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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 67 21 345 1 582 457 335 185 212 515 217 346 97 12 463 16 566 289 235 145 450 nor
  2. Helter Skelter on track Lap Handicap 97 Whites 67 Yellows 268 235 345 582 261 450 Blues 335 185 346 289 457 12 Reds 525 21 Superstars Shooters 2 463 1 16 515 212 217 Novices 566w+ 145y+
  3. Meeting final (Ben Turner Memorial) result sponsored by Teng Tools and the Ben Turner family 97 1(84) 217 67 16 268 21 525 2 463 - 289 5
  4. Meeting final on track sponsored by Teng Tools and the Ben Turner family top three Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison Second - 1 Tom Harris Third - 217 Lee Fairhurst 217 doing a last bender on my driver of the day 67
  5. Restart order Water cart 67 268 469 97 235 55 5 457 16 217 1 185 21 463 525 346 2 289 566 nor
  6. Meeting final on track sponsored by Teng Tools and the Ben Turner family Whites 67 469 Yellows 268 372 545 235 Blues 12 127 185 289 335 346 457 Reds 21 525 Superstars 97 55 Shooters 5 2 463 259 1 16 515 212 217 Novices 566W+
  7. Consolation result 55 515 16 545 289 235 463 268 525 566 469 12 nof
  8. 55 Craig Finnikin wins the consolation. The 515 got on the inside of the 55 car going in bends on a couple of occasions, but probably thought better than to turn right on the bend exit!! And the 55 car pulled clear for a safe win.
  9. Restart order 545 469 235 268 55 515 289 16 12 463 261 525 450 566 145 nor
  10. Lap 4 ish yf 582 stranded on home straight all ok
  11. Consolation on track First 16 to the final Whites 407 469 Yellows 261 235 582 545 268 415 450 Blues 12 289 Reds 525 Superstars 55 Shooters 526 463 16 515 Novices 556w+ 145y+ DNS 368
  12. 15 - 20 minute break for track preparation. When I arrived early this morning, the track looked like a mud swamp. But cone the first race today, it looked and performed mint. But due to time constraints, not enough packing down was possible, so the build up of shale against the corner fence needs to be removed.
  13. Heat 2 result 97 67 212 457 127 372 5 259 - 463 235 469 545 DNF 16
  14. 97 Ryan Harrison easily wins heat 2 after taking the lead just after halfway from the 67 car, who finished in 2nd place a quarter of a lap behind.
  15. Heat 2 on track First 8 to the final Whites 67 469 Yellows 261 235 372 545 Blues 12 127 289 457 Reds 525 Superstars 97 Shooters 5 463 259 212 16 Novices
  16. Heat 1 result 346 1(84) 185 217 345 335 2 21 - 450 566 407 145
  17. 346 Ashley England wins heat 2 About just before halfway 515 tried a right turn move on 55 coming out of t2, 55 promptly turned left taking both cars onto the infield, a few laps later both drivers retired with punctures.
  18. Heat 1 on track First 8 to the final Whites 407 Yellows 345 450 Blues 185 335 346 368 Reds 21 Superstars 55 Shooters 2 1 515 217 Novices 566w+ 145y+
  19. 2L National Saloon StockCars Bumper Trophy Top Three 561 Aaron Totham 161 Billy Smith 238 Alfie Aldous
  20. Presentation from Trackstar to 415 Russell Cooper for commitment to the sport. This being Russell’s last season racing F1 StockCars. Whites and Yellows result 67 235 469 415 345 372 261 407 450 566 - 545 nof
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