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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 1 first bend - red flag complete restart 216 339 368 452 in t2 fence all ok
  2. 2023 British Championship grid on track 8 84 368 381 2 147 97 172 515 339 12 16 555 211 216 526 132 408 452 212 242 25 325 166 559 157 86 H318
  3. BriSCA V8 HotStox 2023 British Championship Top 3 329 Thomas Brighton 10 Gilen Bullock 29 Gracie Squire
  4. National MiniStox 2023 British Championship Top Three 186 Kasey Jay Jones 27 Luke Syrret-Barsby 425 Boden Murphy
  5. Umbrellas were only up for a few minutes for a very light shower 2023 British Championships qualifying grid 8 84 368 381 2 147 97 172 515 339 12 16 555 216 526 20 132 408 452 43 212 242 25 325 166 559 157 86 H318 20 has loaded up
  6. Heat 5 Result 2 368 84 526 147 16 242 97 12 25 - not announced DNF 5 216 259 381 388 530 555
  7. Restart order 147 368 2 526 172 84 242 25 16 97 12 408 339 11 132 505 211 178
  8. Restart order 147 368 172 526 242 2 408 16 505 84 97 339 5 25 178 555 12 11 132 211 nor
  9. Heat Five On Track Whites 147 505 530 Yellows 172 132 368339 178 Blues 11 216 526 381 25 242 12 408 Reds 2 211 555 259 Superstars 16 217 97 84 5 Novices 388 DNS 325 269 20 501
  10. Heat 4 Result 368 8 12 84 97 515 217 166 25 555 - H318 526 dnf 124 157 191 212 269 325 530
  11. Heat Four On Track Whites 86 325 Yellows 269 532 132 368 Blues 157 526 124 25 8 12 Reds 175 555 191 Superstars 217 97 166 515 84 Novices 530+ 559+ DNS 263 43 178 452 20 48 501
  12. Heat 3 Result 147 381 172 8 452 408 2 515 16 212 - 11 157 DNF 166 191 216 263
  13. 147 Eddie Collins wins heat 3 with a flag to flag victory
  14. Heat Three On Track Whites 86 147 263 Yellows 532 172 452 339 43 Blues 11 216 157 381 124 242 8 408 Reds 175 2 211 191 259 212 Superstars 16 166 515 5 Novices 388+ 559+
  15. Heat 2 Result 381 8 172 97 84 515 2 212 16 147 - 5 157 DNF 25 48 124 175 217 263 H318 368 501
  16. Restart order 147 172 381 263 8 157 242 12 97 259 2 212 452 515 84 166 48 5 526 20 11 16 nor
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