trailers and i doubt they are to expensive???
  5. well worth it lads ive had a snaky preview of one of the pics
  6. lol that would be 798 then
  7. great pics as always colin put me down for any 613 and 667 pics you took
  8. so stalker you agree there tractors to now then
  9. superb stuff colin roll on jan when christmas is over a few postal orders coming your way lol do you plan on adding any older f2 stuff from when you began to present day lol
  10. for sale both of 732 daz kitsons current f2s the pink one comes completely repanelled and new light waight wing complete and ready to race £7,000 the silver one also comes complete and ready to race £6,500 both cars have leda shocks leight waight seats 2 speed tranx gear boxses slipper diffs dk lyndale race engines ring daz kitson for more info on 07811381152 also part exchange considerd for a brisca f1
  11. if any one has any pics of rob speak that there willing to sell any formula he has raced f1,f2,bangers,hotrods,ascar theres money sat here waiting lol send me a pm or leave message below
  12. 81 so close come on someone must have the 1982 world final on film somewhere the only world final i would love to go back in time and see
  13. email sent
  14. hi i am after issue no 47 and 188 to complete my full set off stoxworlds can any one help me willing to pay up to £5 each
  15. i got a rob speak and andy ford off ant on sat and have to say they are superb and no doubt ill have a few more
  16. now not for sale after final winal at lynn
  17. Ian Serpell offers his brand new BriSCA F2 Stock Car for sale. New 2-speed box. All to usual spec. Lots of spares. Also, Ford Cargo 0813 - converted to carry F2. Fully kitted out. 6 months Tax and Test. 01752 343058 or 017811 305224 roll cage and nerfs bought from randall motorsports and looks very much like a randall to
  18. soz colin 7pm was deadline thanks all for bids and wd skeet lol
  19. lol at v8132 not quite ebay prices m8 291 shared by 43.65 only works out at 20p a mag or something
  20. i have decided to clear out all my old mags i dont want theres a total of 291 the auction is open until friday 2nd april at 7pm any posts after that will not count. just post your bids below i will not split any of it must all go as one. there is no reserve so £1 could win you all of this PAYMENT will be cash only DELIVERY/COLLECTION i can deliver to a stock car meeting around the country or i can deliver it to your house on my way to a meeting choice will be yours. stock car reporter 4 mags in ok condition jan 81,may 81,oct 81,aug 83 stockcar supporter in quite good condition 1977 numbers 92,96,97 1978 august 1979 march,april 1980 april,may,june/july,september,winter 1981 june,july,august,sept/oct 1982 jan/feb,mar/apr,jun,jul,oct/nov 1984 july 1985 august,oct/nov 1987 pictorial stock car magazine most posters(think posters first started in 86) are missing from middle of mags but restof the mags are in good condition 1980 winter issue and annual 1981 apr,jun,jul,aug,nov 1982 apr,may,aug,sep,oct,annual 1983 year book and annual 1984 annual 1985 mar,aug,annual 1986 apr,may,jul,sep,aug,wfs,oct,nov,annual 1987 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct 1988 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,wfs,sep,oct,nov 1989 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,wfs,sep,oct,nov,winter,annual 1990 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,wfs,sep,oct,nov,winter,annual 1991 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,wfs,sep,oct,nov,dec,annual 1992 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,wfs,sep,oct,nov,dec,annual 1993 mar,may,aug,wfs,annual 1994 apr,may,jun,jul,wfs,sep stoxworlds issues 1,4,5,8,16,22,23,25,27,28,29,32,33,34,36,37 ,38,40,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,56,58,59,61,64,65,66, 71,80,83,87,88,89,92,120,129,130,131,200,203 most of them in a1 condition a few of the old ones slightly worn oval racing news 2002 editions 1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 oval racing news 2003 editions 9,10,11,12 short circuits all in very good condition 1983 april 1988 july 1989 june 1991 may 1992 mar,apr,may,june,jul,aug,sept,oct,nov 1993 mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov 1994 jan/feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,oct,nov 1995 mar,may,jun,july,aug,sep,oct 1996 jan/feb,march,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov 1997 feb/mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,dec/jan 1998 feb/mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec 1999 mar,apr,may,jul,aug,sep,oct, 2000 mar,apr,may,jul,aug,sep,oct 2001 feb,mar,apr,jun,aug total=291 plus there are a few extras pictorials and about 15 doubles of the above
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