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Everything posted by nic

  1. 84 Tom Harris, National Points and European Champion, makes it a hat trick of wins tonight by winning the Dave Leonard Memorial Final. Second - 55 Craig Finnikin Third - 217 Lee Fairhurst
  2. Restart order Water Cart - 84 217 55 78 499 93 469 185 127 545 16 587 nor
  3. Red flag about 5 to go rollover on t4 for 20 Liam Gilbank after hitting the fence hard and going air born before landing, then rolling over. All ok Fence repairs required
  4. Lap 3 yf Restart order Water Cart - 78 499 338 93 548 20 120 587 175 289 166 463 217 381 127 5 84 55 16 215 346 185 469 545 nor
  5. Dave Leonard Memorial Final on track Whites 336 548 453 Yellows 78 215 499 541 338 Blues 93 120 124 185 289 346 381 545 Reds 501 175 127 587 20 463 Superstars 166 515 217 55 84 16 97 5 Novices 469
  6. Heat 3 Result 84 217 289 166 499 469 338 185 415 346 - 548 463 nof
  7. 84 Tom Harris, National Points and European Champion, wins Heat 3 Quote Die Hard Smithy fan!! or anyone who uses the front bumper!
  8. restart order Water Cart - 289 217 499 55 97 84 346 463 166 185 338 548 469 359 415 336 nor
  9. restart order Water Cart - 499 548 336 338 185 289 346 217 166 55 587 20 84 463 97 415 97 16 469 120 359 299 268 453 nor
  10. Lap 3 yf 31 in t1 fence with 20 & 84 and a few others. All ok
  11. Heat 3 On Track Whites 336 299 548 453 Yellows 78 31 499 415 338 541 268 Blues 185 124 346 120 289 Reds 175 587 20 463 Superstars 166 217 55 84 16 97 Novices 359+ 469+
  12. As Heat 2 Result First 10 to the Final 84 16 97 175 20 346 381 120 545 93 - 541 78 DNF 5 127 172 215 268 360 499 501 515 590
  13. 84 Tom Harris, National Points and European Champion, wins Heat 2
  14. Restart order Water Cart 268 78 93 120 346 84 541 175 545 16 515 501 20 97 381 215 548 499 590 359 nor
  15. Lap 3 red flag Roll over on t3/t4 for 172 all ok
  16. Heat Two On Track Whites 548 360 Yellows 78 499 172 215 268 541 Blues 381 545 346 93 120 Reds 501 175 127 20 Superstars 515 84 16 97 5 Novices 590+ 359+
  17. Heat One Result First 10 to the Final 515 5 55 166 587 463 31 185 469 215 - 545 93 DNF 45 108 124 127 217 289 336 338 415 501
  18. 515 Frankie Wainman Junior wins heat one.
  19. Restart order 338 93 127 289 515 463 5 166 587 217 381 185 545 31 108 469 55 215 590 nor
  20. Lap 6 ish yf 45 in t2 fence + 590 stranded on t3 race line all ok
  21. Heat One On Track Whites 453 336 Yellows 31 108 45 215 415 338 Blues 185 381 124 545 93 289 Reds 502 127 587 463 Superstars 166 515 217 55 5 Novices 590+ 469+
  22. Whites and Yellows Result 548 541 78 415 338 499 336 108 469 359 - 31 45 DNF 172 215 268 299 453 590
  23. 548 Daniel Brooke’s wins the Whites & Yellows race
  24. Restart order 548 78 541 31 499 360 45 415 336 338 469 108 359 nor
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