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Everything posted by nic

  1. Greetings race fans It’s 6 heats and a final today, care of Hary
  2. Grand National Result 216 217 55 555 16 501 525 8 457 238 nof
  3. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars. Whites & Yellows Winner - 238 Richard Bryan 271 31 35 414 18 388 424 359 163 Heat 1 Winner - 457 Callum Gill 55 84 216 16 463 18 335 530 346 - 414 H337 501 nof Heat 2 Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison 587 555 238 242 388 217 67 212 548 nof Consolation Winner - 525 Nigel de Kock 515 364 501 35 8 NZ1 NZ34 NZ26 424 nof Final Winner - 18 Daniel Ford Second - 97 Ryan Harrison Third - 84 Tom Harris 55 217 16 35 242 346 67 - 8 457 Grand National Winner - 216 Jack France BriSCA V8 HotStox Heat 1 (All in) Winner - NZ26 Mitch Vickory 77 276 439 329 176 525 296 201 130 10 257 350 89 453 Heat 2 Winner - 296 Dan Poole 350 329 257 89 525 10 nof 257 docked 2 places for jumping start Final Winner - 350 Hannah Andrew Second - NZ26 Mitch Vickory Third - 201 Evan Bullock 329 10 296 176 276 89 257 - 453 77 Grand National Winner - 257 Timmy Aldridge 329 296 176 201 10 350 130 89 525 - 439 182
  4. Grand National Result 216 - no Tannoy announcement Thats all folks Big Thank You to Roy for race and pit reports I will be back tomorrow from Sheffield for round one of the 2023 Shoot out
  5. Napa Napa Napa The 2023 World Final Pole Sitter 216 Jack France wins the Grand National
  6. Restart order 97 84 16 217 216 35 212 NZ1 457 555 238 163 501 55 525 8 nor
  7. Grand National On Track Whites 548 163 414 548 530 Yellows 35 238 NZ34 Blues 8 346 216 457 525 555 Reds 501 212 NZ1 Superstars 16 55 84 97 217
  8. Final Result 18 97 84 55 217 16 35 242 346 67 - 8 457 NZ26 238 525 501 nof
  9. Final Top Three Winner - 18 Daniel Ford Second - 97 Ryan Harrison Third - 84 Tom Harris
  10. Restart order 67 18 35 548 364 242 NZ34 216 457 346 587 8 55 84 217 463 97 530 525 16 501 NZ1 238 NZ26 555 388 nor
  11. Final on Track Whites 67 548 Yellows 18 364 35 238 NZ34 Blues 8 335 346 242 216 457 525 555 NZ26 Reds 501 587 463 212 NZ1 Superstars 55 217 16 84 97 Novices 530+ 388+
  12. Consolation Result 525 515 364 501 35 8 NZ1 NZ34 NZ26 424 nof
  13. Tonight’s consolation winner is 525 Nigel de Kock
  14. Restart order 364 NZ1 525 515 501 35 NZ34 8 NZ26 424 289 nor
  15. Lap 7 ish yf H337 on home straight curb after hitting inner wall. all ok
  16. Restart order 364 434 35 H337 289 525 NZ1 515 501 NZ34 NZ26 8 nor
  17. Lap 3 yf 163 580 414 127 404 all stationary at various positions around the track all ok
  18. Consolation On Track Whites 424 163 404 414 Yellows 31 364 35 Blues 8 289 525 127 H337 NZ26 Reds 501 NZ1 Superstars 515 Novices 580+ NZ34
  19. Heat 2 Result 97 587 555 238 242 388 217 67 212 548 nof Result amendment from race control 97 587 555 238 242 388 217 212 548 67
  20. Final Result Winner - 317 Hindrik Gommers Second - 67 Marco Kandt Third - 152 Gert Jan Klok 410 155 20 14 236 56 181 - 699 215 54 646 61 NZ5 91 112 36 nof That’s all folks Big Thank You to Hary
  21. 97 Ryan Harrison wins a very entertaining last three laps heat 2
  22. Restart order 217 97 212 242 555 587 238 67 388 548 nor
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