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Marie G

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Everything posted by Marie G

  1. Heat one result 283 186 249 446 84 464 14 48 219 422 512 12 Heat two result 48 445 37 1 4 197 217 12 512 268 259 13 Heat three result 186 283 14 462 4 422 249 219 1 197 555 390 European Championship Result 445 197 48 186 249 217 464 422 12 14 220 219 13 F1 Stock Cars Inter-Nations Cup GN racing for the Bev Greenhalf Trophy Result 186 390 1 445 462 14 464 555 220 12 183 478
  2. Heat one Trust Fund result 462 220 445 464 1 48 37 84 4 390 197 217 Heat Two Result 283 518 219 195 478 14 101 268 - 325 483 545 501 Consolation result 545 422 12 16 512 259 501 183 H77 451 555 468 Final result for the Allan Barker Memorial Trophy 462 195 4 445 183 1 390 84 220 197 37 48 Richie Ahern Memorial Trophy Grand National Result 4 390 1 445 422 12 48 464 462 14 478 555
  3. Thanks Andrew you have done a brilliant job tonight
  4. Thank you Nic and Jane I will meet you both one day
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