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Everything posted by nic

  1. 1(84) Tom Harris wins the Grand National
  2. Restart order 31 338 175 1 501 289 211 8 515 nor
  3. 2 to go yf 16 and 238 tangled on back straight race line all ok
  4. Grand National on Track Lap Handicap 1(84) Whites 580 163 299 Yellows 31 338 238 Blues 8 289 211 Reds 175 463 501 Superstars 16 515 Novices
  5. Final sponsored by “Alfie Battle Racing” result 1(84) 289 217 587 299 515 31 463 175 415 - 211 548
  6. Final sponsored by “Alfie Battle Racing” Top Three 1(84) Tom Harris 289 Jake Walker 217 Lee Fairhurst
  7. Meeting final on track sponsored by Alfie Battle Racing Whites 404 548 299 Yellows 415 31 364 499 235 Blues 8 185 211 289 457 Reds 175 463 501 587 Superstars 1(84) 16 55 217 515 Novices 388+ DNS 127 268 530
  8. Consolation 55 499 185 364 268 548 388 404 299 530 nof
  9. 55 Craig Finnikin wins the Consolation after briefly losing the lead at the halfway stage.
  10. Restart order 163 548 530 580 499 525 55 364 185 404 268 299 388 nor
  11. Lap 4 ish yf 67 in back straight concrete barrier all ok
  12. Consolation 1 on track First 10 to the final Whites 163 404 438 299 580 67 Yellows 268 499 364 238 Blues 185 525 Reds Superstars 55 Novices 530+ 388+
  13. Heat 2 Result 587 1(84) 16 457 211 415 501 235 - 44 238 388 548 338 DNF 55 185
  14. 587 Sam Brigg overtakes the World Champion with 2 to go and wins heat 2
  15. Heat 2 on track First 8 to the final Whites 44 163 548 Yellows 415 338 238 235 Blues 185 457 211 Reds 501 587 Superstars 55 16 1(84) Novices 388
  16. Heat 1 Result 289 8 515 175 217 127 31 463 - 525 299 nof
  17. 289 Jake Walker easily wins heat 1
  18. Heat 1 on track First 8 to the final Whites 580 67 299 404 Yellows 268 31 364 499 Blues 8 289 525 127 Reds 175 463 Superstars 515 217 Novices 530
  19. BriSCA National MiniStox Championship Top Three 425 Boden Murphy 51 Joelan Maynard 496 Thomas Holcroft
  20. 4 to go yf restart order 51 425 300 496 etc 3 to go red flag 642 roll over - all ok restart order 425 51 300 496 183 etc
  21. That’s all Folks Big Thank You to Hary Back tomorrow from Venray
  22. BriSCA National MiniStox Championship 2023 on track Drivers “Start your engines” by Stuart Smith 390 27 Luke Syrett-Barsby - 425 Boden Murphy 186 Kasey Jones - 51 Joelan Maynard 611 Jamie Hanson - 155 Archie Grindey 269 Freddie Rogers - 183 Mason Whittle 732 Brooke Kitson - 496 Thomas Holcroft 711 Cody Mason - 507 Dara McInerney 300 Coby Laing - 105 Danny Bonner 80 Caitlin Morrison - 180 Lucy Witts 642 Alfie Smith- 69 Josh Hattersley 30 Charlie Locker - 211 Ruby Smith 200 Lewis Hunter - 213 Mia Rogers 279 Paige Hopkins 270 Ella Rogers 276 Alfie Key - 158 Harry Clement 202 Charlie Wright - 272 Luca Hodgson 99 Jack Clayton
  23. Final result Winner - 61 Koen Maris Second - 332 Nathalie Wekema Third - 181 Mark Weenstra 100 38 79 699 236 141 75 DNF 14 54 67 115 251 317 500 524 661
  24. Whites and Yellows Championship result 587 457 415 548 388 35 501 44 238 nof
  25. Whites and Yellows Championship Top Three 587 Sam Brigg 457 Callum Gill 415 Russell Cooper
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