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Everything posted by nic

  1. 2 to go red flag 93 road the T3 fence and rolled All ok and waved to the crowd
  2. 4 to go yf 404 on back straight curb all ok restart order 217 97 93 515 212 555 242 53 587 238 548 NZ34 67 163 nor
  3. Restart order 93 217 97 515 548 212 242 555 289 238 NZ34 53 163 388 67 587 404 nor
  4. Half way yf 587 and 404 and NZ26 in t3 fence all ok
  5. Restart order 548 31 404 93 364 35 587 NZ26 217 97 242 515 212 555 238 NZ34 289 525 53 163 67 388 nor
  6. Lap 6ish yf 67 in t4 fence 53 in home straight fence all ok
  7. Heat Two On Track Whites 548 404 67 163 Yellows 31 364 35 238 Blues 289 93 242 53 525 555 NZ26 Reds 501 212 Superstars 515 217 97 Novices 388w+ NZ34y+
  8. Heat 1 Result 457 55 84 216 16 463 18 335 530 346 414 H337 501 nof First ? To the final
  9. It’s a heat 1 win for 457 Callum Gill
  10. Restart order 457 55 84 216 346 463 18 16 H337 501 335 414 530 nor
  11. 4 to go yf 359 stopped on back straight on curb all ok
  12. Restart order 457 216 359 346 84 55 463 18 H337 414 530 16 127 335 501 359 nor
  13. Lap 7 ish 271 stranded on t3 race line and NZ1 in t3 fence all ok
  14. Heat One on track Whites 271 530 414 Yellows 18 364 Blues 8 335 346 216 457 127 H337 Reds 501 463 NZ1 Superstars 55 16 84 Novices 580+ 359+
  15. Final Grid 317 91 143 500 5 625 35 5 15 524 UK415 112 76 295 56 215 646 315 36 67 14 152 20 16 618 410 236 699 79 155 61 181
  16. Whites & Yellows Result 238 271 31 35 414 18 388 424 359 163 DNF 44 67 364 548 580
  17. Heat 5 Result Winner - 152 Gert jan Klok 14 20 410 91 646 54 236 143 215 - 56 311 UK268 61 296 315 DNF 16 35 36 112 156 181 502 524 618 625 699 Russel Cooper had his first ever roll over in F1 and is ok
  18. Heat 4 Result Winner - NZ5 Blake Dykstra 317 14 67 20 155 699 295 76 524 - 646 496 54 36 143 UK415 15 DNF 79 UK268
  19. 238 Richard Bryan wins an action packed Whites and Yellows race
  20. Restart order 18 238 35 424 271 414 163ld 530 388 31 359 404 nor
  21. Lap 8 ish yf 67 stranded on home straight all ok
  22. Lap 2 yf 44 losing front wheel after hitting t4 fence hard all ok
  23. Whites & Yellows on Track Whites 424 271 44 530 404 548 163 414 67 Yellows 18 31 364 35 238 Novices 388+ 359+ 580+
  24. 530 Darren Sheen doing his 5 laps at a great pace!!
  25. NZ26 Mitch Vickory NZ1 Asher Rees NZ34 Bex Barr Have completed their practice in F1 and V8 Stock Cars
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