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Steve Harris

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  • Association with F1
    Fan and ex oval racing official and mech

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  1. Really really Sad shocking news. RIP Tim. My heart goes out to Chrissy and the family.
  2. Very sad news indeed. I'm sure many of the National Saloon Stock Car fraternity will be upset by this news
  3. I forgot to add... A "grader" can be used to break up the top surface of compacted shale to make it loose. The amount of depth of shale left "loose" is down to the experience of the track curator.
  4. As I understand it shale is normally packed by rolling, I presume it is done whilst it is wet so it binds together (think of mixing ingredients to bake a cake). When racing the cars normally scrubb off the top surface (which yes gets pushed towards the fence). After a meeting the track curator uses a blade (a bit like a snow plough) to pull the loose shale back from the fence onto the racing line. Then it gets packed again. Or left loose depending on the depth. There is slightly more to it, but in simple terms they are the basic mechanics behind preparing a shale track.
  5. I do know. I think I met you on the protest march. As I said, I didn't know about the pub on Nottingham Road, hence why I questioned it.
  6. It's not that we don't want to believe you. It's more being unable to recall the memory from 20+ years ago to say yes your defently spot on. Which on this occasion you are !
  7. Thanx Dave for the detail. I never knew there was a pub there, I do remember the turnstiles on turn 2 though. I will look later when I'm not at work
  8. I don't think it's the pub in the background Dave (the pub was pretty much behind the grandstands). But did there used to be a house on the opposite side of Nottingham Rd to the chippy (but a little further down)? If so, that could be what the building in the background is. I can certainly remember Hotstox being in the overflow pits at Long Eaton (drive off track and turn left), they used to be between the track and the access road which used to link the pits to Nottingham Road. As I think it is those pits in the photo.
  9. Your Welcome CC.
  10. 199 was normally graded as a Blue top on Spedeworth (ok, I can only remember him being blue from 1988 - 1994 when I used to see Spedeworth F1 Stock Cars as they where known then). Yes he was a rather large lad and if my memory is correct, I was led to believe he was "advised" to retire from racing as he had trouble getting out of his car and the fence in a timely manner ! I don't know if that was just a rumour of truth but nowerdays with H&S etc I could well believe it to be truthful. As for the track ? I have no idea I'm afraid. I have ruled out Wisbech, Aldershot and the other usual haunts etc. It could be Rye House ? But I only did a handful of meetings there so can't be sure. Although I can be sure it's 99 Peter Scott's Bus in the background, who used to be sponsered by Ahern Rubbish Disposal. A link to Brisca F1 if ever there was one. Finally, I would say your right regarding THE Fred Mitchell, as its an Abington phone number and 38 Jason "The Pink Panther" Holden (Freds nephew? or was grandson?) used to hail from Abington also.
  11. Brilliant interview with Mr Robbie McSpeak. I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't mentioned that Rob had a stint in Bangers between his F1 and 2 careers. In answer to Andy I, Rob used to race at Cowdenbeath on a nearly weekly basis and he loved to wind up the crowd. He even had "Robbie McSpeak" sign written on his car ! As Rob said, he pushed things a little to far, hence the police escort.
  12. Very interesting Roy. I believe one of the old Woodhead Route electric locomotives is in the railway museum at York.
  13. Have a look at the link I posted... It gives you all the information anyone needs. You are right in the fact of the webmaster/website owner being the first point of call. However, just because a website poster is "anonymous" doesn't mean that the anonymous person hasn't broken the law, it just means it becomes more difficult to track them down !! As for webmasters/owners being also liable, depends on what is written in the terms and conditions of said website which members have to read and sign up to when joining. Still doesn't stop the chancers...... whatever side of the fence they are on. A golden rule of thumb is only ever upload a photo what you have taken yourself in a public place. Photo's taken by others or taken on private land... always check before uploading/posting.
  14. I concur with you linky. There is only one way to find out.....
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