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Everything posted by nic

  1. Grand National on track Lap Handicap 381 Whites 295 293 90 505 Yellows 287 269 339 263 147 345 Blues 408 175 157 555 124 73 216 Reds & Superstars H318 48 8 318 501 H248 Shooters 1(84) 2 16 20 212 217 515 526 Novices 378
  2. BriSCA V8 HotStox European Championship Top Three 257 Timmy Aldridge 201 Evan Billock 10 Gilen Bullock
  3. Colin North Memorial Sponsored by Marwood Caravan Park Final Result 381 1(84) 318 216 H124 48 287 73 2 25 - 212 295
  4. Final in memory of Colin North sponsored by Marwood Caravan Park top three 381 Tyrone Evans 1(84) Tom Harris 318 Rob Speak
  5. Restart order 381 216 1 378 505 295 287 318 48 73 124 25 147 555 2 452 217 etc etc
  6. Lap 7 ish yf all ok restsrt order 295 381 216 287 452 178 147 73 555 505 1 157 H124 48 25 318 498 etc etc
  7. Meeting final on track for the Colin North (Teng Tools) Memorial sponsored by Marwood Caravan Park Whites 295 505 Yellows 147 178 287 345 452 Blues 25 73 157 175 216 381 408 498 543 555 Reds & Superstars 8 48 318 501 H124 H248 Shooters 1(84) 2 16 20 212 217 259 463 515 526 Novices 378 DNS 43 226
  8. Consolation Result 318 555 8 287 463 345 295 H248 226 43 378 505
  9. 318 Rob Speak wins the consolation in his 2024 BriSCA F1 World Final gift wrapped car.
  10. Restart order 318 295 484 555 8 H248 287 43 226 463 345 378 505 270 nor
  11. A few to go yf 524 stranded on home straight All ok
  12. Restart order 295 226 132 484 43 372 318 505 415 345 524 555 8 287 463 248 293 378 270 nor
  13. Next lap yf 300 stranded on home straight All ok
  14. Restart order 295 524 226 505 559 43 132 484 372 345 415 318 300 463 293 287 378 555 8 248 270 nor
  15. Consolation on track First 12 to the final Whites 295 90 505 226 524 559 293 Yellows 415 141 300 43 484 132 287 263 372 345 Blues 326 555 124 368 Reds & Superstars 8 318 H248 H318 Shooters 463 Novices 270 378
  16. Heat 2 Result 408 48 1 25 501 212 20 259 2 178 175 73
  17. Lap 5 ish yf all ok restart order 408 73 178 226 48 25 501 484 H248 1 212 175 43 259 505 20 132 2 378 339 372 293 nor
  18. Heat 2 on track First 12 to the final Whites 505 226 293 Yellows 43 372 484 339 178 132 Blues 408 555 25 73 242 175 Reds 48 H248 501 Shooters 259 2 20 212 1 Novices 378
  19. Heat 1 Result 381 16 515 217 147 452 498 157 526 543 216 H124
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