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Everything posted by nic

  1. Final On Track Whites 31 499 Yellows 548 502 216 415 35 218 Blues 34 53 73 175 235 364 501 Reds 127 335 446 191 2 587 212 Superstars 463 166 515 55 217 16 84 DNS 120 No reserves allowed as this meeting is a WCQR.
  2. Consolation Result First 19 to the final 502 499 501 587 73 120 218 548 415 34 nof
  3. It’s a 2nd win this afternoon for the Consolation winner 502 Ricky Wilson
  4. Consolation On Track Whites 499 Yellows 548 45 502 415 338 238 218 Blues 268 501 73 34 Reds 587 120 DNS 18 35
  5. Heat 2 Full Result First 10 to the final 84 212 216 235 166 191 55 35 335 175 - 218 415 499 nof
  6. 84 Tom Harris wins heat 2 after taking the lead with 3 to go
  7. Heat Two On Track Whites 499 Yellows 415 216 18 35 218 Blues 268 235 73 175 Reds 120 335 191 212 Superstars 166 55 84
  8. Heat One Result First 10 to the final 16 217 515 31 53 127 2 463 446 364 - 548 34 nof
  9. Restart order 31 53 16 217 515 338 34 548 446 127 364 463 2 587 nor
  10. Lap 5 yf Infield tyre on track on t4 race line all ok
  11. Restart order 31 338 53 34 16 515 217 548 127 463 446 364 587 2 nor
  12. Heat One On Track Whites 31 Yellows 548 502 238 338 Blues 364 501 34 53 Reds 587 127 446 2 Superstars 463 515 217 16
  13. Whites and Yellows Full result 502 415 218 - 238 35 548 31 499 338 nof
  14. 502 Ricky Wilson wins the 10 lap W&Y race, taking the lead from 499 on or about lap 5
  15. Whites and Yellow on Track Whites 31 499 Yellows 548 415 502 338 216 238 35 218 18 218 DNS 45
  16. Just to confirm a couple of new numbers. 218 Derek Fairhurst, is racing again this weekend, this time in the 295 car. It’s Mal Browns (34) first meeting this season.
  17. BriSCA F1 StockCars 2 16 18 31 34 35 53 55 73 84 120 127 166 212 216 217 218 235 238 268 335 338 415 446 463 499 501 515 548 687 BriSCA National MiniStox 20 24 27 30 51 55 67 69 99 105 113 155 180 183 200 213 216 220 267 269 270 272 279 300 425 611 612 642 732
  18. Meeting Format First Race 12.30pm Race 1 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Whites & Yellows Race 2 - BriSCA National MiniStox - Whites & Yellows Race 3 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 1 Race 4 - BriSCA National MiniStox - Heat 1 Race 5 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 2 Race 6 - BriSCA National MiniStox - Heat 2 Race 7 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Consolation Race 8 - BriSCA National MiniStox - Heat 3 Race 9 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Final Race 10 - BriSCA National MiniStox - Final Race 11 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Grand National
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