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Everything posted by Bas-NL

  1. Keep doing what you do best Roy much apreciated. And be strong and be there for your loved ones and Friends.
  2. Do continue please Roy, we all gonna neef IT. Cheers mate
  3. Did meet Mick a few times, always had time for a chat. You will be missed, RIP Mick.
  4. Hè should Craig, maybe a book about the Burgoyne family
  5. thanks again Roy
  6. i love Molly , Dutch pride. thanks Roy mucho apreciado
  7. Thanks Roy, this will get the fans trough the winter. Superb again
  8. Great write up and pictures again Roy. Thank you very much
  9. Cheers Roy
  10. Good report, write up and fantastic photo,s again Roy. Thank you . Are you gonna put some truck pics on this winter? Love those, keep up the good work Roy
  11. Superb stories Roy, IT was like i was actually there. You,re a good story teller, keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next one. Jamgling Anna is a real good story hopefully i wilmeet here one day
  12. Many thanks Roy, for the photo galeries and the pit news.and your off season galeries are superb keep up the good work. Much apreciated
  13. Thanks for the results all season
  14. Mucho apericiado 3 amigos
  15. His own tarmac car i Think, IT was his shale car were the engine went sick in the word Final
  16. Thanks en bedankt Hary
  17. mucho apreciado ,tres amigos
  18. Thanks hary
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