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Everything posted by nic

  1. A couple of changes worth a mention Start line is now by pit gate Race control is also now by pit gate
  2. Northampton Meeting Format 12.30pm Drivers Meeting 1pm Start BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 1 (All in) BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 1 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 2 National Bangers - Heat 1 (1/2 cars) National Bangers - Heat 2 BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 2 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Consolation National Bangers - Heat 3 BriSCA F2 StockCars - Final BriSCA F1 StockCars - Final National Bangers - Final BriSCA F2 StockCars - Grand National BriSCA F1 StockCars - Grand National
  3. Greetings race fans from a cloudy breezing warm dry Shaleway
  4. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars. Heat 1 Winner - 541 Willie Skoyles Junior H410 H418 259 78 H61 372 31 H661 415 Heat 2 - Semi Final One (20 laps) Winner - 216 Jack France First 10 to the 2023 World Final First 10 to the meeting final 16 11 55 515 587 525 5 242 25 - 211 452 249 289 nof Consolation Winner - 502 Ricky Wilson 84 555 326 212 H229 526 335 289 20 - 364 346 Final - Wilf Blundell Bowl Winner - 16 Mat Newson Second - 55 Craig Finnikin Third - 587 Sam Brigg 259 242 289 526 372 H661 415 - H229 nof Grand National - Wilf Blundell Trophy Winner - H418 Niels Tesselaar 587 212 555 55 16 525 242 5 H229 - 346 H661 BriSCA F2 StockCars Heat 1 Winner - 188 Aaron Patch 543 226 136 992 39 198 606 414 43 Heat 2 Winner - 103 Jack Issit 47 1 H103 233 344 324 926 715 401 Consolation Winner - 271 Alex Butcher 58 69 113 247 790 9 818 618 117 Final Winner - 1 Dave Polley Second - 226 Billy Webster Third - 606 Andrew Palmer 992 344 9 618 401 198 233 Grand National Winner - 1 Dave Polley from lap Handicap 226 47 113 618 103 324 247 179 39
  5. Grand National Result for the Wilf Blundell Trophy H418 587 212 555 55 16 525 242 5 H229 - 346 H661 H661 docked 2 places for jumping restart That’s all Folks Back tomorrow from Northampton International Shaleway
  6. H418 Niels Tesselaar wins theGrand National and the Wilf Blundell Trophy
  7. Restart order 67 372 501 525 346 H418 55 78 H661 268 587 212 242 127 H61 555 5 H229 16 211 364 452 346 453 nor
  8. Grand National On Track for the Wilf Blundell Trophy Lap Handicap 16 Whites 453 67 Yellows 452 372 541 268 78 415 364 H661 Blues 242 346 525 Reds 127 H418 20 501 212 211 555 463 587 Superstars H410 H61 H229 55 5
  9. Another Semi final result amendment from race control 216 16 11 55 515 587 525 5 242 25 - 211 452 249 289 nof
  10. Wilf Blundell Bowl Final Result 16 55 587 259 242 289 526 372 H661 415 - H229 nof
  11. Wilf Blundell Bowl Final Top Three 16 Mat Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 587 Sam Brigg
  12. The 16 Mat Newson wins tonight’s final and the Wilf Blundell Bowl
  13. Restart order 16 55 587 502 289 526 H229 242 259 H661 372 415 nor
  14. Restart order 502 16 415 55 289 212 587 525 216 229 661 259 242 372 nor
  15. Restart order 502 372 84 289 55 555 259 16 242 335 415 525 587 61 20 216 526 661 541 229 25 nor
  16. Final on track Whites Yellows 31 78 372 415 502 541 Blues 25 216 242 289 326 335 525 Reds H61 20 212 259 H418 526 555 587 H661 Superstars 5 16 55 84 H229 H410 515
  17. Consolation Result 502 84 555 326 212 H229 526 335 289 20 - 364 346 dnf 67 249 295 368 463 501
  18. Restart order 502 249 211 555 84 326 20 289 212 335 2 H229 346 526 364 453 nor
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