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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 5 yf 368 stranded on t1 race line all ok
  2. Restart order 263 147 269 195 300 388 30 505 368 559 132 484 295 226 287 452 141 nor
  3. Heat Two - Steve Froggatt Trophy On Track Whites 263 226 128 161 147 86 Yellows 287 269 295 195 484 300 132 452 368 141 327 Novices 30+ 388+ 505+ 559+
  4. Heat 1 Result 8 84 48 25 124 515 11 212 H229 16 5 2 dnf 47 120 381 408 498 First 12 to the Final
  5. 8 Catherine Harris is the 2023 Trust Fund Champion and Heat 1 winner Second - 84 Tom Harris Third - 48 Shaun Webster
  6. Heat One - Trust Fund on track Blues 11 216 526 381 124 25 73 242 8 120 498 408 Reds 127 2 48 211 20 191 212 463 47 H229 H318 Superstars 16 166 515 84 5
  7. Results Summary - Thursday 6th July 2023 BriSCA F2 StockCars Heat 1 Winner - 9 Harley Thackra 402 435 854 935 16 NI918 127 844 828 Heat 2 Winner - 359 Gary Wrench (Brother to 560 Luke) 7 890 564 992 NI998 NI647 184 47 210 Heat 3 Winner - 355 Aiden Grindey NI517 482 335 560 915 611 376 27 H 202 Consolation Winner - 647 Chris Burgoyne 968 24 478-Simon Traves 285 674 776 226 129 213 Final Winner - 355 Aiden Grindey Second - 9 Harley Thackra Third - 992 Harley Burns 915 935 285 968 402 226 127 Grand National Winner - NI517 Declan OG McFerran - The “OG” means junior. 285 560 968 184 127 H202 461 202 27 2L National Saloon StockCars Heat 1 Winner - 577 Harry Darby 661 238 600 241 697 84 40 171 407 Heat 2 Winner - 389 Ryan Santry 350 622 618 670 620 399 902 67 370 Heat 3 Winner - 329 Kegan Sampson 151 561 22 341 677 261 116 747 672 Consolation Winner - 684 Ian McLaughin 120 H868 380 122 52 214 666 - 162 nof Final - Dave Garner Memorial Winner - 399 Cole Atkins Second - 902 Brad Compton Sage Third - 84 Carl Boswell 677 350 661 120 618 389 561 Allcomers Winner - 329 Keegan Sampson 670 677 418 17 40 730 341 422 67 Roy will be back on Saturday reporting on the Annual Champions Challenge.
  8. Greetings race fans from nic and Roy We start this weeks service with a summary of the Thursday nights results.
  9. Final Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra Second - 75 Janbauke Van Kalsbeek Third - 161 Tom Maris 20 191 155 7 295 229 61 - 410 152 418 618 315 47 592 44 259 79 nof That’s all Folks and Thank You to Hary
  10. Final Grid 609 - 259 601 - 143 75 - 161 191 - 496 315 - 76 295 - 592 179 - 710 7 - 591 181 - 20 79 - 44 418 - 699 226 - 27 155 - 410 229 - 61 152 - 618 86 - 47
  11. Heat 5 Result Winner - 161 Tom Maris 75 191 155 229 410 20 79 181 44 - 591 496 179 337 800 DNF 7 27 53 90 152 226 259 418 618
  12. Heat 4 Result Winner - 155 Peter Langeveld 295 315 76 618 609 699 61 86 47 - 710 418 44 79 191 143 800 601 592 DNF 67 229
  13. Heat 3 Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 75 20 152 155 161 410 259 27 61 - 79 86 53 7 76 226 143 592 591 179 337 DNF 90 625 699
  14. Heat 2 Result Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 618 152 181 61 7 179 710 601 161 - 315 259 44 496 DNF 20 27 47 67 295 591 609 800
  15. Heat 1 Result Winner - 592 Auke Osinga 76 315 410 609 86 295 418 226 191 - 75 143 DNF 47 53 90 337 511 625 699
  16. World of Dirt Result Winner - 61 Koen Maris Second - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus Third - 181 Mark Veenstra 47 155 591 79 418 27 44 - 191 618 161 86 75 496 315 179 295 259 nof
  17. World of Dirt Grid 67 - 181 229 - 618 61 - 86 152 - 155 20 - 337 511 - 14 592 - 332 295 - 226 800 - 47 591 - 44 76 - 27 79 - 699 661 - 710 117 - 75 418 - 410 161 - 496 191 - 315 179 - 625 259 - 143
  18. World of Dirt Last Chance Result First 10 to the back of the grid Winner - 418 Niels Tesselaar 410 161 496 191 315 179 625 259 143 - 90
  19. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars Whites & Yellows Winner - 548 Daniel Brookes 541 78 415 338 499 336 108 469 359 Heat 1 Winner - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 5 55 166 587 463 31 185 469 215 - 545 93 Heat 2 Winner - 84 Tom Harris 16 97 175 20 346 381 120 545 93 - 541 78 Heat 3 Winner - 84 Tom Harris 217 289 166 499 469 338 185 415 346 - 548 463 Dave Leonard Memorial Final Winner - 84 Tom Harris Second - 55 Craig Finnikin Third - 217 Lee Fairhurst 93 16 587 78 545 499 469 - 127 nof Grand National Winner - 381 Tyrone Evans 16 515 463 346 84 78 545 499 175 - 469 590 BriSCA F2 StockCars - Whites and Yellows only Heat 1 Winner - 271 Alex Butcher 597 34 39 144 75 179 443 988 421 Heat 2 Winner - 113 Pat Issit 715 662 58 116 707 180 75 386 158 Heat 3 Winner - 271 Alex Butcher 247 43 113 158 662 715 58 413 728 Final Winner - 43 Marcus Gilbert Second - 247 Ricky Castell Third - 113 Pat Issit 58 39 715 271 707 34 386 Grand National Cancelled Unlimited Bangers - War of the World Teams Heat 1 Winner - 247 Lee “Bro” Clarke - Bungay 673 757 281 182 178 362 548 374 101 Heat 2 Winner - 180 548 362 181 757 350 299 828 247 166 Final Winner - 350 Liam Webster 180 362 299 281 51 nof Team Result 1st - Damage inc - 155 points 2nd - Team extreme - 55 points 3rd - The silvers boys a team - 40 points Entertainment 1st - The silvers boys a team 155 points
  20. Grand National Result 381 16 515 463 346 84 78 545 499 175 - 469 590 Big Big Thank You to Roy for his Race and Pit reports. That’s all Folks Back next week from SkegVegas
  21. 381 Tyrone Evans wins the Grand National (First shale victory in a BriSCA Formula One Stock Car)
  22. Grand National on Track Lap Handicap 84 Whites Yellows 78 499 268 338 Blues 93 120 124 185 346 381 545 Reds 175 463 Superstars 515 55 16 5 Novices 469+ 590+
  23. Dave Leonard Memorial Final result 84 55 217 93 16 587 78 545 499 469 - 127 nof
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