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F2 Fan

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Everything posted by F2 Fan

  1. Thanks Bill
  2. I don't suppose anyone has a copy of Stoxworld Issue 268 that they would be willing to sell would they. Please PM me if anyone has one, I don't know when I am going to be at a meeting again to buy a copy and I don't want to subscribe for the whole year.
  3. Sign up to Club Polo they give out loads of info on there forum for all kinds of VW problems.
  4. Or if you want a quick link to all of the stuff then try http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZtwig732QQhtZ-1
  5. Can I join the queue too
  6. Doesn't Tim do stuff like that too
  7. I noticed that Dave has ordered these too and they turned up today, looks like I have some stuff to watch, he has all of Les Cottons DVD's and now all of these, something to look forward to over the holiday
  8. There you go link to all of your stuff http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZtwig732QQhtZ-1
  9. There you go a link to all of them http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZtwig732QQhtZ-1
  10. Its this one if I am right
  11. Postage and Packing for the calendar is £1.65, total price is £11.64 per calendar.
  12. The last update I got was this So far we have Stockkarts, F1 Frankie Waymans daughter and her partner Squires, Michelle, Paul Jones's girlfriend from 2ltr hotrods, Joy from Bangers, Sophie from the rebels, Jenna from Sprints and the rolling thunder show, NFR Kay Fitton, Janine Pettit the Spedeworth PR model with Malcolm Fosketts Baby Grand, Danny Squires sister etc
  13. I have seen sample pics but unfortunatly I have had to give my word that they will not appear elsewhere. Part of the criteria of the pictures are as follows The theme is oval motor racing (ofcourse) and we want the girls to be the main feature in the shot. This is a celebration of what us women do in the background and never get recoginsed! You can go as Glam as you wish and show as much as you are happy with showing. Ofcourse we arnt talking AUTOMATICALLY DELETED WORDographic, but certainly maximum cleavage, bottom leg etc. We want to make it look like we are slaves to them and their sport, if you know what I mean.
  14. Get your hands on the first copies of the exclusive Calendar "CELEBRATION OF OVAL RACING MOTOR SPORT 2006" The much talked about 'Calendar Girls of Oval Motor Racing' is due for release October 15th, just in time to solve the Christmas chaos of shopping. The full colour, bound, A3 calendar is set to wake up the guys from their racing slumber and take notice of the gorgeous girls around them that go unnoticed in the pits and tracks all over the UK.! The calendar features cars and girls from many different oval racing formulas as you have never seen them before. You never know who you will be standing next to at the next race meeting, it could be one of them and boy you are sure gonna notice them once you've bought this calendar!.. At only £9.99+P&P for a whole year of full on viewing what more could you want? Gorgeous Girls and your favourite oval motor racing formulas all under one spoiler ! "Gentlemen... Start Your Engines Please.....! Secure your orders by sending your name, address and cheque, made payable to: Conveyor Services Uk Ltd 59 Lawrence Road Rugby Warwickshire CV21 3SA
  15. Waz from the pictures I have seen on O/L surely you could tap up one of those drivers for the loan of a car for her
  16. Ant did you get my mail about mine??????
  17. pm checked thanks
  18. Does anyone have a picture of 297 Paul Bailey preferably the car being Red as it is now, I need it for something I am doing for Scotland if they would car to share it with me.
  19. Now you can experience the awesome Pick-Up Trucks for yourself. On Wednesday July 27th 2005 you can take the Mtrac 2 Seat Pick-Up Truck Experience. Get ready for 4 invigorating laps around Rockingham's fantastic International Circuit - Including the huge thrill of coming through turn 4 at full speed! All of this is available to your for just £45 in the Mtec Racing #66 Pick-Up as raced by last year's Rookie Champion Martin Heath. Booking (and enquiries) by Telephone: 01634 271221 or e-mail: info@mtracracing.com The cost for a 4 lap Mtrac experience is just £45 Refreshments will be available Individual or group bookings taken (Group discounts apply on groups of over 10) Minimum age limit 16 (parental permission required under 18)
  20. Rollcage I thought there was a set on e-bay check out the link but I am not sure if they are the ones you want Top Trumps
  21. I think the M-Tec van will be there tomorrow could always give them a try.
  22. I just saw this while looking through e-bay reserve not met but bid only at £50 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...7914319538&rd=1
  23. I can get to your site, but if I follow the picture gallery link that you have posted above, the picture gallery is empty
  24. This is what I found on e-bay E-Bay Listing
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