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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 163 364 67 44 338 289 457 216 501 55 53 11 242 16 8 217 515 2 20 212 259 469 587 1 555 463 544 nor
  2. Lap 2 yf 525 and 67 half blocking track on t4 exit all ok
  3. Meeting final on track sponsored by NFR Racewear & F1 Stock Car Driving Experience Whites 44 163 67 Yellows 364 338 499 544 Blues 242 53 289 555 11 216 457 Reds & Superstars 8 525 501 587 55 Shooters 1(84) 2 16 20 212 217 259 463 515 Novices 469+
  4. Consolation Result 55 16 501 67 268 212 338 242 544 469 499 555 nof
  5. Restart order 67 55 501 16 268 582 555 212 242 338 127 499 544 469 nor
  6. About halfway yf 545 and 580 on back straight all ok
  7. Consolation on track First 12 to the final Whites 67 580 414 404 Yellows 268 338 545 582 544 499(no aerofoil) Blues 127 242 555 Reds & Superstars 501 55 Shooters 526 16 212 Novices 388+ 469+
  8. Heat 2 Result 587 515 217 8 2 259 216 525 53 11 - 338 295 555 nof
  9. The rain came down The track got very slippy 587 controlled his car best and wins heat 2
  10. Restart order 587 217 515 8 2 555 525 11 216 53 259 295 469 nor
  11. Restart order 587 217 338 8 359 515 2 555 525 11 53 259 216 499 295 469 nor
  12. Heat 2 on track First 10 to the final Whites 404 67 359 295 580 Yellows 268 338 499 337 582 Blues 127 53 555 216 11 Reds 525 587 8 Shooters 259 2 16 217 515 Novices 469
  13. Heat 1 Result 1 457 364 289 20 463 44 45 163 nof
  14. By nearly a quarter of a lap, 1 Tom Harris wins heat 1
  15. Restart order 1 45ld 44ld 163ld 457 364 289 20 463
  16. About 3 to go yf 388 stranded on back straight entrance all ok
  17. Restart order 163 414 501 544 289 1 364 457 463 20 45 388 44 nor
  18. Lap 2 yf 545 on 124 bonnet in t4 and 299 stranded on t4 race line all ok
  19. Restart order 163 364 299 414 544 545 124 etc etc
  20. Lap 1 yf 524 in fence at end of home straight all ok
  21. Heat 1 on track First 10 to the final Whites 44 524 163 414 299 Yellows 45 364 545 544 Blues 124 242 289 457 Reds & Superstars 8 501 55 Shooters 463 1 20 Novices 388
  22. 2023 Grand National Championship Result 1(84) 515 217 - 55 457 16 555 289 11 20 - 501 216 587 nof
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