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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Two On Track Whites 147 263 Yellows 269 172 452 368 Blues 11 157 526 381 124 25 242 8 12 408 Reds 175 501 2 48 20 259 212 318 Superstars 16 217 97 166 515 84 5
  2. Heat One on track Whites 86 325 505 Yellows 532 43 132 178 339 Blues 216 Reds 191 555 211 Superstars Novices 388+ 530+ 559+
  3. In the 2023 British Championship Hednesford pits X denotes I did not see them BriSCA F1 StockCars (Appearances - Race Wins - Final Wins - points) Statistics from Stoxnet Results and Points 2 Paul Harrison (12-0-0-212) Red 5 Charlie Sworder - World Champion (14-0-0-235) Gold 8 Catherine Harris - Trust Fund Champion - (7-1-0-125) Blue 11 Neil Scriven - Bumper Trophy - (8-0-0-108) Blue 12 Michael Scriven - (6-1-0-53) Blue 16 Matt Newson - World Masters Champion (23-5-3-649) SuperStar 20 Liam Gilbank - (17-0-0-201) Red 25 Bradley Harrison - (9-1-0-82) Blue 43 Adam Bamford - First 2023 appearance White 48 Shaun Webster - (5-2-0-105) Red 84 Tom Harris - National Points and European and UK Open and Grand National and BOSS Champion (21-31-7-858) Yellow Chequered/Silver 86 John O’Brien - (2-0-0-1) White in MN car 97 Ryan Harrison - Defending British Champion - (5-4-1-95) Black/White Chequered 124 Kyle Gray - (14-2-0-100) Blue 132 James Hall-Morton - (7-0-0-53) Yellow 147 Eddie Collins - (1-1-0-8) White 157 Adam Joyce - (3-0-032) Blue 166 Bobby Griffin - (16-1-1-321) SuperStar 172 Micky Randell - (9-0-0-52) Yellow 175 Karl Hawkins - (13-0-0-163) Red 178 Richard Burt - First 2023 appearance (New Car) Last raced 2021 Yellow 191 Joshua Smith - (12-0-0-106) Red 211 Phoebe Wainman-Hawkins - One Car Series Champion - (11-0-0-46) Red 212 Danny Wainman - (15-5-0-335) Red 216 Jack France - (14-3-0-144) Blue 217 Lee Fairhurst - (14-3-0-349) SuperStar 242 Joe Nickolls - (9-1-0-118) Blue 259 Paul Hines - (12-2-1-229) Red 263 Chris Worrall - (7-2-0-43) White x 269 Thomas Rogers - (6-2-0-58) Yellow 318 Rik Lensson - (4-0-0-14) Red 325 Richard Davies - (3-0-0-1) White 339 Ant Lee - (3-0-0-10) Blue 368 Callum Thornton - Under 25 and Novice of the Year Champion - (9-3-0-84) Yellow 381 Tyrone Evans - (7-1-0-60) Blue 388 Ash Patch - (2-0-0-2) White in MN car 408 Ant Whorton-Eales (3-0-0-26) Blue 452 Joshua Spiers - (7-1-0-66) Yellow x 498 Olly Spencer - (2-0-0-0) Blue 501 George Elwell - (12-2-1-186) Red 505 Roland Lamb - (3-0-0-2) White in FWJ car 515 Frankie Wainman (19-2-1-468) SuperStar 526 Finn Sargent - (12-4-1-165) Blue 530 Darren Sheen - First 2023 appearance White in MN car 532 Daz Kitson - (4-0-0-13) Yellow 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr - (9-0-0-61) Red 559 Lilly Finnikin - (3-0-0-2) White
  4. Greetings race fans Roy and I will be reporting the events of this British Championship Meeting. Meeting Format Gates open 9.30am No Practice First Race 1pm BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 1 National MiniStox - Heat 1 BriSCA V8 HotStox - Heat 1 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 2 National MiniStox - Heat 2 BriSCA V8 HotStox - Heat 2 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 3 National MiniStox - Heat 3 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 4 BriSCA V8 HotStox - Heat 3 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 5 National MiniStox - British Championship BriSCA V8 HotStox - British Championship BriSCA F1 StockCars - British Championship
  5. Final Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra Second - 618 Wybe De Vries Third - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 79 229 20 418 14 27 44 - 337 484 625 76 212 75 35 DNF 62 67 152 155 UK166 179 210 226 236 317 405 UK526 591 592 603 627 661 That's all Folks Big Thank you to Hary And Have you seen the following link? - https://gofund.me/eb2f2f9b
  6. Heat 6 Winner - 337 Dennis Tesselaar 75 181 229 625 20 UK166 210 14 618 - 818 315 406 900 143 500 800 DNF 100 226 311 476
  7. Heat 5 Winner - 484 Harm Van der veen 410 155 79 67 496 627 76 UK526 179 - 642 95 87 393 236 278 161 91 524 DNF 212 UK268 295 296
  8. Heat 4 Winner - 62 Bruce Potveer 418 661 181 152 592 591 317 699 332 - 603 447 405 44 UK415 191 27 137 DNF 6 33 35 90 131 604
  9. Heat 3 Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 236 210 618 212 179 UK166 14 76 226 - 100 311 87 642 393 91 500 DNF 161 259 296 406 476 800
  10. Heat 2 Winner - 62 Bruce Potveer 591 410 20 152 604 337 315 27 818 - 143 625 592 447 661 75 131 33 95 DNF 6
  11. Heat One Winner - 67 Marco Kandt 405 418 317 79 295 332 44 UK526 278 - 191 603 UK415 UK268 35 90 627 484 524 DNF 53 137 155 496 601 699
  12. Big Thank you to Hary for sending me the results. Apologies for not sending during the meeting, had a family day. And Have you seen the following link? - https://gofund.me/eb2f2f9b
  13. Oops! Still Saturday Both groups in one race Dash For Cash Top 3 191 Ronald Kramer 75 Jan Bauke van Kalsbeek 152 Gert Jan Klok 27 627 79 278 295 UK526 100 - 332 525 259 447 UK415 642 818 DNF 14 35 53 76 79 91 161 179 212 229 UK268 311 315 317 UK326 337 604 661 699 900 Thank You Hary Back tomorrow from Texel
  14. That’s all today Folk’s Back tomorrow for the Dash for Cash
  15. Even Grid 524 249 259 296 137 212 75 53 161 UK415 UK268 393 33 476 642 76 131 592 311 UK526 87 337 179 7 332 604 155 79 44 14 618 226 699 447 229
  16. Uneven Grid 317 627 95 91 24 90 35 62 625 100 900 661 191 496 818 484 603 591 405 210 278 315 UK326 800 406 295 181 67 152 418 20 27 410 326 UK166
  17. 2 times dash for cash. Even and uneven numbers of the results of the day 1,3,5,etc 2,4,6 etc
  18. Heat 6 Winner - 212 Zander Vermeulen 161 155 100 229 618 900 14 238 87 - 76 179 91 259 800 447 DNF 24 UK166 226 311 393 476 642
  19. Heat Five Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 524 591 410 592 75 62 152 27 315 - 20 625 33 405 UK326 143 131 296 95 DNF 337 604 661 818
  20. Heat Four Winner - 67 Marco Kandt 317 484 35 53 44 79 418 618 603 - 699 UK526 UK268 496 191 627 UK415 DNF 90 137 278 295 332
  21. Heat Three Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 14 226 20 75 625 311 210 229 143 - UK326 800 337 24 476 900 DNF 100 UK166 259 323 406 828
  22. Heat Two Winner - 155 Pieter Langeveld 79 627 484 212 76 67 278 405 52 - 393 UK526 UK268 87 DNF 7 91 137 161 179 236 295 296 410 496 524 642
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