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Everything posted by nic

  1. Welcome to Skegvegas raceway from nic and Roy It’s Shootout Round 4 sponsored by Marwood Caravan Park
  2. Martin Verhoef Memorial Result Winner - 618 Wybe de Vries 236 418 44 20 14 7 155 642 818 - 332 152 627 808 75 710 609 Big Thank You to Hary That’s all Folks
  3. Results Summary for Shootout Round 3 sponsored by FastLane Conveyors BriSCA F1 Whites and Yellows Winner - 499 Marc Clayton 541 78 548 235 545 338 544 299 414 431 115 Heat 1 Winner - 541 Willie Skoyles Junior 326 55 16 124 515 545 259 463 217 - 185 211 Heat 2 Winner - 1(84) Tom Harris 97 372 212 457 526 175 346 20 289 - 544 369 Consolation Winner - 544 Ben Howard 120 172 185 338 299 415 235 nof Final sponsored by Fast Lane Conveyors Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison Second - 1(84) Tom Harris Third - 55 Craig Finnikin 212 259 289 16 20 515 457 175 526 Grand National Winner - 1(84) Tom Harris 55 97 217 20 259 212 463 338 515 nof BriSCA F2 Heat 1 - Whites and Yellow Championship Winner - 597 Barry Clow 351 34 707 795 582 271 136 578 344 Heat 2 Winner - 47 Greg McKenzie 103 183 223 3 198 H186 905 647 7 Consolation Winner - 43 Marcus Gilbert 414 968 995 393 464 523 618 113 86 69 421 Final Winner - 69 Ben Chalkley Second - 47 Greg McKenzie Third - 968 Micky Brennan 183 H186 7 707 618 968 995 Dash for Cash £500 winner Winner - 113 Pat Issitt 995 414 647 69 905 3 136 116 523 BriSCA National MiniStox Heat 1 Winner 269 Freddie Rogers 425 99 611 51 183 30 272 270 496 - 642 711 732 69 200 Heat 2 Winner - 425 Boden Murfin 155 269 51 732 69 496 611 183 213 - 158 272 30 220 211 Final - King’s Lynn Open Championship Winner - 155 Archie Grindey Second - 425 Boden Murfin Third - 269 Freddie Rogers 496 51 69 200 211 213 270 611 158 55 183 612
  4. Grand National Result 1 55 97 217 20 259 212 463 338 515 nof Thats all folks Back next week for the SkegVegas weekender
  5. 1(84) Tom Harris wins the GN on a very slippy (it’s raining) track
  6. Restart order 1 55 217 212 545 20 526 97 457 346 235 515 338 463 nor
  7. Lap 7 yf 211 and 185 in t2 fence all ok
  8. 175 rolled All ok Restart order 545 499 55 1 259 212 515 217 211 20 526 185 463 235 97 338 346 nor
  9. Lap 4 ish red flag roll over
  10. Grand National on track Lap Handicap 97 Whites 548 Yellows 499 545 544 235 338 78 Blues 124 175 185 211 289 346 457 Superstars”””” 55 Shooters 463 526 259 217 212 515 1 16 20 Novices 369
  11. Final sponsored by Fastlane Conveyors result 97 1 55 212 259 289 16 20 515 457 - 175 526
  12. Final sponsored by Flatlane Conveyors top Three Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison Second 1(84) Tom Harris Third - 55 Craig Finnikin
  13. Meeting final on track sponsored by Fastlane Conveyors Whites 299 Yellows 172 235 338 372 415 541 544 545 Blues 120 124 175 185 289 326 346 457 Reds Superstars 55 97 Shooters 463 526 259 217 212 515 1 16 20
  14. Heat 2 result amendment from race control 457 moves up to 5th from 9th
  15. Consolation Result 544 120 172 185 338 299 415 235 nof
  16. Final - Frysian ChampionshipResult Winner - 75 Janbauk Van Kalsbeek Second - 410 Jelle Tesselaar Third - 152 Gert-Jan Klok 618 305 79 62 91 155 86 - 47 627 500 317 38 315 20 191 nof Next up is the Martin Verhoef Memorial final
  17. 544 Ben Howard wins the Consolation
  18. Consolation on track First 12 to the final Whites 299 548 163 414 Yellows 78 172 235 268 338 364 415 499 544 Blues 211 185 120 Novices 431 369
  19. Heat 7 Winner - 100 Joey Slooff 418 152 229 20 35 236 500 91 818 - 332 7 699 278 99 226 DNF 53 54 496 609 710
  20. Heat 6 Winner - 14 Rick Wobbes 305 618 79 625 155 86 215 6 317 - 315 38 808 294 DNF 47 88 181 295 900 DQ 62
  21. Heat 5 Winner - 20 Bert de Vries 410 236 155 44 75 35 609 53 143 - 305 710 191 DNF 54 57 61 76 90 278 627 642 661
  22. Heat 2 Result 1(84) 97 3732 212 526 175 346 20 457 289 - 544 369 DNF 78 163 172 235 295 338 499
  23. It’s race win number 41 this season for 1(84) Tom Harris
  24. Heat 2 on track First 10 to the final Whites 548 295 163 414 Yellows 172 78 338 372 499 544 235 Blues 346 289 457 175 Reds Superstars 97 Shooters 212 526 20 1 Novices 369
  25. Heat 1 Result First 10 to the final 541 326 55 16 124 515 545 259 463 217 - 185 211 DNF 120 268 364
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