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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 5 Winner - 418 Jelle Tesselaar 618 76 100 410 79 86 236 15 603 - 87 27 53 661 161 143 311 212 DNF 88 155 179 215
  2. Heat 4 Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 418 410 699 511 229 452 311 61 661 - 54 179 75 88 541 DNF 7 15 90 226 609
  3. Heat 3 Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 90 161 79 155 609 618 76 181 215 - 452 86 87 212 27 53 143 541 75 603 393 DNF 100 236
  4. Heat 2 Winner - 418 Niels Tesselaar 618 226 410 699 511 661 311 179 603 - 87 100 88 54 DNF 7 15 27 53 61 95 236
  5. Heat 1 Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 79 226 76 699 86 295 181 161 452 - 511 215 61 393 143 609 90 7 DNF 54 75 155 212 541
  6. A Big Thank you to Hary for sending me the results
  7. Grand National Inter Nations Cup Result 259 289 84 515 H14 191 463 211 175 525 only top ten announced Big Big Thank you to Roy for his race and pit reports Thats all Folks I’ll be back at Bradford
  8. 259 Paul Hines wins the 2 lap dash and is the Inter Nations Cup Grand National Winner
  9. 152 went to back of grid, then appeared to be told to retire and went to the infield
  10. Restart order 259 138 289 84 152 525 515 120 14 191 463 211 nor
  11. 2 to go yf 14 and 463 in t2 fence and 389 in home straight fence all ok
  12. Restart order 289 259 138 152 84 525 175 515 120 191 463 14 211 642 389 67 nor
  13. Restart order 67 525 346 175 138 289 268 166 191 555 120 710 152 515 526 800 381 463 211 14 84 548 642 389 not
  14. Grand National on Track Lap Handicap 84 Whites 67 H389 Yellows 548 11 H642 Blues 175 H800 H710 289 526 525 381 346 Reds 211 H14 555 120 138 191 259 SuperStars 152 515 463 166
  15. 2023 European Championship Result 84 259 212 555 138 166 20 5 217 191 only top ten Announced
  16. By over half a lap 84 Tom Harris wins Second 259 Paul Hines Third 212 Danny Wainman
  17. Restart order 515 84 555 217 259 212 166 55 138 20 242 525 5 526 191 346 12 120 368 545 nor
  18. Lap 7 ish yf 642 in t1 fence all ok great race up front!!
  19. 16 stalled and coasts to infield. rolling lap continues without 16 175 & 152 pull off
  20. Restart order 16 515 84 5 259 2 175 217 20 242 12 166 14 555 55 587 368 526 120 138 212 191 642 545 152 nor
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