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Everything posted by nic

  1. 2 laps later yf all ok restart order 67 268 216 55 457 217 587 1 16 466 501 525 548 20 289 53 414 235 469 545 530 nor
  2. Lap 3 ish yf all ok restart order 67 548 268 469 216 545 457 55 587 466 217 16 78 501 1 212 525 289 20 53 299 414 530 235 nor
  3. Meeting final on track sponsored by “American Racer” Whites 469 67 163 580 414 299 548 Yellows 78 235 268 545 Blues 53 216 289 446 457 Reds 525 501 587 Superstars 55 Shooters 1 16 20 212 217 515 Novices 530w+
  4. F2 Final result 880 183 968 7 995 223 647 560 346 524
  5. Heat 3 Result 216 1 217 16 55 20 53 501 35 530 235 44 548 299 414
  6. Lap 10 ish yf all ok restart order 216 163 185 1 501 217 16 20 53 235 44 55 35 548 299 530 414 nor
  7. Lap 4 ish yf all ok restart order 163 548 499 364 55 185 501 H54 16 1 217 20 44 299 388 53 35 530 414 nor
  8. Heat 3 on track Whites 44 299 580 163 548 414 Yellows 268 364 499 35 582 H54 235 Blues 185 53 216 Reds 525 501 Superstars 55 Shooters 217 20 515 16 1 Novices 530w+ 388w+
  9. Heat 1 result amendment from race control 1 217 216 78 H54 446 587 16 2 457 - 212 414 364 469 44 nof
  10. Heat 2 Result 55 515 163 78 587 525 289 20 268 235 446 548 469 499 545 457
  11. Lap 6 ish yf all ok restart order 163 499 78 582 55 457 469 446 515 525 587 2 289 530 20 235 268 548 404 545 388 nor
  12. Heat 2 on track Whites 404 163 548 530 67 469 Yellows 78 268 545 499 235 582 Blues 211 185 446 289 457 53 Reds 525 587 Superstars 55 Shooters 2 463 20 515 212 Novices 388w+
  13. F2 heat 2 result 880 58 183 995 223 47 346 524 618 968
  14. F2 Heat 1 result 136 38 7 992 488 560 344 213 979 377
  15. Heat 1 result 1 217 216 78 H54 446 587 16 457 212 414 364 2 469 44 nof
  16. About lap 10 ish yf all ok restart order 217 216 1 457 469 44 212 78 364 H54 446 2 16 587 414 nor
  17. Lap 3 yf all ok restart order 67 2 44 364 211 580 469 545 35 414 457 216 H54 1 217 501 587 212 446 16 299 nor
  18. Heat 1 on track Whites 44 299 580 469 67 414 Yellows 78 364 545 35 H54 Blues 211 446 216 457 Reds 501 587 Shooters 2 217 16 1 212
  19. In The “Bradford 2023 Shoot Out Finale sponsored by “American Race” Pits X denotes I did not see them XX denotes not available Shootout - Flashing Lights in points order (8) 1 Tom Harris (407) 212 Danny Wainman (288) 217 Lee Fairhurst (279) 16 Matt Newson (266) 515 Wainman (231) 20 Liam Gilbank (172) XX 259 Paul Hines (132) 463 James Morris (113) 2 Paul Harrison (106) XX 526 Finn Sargent (58) XX 5 Charlie Sworder (37)XX 166 Bobby Griffin (36) Superstar – Red Roof – Flashing lights (1) 55 Craig Finnikin Star Grade – Red Roof 501 George Elwell 525 Nigel de Kock 587 Sam Brigg A Grade – Blue Roof (7) 53 John Lund X 175 Karl Hawkins 185 Lenny Smith 211 Phoebe Wainman 216 Jack France 289 Jake Walker 446 Joe Booth 457 Callum B Grade – Yellow Roof (10) 35 Neil Shenton 78 Lewis Galer 235 Mick Howorth 268 Richard 364 Robert Plant 499 Marc Clayton in MN car 545 William Adams 582 Karl Mosley H54 Sierd de Vries Whites(9) 44 Tom Brown 67 Henry Robson 163 Mark Balmer 299 Nathan Harrison 388 Ash Patch in MN car 404 Danny Mitchell 414 Harley Halton 469 Jonathon Davison 530 Darren Sheen in MN car 548 Dan Brooke in FWJ car 580 Marty Allman BriSCA F2 StockCars Whites (12) X 18 Simon Mawdsley 131 Dan Rogers 205 Brandon Young 223 Toby Partridge 304 Nathan Topliff X 307 Tom Lloyd 451 Drew Marsh X 488 Liam Bentham X 567 Barry Clow 651 Ian Helliwell 708 Carlo Borrescio X 896 Adam Cockburn 925 Jake Wilson Yellows (7) 39 Tom Bradley 58 Charlie England 344 Luke Woodhull 524 Michael Wallbank X 588 Mike Kingston Junior 795 Jason clow 63 926 Josh Wilson Blues 136 Karl Taylor 324 Jordon Thackra 377 Daz Shaw 818 Richard Howarth Reds 38 David Polley 346 Ashley England X 776 Daniel Roots 880 Jack Witts 905 Rob Mitchell 992 Harley Burns 995 Michael Lund X H140 Jelle Tesselaar 488 Neil’s Tesselaar Superstars (1) 968 Micky Brennan Shooters (8) 183 Charlie Guinchard (166) 7 Gordon Moodie (163) 647 Chris Burgoyne (158) 560 Luke Wrench (152) XX 618 Ben Lockwood (91) 213 Tom Bennett (88) 47 Greg McKenzie (86) 979 Paul Moss (70) 776 Dan Roots (34) 903 Ben Spence (33)
  20. Meeting Format 14.30 gates open 17.00 Race 1 on track 1-BriSCA F2 White and Yellow Series Final 2-BriSCA F1 Heat 1 (2/3rds) 3-BriSCA F2 Heat 1 4-BriSCA F2 Heat 2 5-BriSCA F1 Heat 2 6-BriSCA F2 Consolation 7-BriSCA F1 Heat 3 8-BriSCA F2 Final 9-BriSCA F1 Final Sponsored by “American Racer” 10-BriSCA F2 Helter Skelter 11-BriSCA F1 Helter Skelter
  21. Greetings BriSCA Formula 1 Stock Car fans It’s Roy and I tonight for the Shootout Finale
  22. Meeting Summary BriSCA F1 Stock Car (All in) Heat 1 Winner - 339 Anthony Lee 381 157 1(84) 12 515 242 501 212 217 - 408 452 Heat 2 Winner - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 501 212 157 12 217 498 1 20 551 - 242 287 Final Sponsored Complete Interiors - Design & Build Winner - 408 Ant Whorton-Eales Second - 217 Lee Fairhurst Third - 157 Adam Joyce 242 212 20 124 452 551 12 - 11 147 Helter Skelter Winner - 1 Tom Harris 157 515 452 381 147 12 212 242 217 - 551 20 Stock Rods Series Final Winner - 168 Andy Stuart Second - 447 Stuart Smyth Third - 122 Zak Alaouli 113 212 216 110 33 151 974 Heat 1 Winner - 212 John Smith 100 248 845 11 183 110 68 21 113 Meeting Final Winner - 212 John Smith Second - 168 Andy Sturt Third - 110 Kevin Wareham 84 216 447 113 122 11 21 Bangers Heat 1 Winner - 126 Daniel Bowley 214 221 992 118 124 02 141 601 228 Heat 2 Winner - 471 Trevor Perry 219 198 193 610 299 251 673 732 241 Man of the Midlands Championship Winner - 126 Daniel Bowley Second - 214 Shane Rawlings Third - 249 Ryan Salt 291 543 349 219 314 298 296 All Comers 1 Winner - 851 Trevor Davies 111 119 214 298 573 241 291 Destruction Derby Winner - 291 Aaron Witton
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